Saturday, December 31, 2011

Habaneros & Snorting Capasain (yesterday)

I would treat this post with caution and do not recommend anyone follow me without talking to a doctor or knowing your own body well.

But I thought I would tout the benefits of habaneros again as I've been grinding one up and drinking it once a day with good results. In TN I had no blender so I was having to try to chew off tiny bits to swallow and that was horrible.

If you puree it and slurp it really fast, it's not bad.

The other thing I tried which I thought was okay was snorting capascain. I haven't been able to smell a thing, my sinuses were so clogged. Everyone kept saying I smelled or my place smelled and I know it's true because at times I've smelled this very odd chemical smell and it's not my "chinese spices".

But since habaneros are good for you (I would say adults not children unless it's for a child remedy that is careful and specific and they're older), I decided to see how different things cross the blood brain barrier.

I actually came upon the idea randomly because on one hand I knew about benefits of habeneros. Secondly, I couldn't smell anything and had foggy brain so I wondered, separately, which foods cross blood-brain barrier and are good for you (like cold-pressed oils and things).

I had never heard of anyone snorting capascain before. Capsacain is just chili powder. It's what makes chilis hot. The habaneros have a ton more capsacain than jalepenos for example. It's not a drug.

I wondered though, since scientists are experimenting with capsacain for medical treatments of pain, arthritis, cancer, and other things, if anyone ever snorts it to cross the blood-brain barrier faster.

So I looked it up first online and it said it was good for sinus so I did it. I used cayenne pepper powder and snorted and followed by snorting water and it went right to the head and made my ears pop, sort of like opening them up.

The weird thing though is that while I teared a tiny bit or had a little runny nose, not what I would expect from such hot stuff. Then it sort of burned so I pinched and rubbed my nose and then blew my nose a lot. And I started sneezing and sneezing.

I think it was a good thing to try, for me, because the first time I did it, a tiny bit of black-grey residue came with it, like maybe my silia (nosehairs) had trapped in a little bit of cigarette smoke from a long time ago.

For comfort, I had a towel to rub my eyes with, and tissue for blowing my nose, and then I kept my hands in warm water because I had a little chill and I washed my face.

I haven't done it today but I did it yesterday and the night before, once. I wasn't sure how to do it so I made two tiny lines on the counter of chili powder and snorted and then I realized I was just getting a little bit of it and didn't need to make a line or anything. Just needed a dab to sniff up.

I hardly used any at all and it worked pretty well. Later, last night, I was able to smell my bathroom again. I'm still clogged up or something, but it was better.

I have my roasted garlic with a habanero puree chaser sometimes and then I have my spirulina, kelp, astragalus mixture with a little water and then a small chaser of apple cider vinger.

I made a hot sauce with vinegar and habaneros and onion, so since it has vinegar I use it for a chaser after my green mix.

I don't have it all the time either. More recently. And then I have my bee pollen which I think is good.

I think the Silk soy milk is good simply for the b12 vitamin in it but that's bc I'm not taking supplements of any kind and vegan food doesn't have b12 in it naturally. The ginko is good for my circulation and I like to follow strong ginko tea with black coffee. I don't know if it's true, but I feel the ginko gets the circulation going and opens up a channel for the coffee to then give a good effect.

My tinctures with milk thistle are looking really good. I was pretty scientific and careful about it.

The only thing I forgot was that the seeds expand a little when wet and I could have used less seeds and more of the liquid but it's still fine. I turn them over once a day and they've been sealed with the parafin wax at the top. Two seals sort of bubbled up a little so I have to put another layer over it.

My essential oils are also coming along. I have rose petals-strawberry leaves, eucalyptus, hydrangea, and vanilla. Could do more but just used what was available. The vanilla one smells really good and I used real extract and then topped it with coconut oil and it smells so good it's like a popouri so I left it like that but I might make it into a cream. The eucalyptus blend smells very good. It's not pungent at all...and the hydrangea I can't really smell and the petal-leaves are sort of fruity. Since coconut oil stays solid at certain temps, I keep them in front of a heater so they can stay liquid and absorb and then I'm thinking of how to blend with olive oil.

I tried to use lecithin as a fat emusifier for the coconut oil but it didn't work. I mean, it didn't prevent the coconut oil from solifying. I thought if maybe the coconut oil is liquid and then you add the concentrate to olive oil or switch and start steeping with a mixture, the one oil will keep the other one from turning to a solid. I'm just playing it by ear right now.

I am not very good at math and science, but my interest in organic things and tinctures really gets me thinking about learning my chemistry table again. It's really not my gift or forte--science or hard sciences. I'm more of a biology person, and light biology (no labs). But when I'm reading about how to do gemmotherapy or oils and mixtures for medicinal benefit, and when I'm figuring out which of my foods to blend for optimal impact, or trying to understand a drug so I can counter its effects (like haldol), then I sometimes interested in knowing about a few principles.

But I like it more as a hobby I think.

I bought Gray's Anatomy (the big big of anatomical diagrams) in 1997 or earlier, because after 1995 (the car crash) I wanted to understand my broken neck better. So I read about the brain and the neck and was most interested in the brain and neuro stuff. But, like I said, it's more of a creative hobby. I like painting and reading, writing, and making potions, lotions and medicinal tinctures. I tried to make my own wine sometime between 1999-2002 after seeing my housemate make bathtub beer in 1998. So I bought a bunch of organic grapes and crushed them and everything and I read you need yeast but I thought maybe I could get it to ferment without yeast. But I think my temperatures were wrong because it worked at first and then it started to get slightly moldy and I had to throw it out. I sort of got halfway there with it. Then I think I tried to make it in Wenatchee again, when I lived there but decided not to or something, or maybe it molded again. I can't remember. I just know I wanted it to work the old-fashioned way without the quick-start helps.

I am sure I'll do it succesfully one day.

I've also made some good flat breads lately. Can't have bread, so I've made a variety of flatbreads that are non-gluten and yeast-free. Some of them turned out just like pita bread, with pockets puffing up while cooking. Which then had me thinking, I could make pop tarts and put a filling on the inside! but I can't have fruit right now so no filling. I put my flat bread in the toaster and it makes a good toast or cracker. I've made flatbread with a number of different ingredients including flaxseed (which I make my own meal from), oat bran, rice flour (which I make myself by grinding up hard uncooked brown rice in the blender), pumpkin seeds, walnuts, squash seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin puree, zucchini puree, soy milk, and using different combinations.

I also made a tomato-free salsa with jalepenos, onion, and habanero, using slightly cooked zucchini instead of tomatoes as something sort of moist which will help blend flavors. Something like 1 lg onion, 4 jalapenos, 2 habaneros, 1 zucchini, stir.

I've also made a lot of refried beans and bean dip. I made the refried beans from scratch, old-style and they're very good and then I wanted something fat-free so I cooked up the pintos and then mashed them or pureed in the blender for a thick bean dip or fat-free refried (which really isn't fried at all).

My falafel fell apart because I think it needed flour and I wasn't using any, but it had good flavor.

Anyway, it doesn't take hardly any time to make these things. Most of it has to sit and soak or bake while you're working on other stuff.

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