Thursday, December 1, 2011

"New Tradition Tree"?

I just heard some clip from the radio about a "new tradition" and it doesn't make sense at all. It said there was one tree and then they put in a different tree for some reason and "to give it time to grow".

Cut down trees grow? and what's the new tradition? it's a tree in the White House, for Christmas. Sounds like the same thing to me.

I'm not "getting" the commentary but clearly it's not really meant to be about trees.

I just looked it up. It's a tree from a New Jersey nursery that is replacing a 46 year old tree from Pennsylvania.

A Jersey tree. Like that's what the U.S. needs. For a new, COUGH COUGH, "tradition".


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. Thank you Steve, for the invitation and I also invite others to check out your website.

    From the small amount I read, your theology appears to be in keeping with orthodox or mainline christianity.
