Monday, November 14, 2011

Where's The Carole Middleton Clip

Carole Middleton looks like Amy Roe, and Roe's mother Catherine Roe. Amy Roe is the reporter who defamed me with connections to the steel industry. I realized this just today, as I was looking up audio clips to see how our dog reacted to different accents. For some reason, Google doesn't want to provide even ONE audio clip of Carole Middleton opening her mouth about anything.

I found this line while searching, about "steely" kate. How steely. Steely enough to have won the hearts of the landmine and steel industry? (see at bottom of page for UK Telegraph's reporter comments about "steely Kate"). I saw one clip of James Middleton speaking about "The Spirit of Truth" and observed just a small bit and thought, "It's like watching The World's Biggest Blow Job", okay, scratch that, but that's about how "holy" this marriage was. There was no spirit of truth to be seen. And the odd thing is that they would have this woman looking like a nun juxpositioned next to William while James is giving this titled speech. They had people TORTURE my family. So anyway, our dog, I discovered, is mainly afraid of whatever accent Clive Owens and the British actor who plays Darcy in Pride & Prejudice has (Colin Firth). I played the scene from "1st proposal--the confrontation" from Pride & Prejudice 2005. From the part where she runs across a bridge, into a tower or gazebo and they argue. The dog was freaked out. He kept looking at the door. Everytime a British accent like Clive Owens or the Darcy-Knightly accent comes on, he thinks someone is at the door or has come to our house and he starts shaking. I noticed he also gets nervous when I put on an interview of Clive Owens along with a strange American male voice. The combination of American and English accents from strangers, frightens him. I was giving him only a raisin or 2 when I tried all this. He looked a little worried about Irish accent but not a lot but maybe bc it wasn't very different or I picked the wrong clips. He wasn't afraid of an Italian or Spanish accent. He freaks out over a British accent.

When I was playing "The 1st proposal" scene, the dog kept looking at the door, shaking, and looking at my hands. Then I was just walking past and he backed up, watching. He never does this. Our dog doesn't act strange like this. So it's a particular KIND of British accent and lucky for Carole Middleton, she has a pal on Google that keeps audio clips of her speaking out of reach while they know what I'm up to.

When it was the British accent, the dog started shaking and looking at my hands and repeatedly at the door.

Then, when I played a thick Russian accent, the dog shook violently and while it was playing I reached out to pet our dog and he shrunk back from my hand like I was going to hit him. He even curled up on his side and had front legs out and was shaking and shivering until I let him outside and we ran around through the field and I tried to take his mind off of things.

It's Russian and British.
(which might explain why I got tortured at the Russian Baptist church and some Jewish guys sat in the pews on the same day)

I don't believe the dog confuses Russian with British at all. He acts very differently with the different accents and animals are not stupid. Small inflections or differences a dog might not catch, but if a dog can learn what different words mean, they also pick up on foreign accents and which ones are associated with trauma.

Last night we watched "Die Hard 2" and there were Russian and British accents but the dog didn't notice. They were milder and not very noticeable and of a different type. He could hear the movie. He had no problems with it.

The dog was a little shaky and looked at the door with this Irish guy putting on a Boston accent and sort of talking Italian, but he was more curious or something. He was much more upset with the clip of Pride & Prejudice and he flinched at the part where James Middleton says, "a living sacrifice". Our dog literally jerked when James said this in his little speech (which I only watched 1/2 of because he's a hypocrite and never offered up his own body as a "living sacrifice" for anyone).

Our dog only jerked and perked up when James Middleton drew out that word: living sacrifice.

I KNOW what it is to be a living sacrifice. How would you like to take a turn at it if you're doing to stand there and preach about it. How about YOU take my place and offer yourself up to be a "living sacrifice" because actually, I never consented to such a thing.

Yeah, I put on people talking in Spanish and no problem with the dog. No shaking, shivering, not that all Spanish speakers are good bc we know that's not true, but the dog didn't witness something by a spanish speaking person, unless maybe there was an accent, looking for but don't think so.

It's British and Russian. British could sometimes sound Australian maybe, or possibly Irish to a dog. But it would have to be a certain type. I think it's a type of British. And Russian is separate and I think the dog knows that.

Anyway, I've gone through youtube and all of Google and not one single thing is coming up which has audio of Carole Middleton. Which is strange, considering she's supposedly running and marketing a business and has this daughter people have sponsored and promoted. I think there are audio clips out there, which makes it stranger that the U.S. Google team wants to keep them hidden.

Oh, and I thought about it. I wonder if they know Michael Clark at all. I remembered him when I saw the clip of Colin Firth and he's connected to the UK and the Archdiocese and taught some of my English and poetry classes. He was sort of involved at the time of my defamation.

I checked on Kate's voice and they've erased all of the recordings of her pre-voice-coach. "Silverstream" took them down so we can't do the "before" and "after" on it I guess. I'm mainly interested in Carole. I think that's the voice this dog needs to hear and the one I need to watch for a reaction about. I don't even think there is a point to having the dog hear the reformed voice of Kate, because most likely, if she ever happened across, it was with her old voice, not the dandy one.

Which is almost a hilarious counter to my voice being literally ruined through torture. I mean, how nuts is that? I had my voice robbed from me and downgraded while Kate paid to get business class for hers.

And it's really not a big deal except for the fact that my entire family and our DOG has been tortured so she can have her own set of silverware.
By the way, Scooter is fine right now (our dog). He was still shaking so I took him out for another walk with the cat and ran with him and they played and then I got back and now he's snoozing and not shaking at all. It's emotional. 100% emotional and psychological trauma. Hearing an entire 2 hours of Duplicity a couple weeks ago, put him over the edge and into the vet's offices. And right now, he's absolutely settled and fine. But it was very clear, he is reacting to British and Russian accents. There may be more.

This is Doggie Detective--OUT.

I charge $3,000 an hour to investigate crimes which may have occured around your animals or to evaluate the psychogical cause of stress.
Just tried a clip of Kiera Knightly speaking and the dog started shaking. I tried a Canadian accent and no difference, and with the Northern Ireland one, he did shake a little, but not as much as when he hears British. So it's not just a male British accent that terrifies him, but a British accent by a woman as well. Also, he is not as scared with a higher tenor male British accent as he is with a lower range British male accent. Because I tried this one with a guy and he had a much higher note and tendency to his voice and a different English accent and the dog wasn't moved. But bring in something like Kiera Knightley, Colin Firth, Clive Owens, and mix in something American or brings up terror. And yeah, I did notice he reacted to Northern Irish, but really, not at much as the British ones. And he sort of ducked when I tried to pet him while Kiera Knightly was talking, so there is something about a British woman. He looked like he still trusted me, but with this other woman's voice, he was more hesitant, as if he might be hit or should be more aware and keeps looking at the door. Definitely acts abused around British. Then, with this one strong Russian accent, it was like he couldn't trust he was safe at all anymore and cowered and cringed onto his side, shaking violently.

I won't know how he really reacts to Carole Middleton's voice bc someone will probably tamper with him with the idea that I might try it. Like, force my parents to expose the dog to clips of her and play with him or try to generate good ideas with it. I think actually, that is sort of past that idea though. He most likely had more than one exposure to the British accent, because it upsets him this much and being calm, friendly, and trying to pep him up or give him 1 tiny bit of a raisin or small treat, doesn't soothe him--he can't help it. They really did a job.

It would take a ton of revisiting the trauma or triggers, in a safe place or happier place, for him to unlearn being terrified by it. His unconscious reaction is one of terror. And with the thick Russian accent, I can't play it again because I feel too sorry for him--it was too much to put him through again in one day.

I tried Italian, a real Italian accent around him, and no difference (not saying there are not bad Italians) and I tried spanish and no effect, but British and Russian, and N. Irish, definitely. Surprising, less effect with the N. Irish one. Maybe just less of them around the dog in particular.

I don't notice anything with Asian accent, not that Scooter has been around. But I did something else...he was settled down and I began cooking. Cooking always makes a dog that gets treats from cooking happy. I am not giving him anything, but it's a good distraction and happy memory thing. So when I was NOT cooking and playing Crocodile Dundee, he was shaking. When I cooked and played it, it was a little less. I noticed he bolted at the name "Michael" too, or reacted, but it could have been a coincidence bc he didn't do it the next time. So I cooked and played it and he had settled down. Then I kept cooking and put Pride & Prejudice back on, and even though I had his attention on food, his front legs began shaking so badly he had to lie down. It wasn't his choice--his mind was focused on food, but his subconscience remembers too much and his legs were all shaky and wouldn't support him and he folded there, shaking, while I was smiling and cooking with a spoon. As soon as the British voices came on, he was suddenly alarmed at anything I might do with a kitchen utensil and it's not bc I traumatized him by once or twice holding a knife, bc I didn't act scary and did nothing scary. So it's not connected to me at all, but he went back on watch when hearing this accent.

If he did this with that clip, I know I cannot put on the thick Russian accent because the cooking will not cover for his terror and I don't want to put him through that.

I'm thinking about Susan Hay and friends. I am seriously beginning to wonder because she was also on the line and my mother's business was being held up unless she agreed to do something with one of the realtors here. My mother was on the phone with Hay and with the people she was selling a house to, and another realtor and it was all being held up and we were being tortured in the car while driving until my mother finally said, "Let's walk." or something like that, a few weeks ago. All of a sudden, the deal...presto...went through.

It's like, if they keep quiet about our family being tortured, we get tortured LESS. GREAT deal. How about, "None of us deserved to be victims of hate crime, EVER."

Cannot rule out:
N. Irish

Rule in, definitely:

as triggers.

I decided to play other sounds while cooking so I chose girls playing outside and it scared Scooter, so then I picked a random boys playing outside clip and he settled down and was calm and isn't shaking. This is the clip:

Apr 26, 2011 ... Sensible, steely but warm-hearted, Kate Middleton will bring a ... Not bad for a girl
who has had to endure the longest job interview in history. ... to multi-millionaires,
thanks to Carole's mail-order Party Pieces firm, is well known. ... Jennie Bond, the
veteran BBC Court correspondent, goes so far as to suggest ...

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