Friday, November 11, 2011

System Restored

I guess I maybe figured out how to restore my system (computer) without paying money for it.

I chose the wrong date, but went back one extra day to be sure.

My laptop was disconnected and I tried diagnostics and everything on the normal interface and looked at other system things (networking).

And then I guess I decided, tonight, to try F8 start-up and chose from the bottom. Debugging. Looked like nothing different. Then, domain controllers only and went there.

So I chose not to proceed and to restore back rather than go into it, and it asked me to choose a date of last known working order. It was the 9th but since I didn't know what time of day it was going to choose, I went back to the 8th and then it restored all my settings so I'm able to be online at my own home again.

I guess I saved us $45.

We were going to take it in this afternoon and then I was insulted so I blew up and they didn't want to take it in anymore. So I figured it out tonight. Maybe. I don't know if I really figured it out or someone just connected something again.

On the regular interface it says it will restore to last known setting, if you do the diagnostics, but it didn't work.. Then when I went to domain controller, it asked for me to choose the date on a calendar and I did and then for whatever reason, it was working again.

But it was working until 4 p.m. on the 9th. I found out where it goes up to though and it goes up to 12 p.m. or so of the day you choose, if anyone wants to know, to save themselves a buck. I would have picked the 9th but wasn't sure what time it was going back to so I went back 1 day.

I don't have the best feeling right now but earlier, I prayed something for other people and then it boomerranged back to me and I just started laughing and laughing. Probably my prayers don't work very well with everyone--I mean, probably the intended effect doesn't reach everyone but maybe God means it for them but is in hiding so they trust him more or believe in spite of not "feeling" anything
different or noticing anything.

I prayed for the holy spirit to be with those who God knows loves him, despite their misery, and that they would feel what it is, the happiness or joy that doesn't make sense but wells up anyway and I prayed it for those all over the world and different religions, bc God can see into everything and knows who tries, and I particularly then prayed this for prisoners. And then a few minutes later, I was doing other things, and all of a sudden, I started laughing and couldn't help it and I had some things in mind to laugh about but it was something else too, and I thought, "My prayer boomer-ranged!" Or, who knows, maybe someone knew and then prayed the same thing back for me. It wasn't a really long time, but it was still something I noticed and I don't have much to laugh about.

This evening my Dad said something about the funny farm but I thought, "Was he talking about the real funny farm or the ha-ha, funny ha-ha farm. Like stand-up?"

Oh, and earlier this evening I unchecked the boxes that someone had clicked to all others to access and/or disable my network communications because it wasn't like that before. I tried this alone and restarted and did diagnostics (on the main interface) but it didn't make a change so then I tried this other thing.

I wasn't working on it, I was going to get to some word document writing but then I went to the menu and tried this other thing and I guess it worked.

I was making mayo when I decided to try it. I was out of Vegenaise so I looked at the ingredients and tried making it. It's not perfect but close enough. I didn't have soy protein (which would be best) so I ground up soy beans and cooked it and then I didn't have mustard flour but I had mustard seeds so I ground them to flour. I thought I'd ground them all up and thought about the proverb about with faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains and couldn't see a seed at first and then I found there was one there and picked it out and saved it, to remember by.

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