Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pamela Coffell Is Going To Be Sued

Does Randy Coffell ring a bell? For those who don't know, Omak is just up the road from Wenatchee and is also where Tina Thornton knows some people. Randy Coffell is the Human Resource Director for the hospital up the road.

Okay, for those who don't know...Because there was no investigation from CPS when I went to Canada, they had to make something up. Literally. So when I got back to Wenatchee I wanted to see what in the world was created against me when they had nothing. I read Pamela Coffell's report and it sounded just like Mt. Angel Abbey attorney work.

And she completely lied. With CPS, there is no such thing as a "never-ending investigation". If someone makes a report, CPS is obligated to look into it and then they either take it to court if there are grounds for investigation and court process, OR they have to write it off.

Write it off. Like expenses Pammy.

So basically, once something is written off, it's gone. They check the report and decide whether or not it even warrants an "investigation". If it does, and they get evidence of harm, they take it to court. If it does and there is no evidence, or if there is nothing right from the start, they are required by law to close the matter.

You can't go back to a closed matter where the determination was that nothing was there. So if someone has 10 reports made against them, some of these reports might turn into an investigation and other don't even make investigation. It's like police reports. Police write reports and listen, but they don't have to open an investigation for every single thing if they can tell right from the start there is nothing there. And once it's closed, that's it. If an officer takes a report, he might make an incident number but that's it. So someone could be targeted and bullied and have a lot of people calling to try to make "reports" and all of these things can get written off.

That's what happened to me. A lot of people were mad at me so they called to make "reports" and every single one of those reports was written off.

After I tried to go to police to get people charged with making false reports, which is a misdemeanor, Pam and another woman came out to see me. There was no new report even, they just decided to come out and see me because the doctors wanted them to since no mental health professional would agree I was mentally ill. The doctors knew I was planning to sue them so they were angry. So Pam comes out and it was no big deal, and not an investigation either. Then I wrote a letter by email and said I was tired of being harassed and anytime they wanted to observe me and my son out in public let me know and I could make arrangments and they were also free to visit me at my house.

So they decided to take me up on my offer, to visit me at my house.

That is not an "investigation". And there was also no "ongoing investigation" because that's not allowed. Each report is either open or closed, period. Every previous complaint was ruled "unfounded" and checked.

If they had come out to my house and been inside and found something wrong, like dangerous machinery around, or if I had offered Pammy a mimosa, they might try to say I was negligent. If I had a couple of dishes in the sink, they might use THAT to start an investigation and say they were concerned about sanitation.

But they had to be in my house first. Which is why they wanted to come over, because there was no investigation and they hoped they might find something to start one over.

And, there was no ongoing investigation and her lie about that is a lie.

So when they told Canada I fled from them, they lied.

They literally created an entire report, investigation, and tried to back it up and claim it was all part of an ongoing investigation for months.

They falsified an entire "investigation" and report.

Not only that, they came up with everything after my son and I had already left the country.

It would be like this:

1. Man calls up police to say, "I hear some shouting and I hope the lady next door is okay because I think maybe her husband is abusive."

2. Police arrive at the house where there was shouting. They ask to speak to the people and they say everything is fine.

3. The police write an incidence report and do not investigate further.

4. Man thought by neighbor to be "abusing his wife" decides that after a few too many times of harassment and for whatever personal reason, he leaves the country with his daughter who he has sole legal custody over. There is no mother and no other legal guardian.

5. Man reported as "maybe abusive" is in Canada, with his kid.

6. Police race to Canadians and say, "This man just left our country and he's a big-time wife beater!" They continue, "He is so crazy and potentially dangerous we are really worried that his daughter might be endangered."

7. Canadians to police, "He just asked us for political asylum because he says he's being beat up in town and police don't do anything and people make reports all the time. He was being forced out of town but he needed to file a lawsuit for his daughter so he decided to stay until it got pretty bad. That's what he says." Other Canadian, who knows the police the man is going to sue, "No, this guy is a huge wife-beater. Huge. And he's paranoid because he thinks all these people are out to get him and there's this big conspiracy or something."

So there is no warrant for the alleged "wife-beater". No court case, nothing. The police in the U.S. tell Canada, "We have an ongoing investigation against him and he ran."

So they lie. There is no investigation. There were reports, but all reports were noted and closed because there was not even enough evidence to investigate. Since they have no investigation, they try to lump together a bunch of reports they already closed and said were groundless, and then claim this has been going on for months. No one mentions the fact that the reports were made by people this man was trying to sue. And no one mentions how the CPS workers and social workers with the most interest are connected to the people he would be suing.

So tell me. Was there an ongoing investigation of the "wife-beater"?

No, there was not.

And if there wasn't, it was because each report or incident was closed. So if there is no investigation pending, did the man really run? If he says to the cops, "Hey, stop by anytime if you have questions okay?" and if they say can we stop over to ask you a few things, is that an investigation? No. Police can ask people all kinds of questions, and check stories, and call people up on the phone. That doesn't make it an investigation. You could have an officer who has made countless reports against the "wife beater" one day just decide out of curiosity to go over and ask the guy why everyone is making complaints about him. That's not an investigation.

If, while visiting the man at his house, he notices abusive treatment of the woman, aha, maybe he has grounds for investigation. And if later there are marks of abuse, even evidence.

You cannot run investigations on "nothingness". You also cannot legally harass a citizen and have nothing on them and then chase them down to another country and lie and claim the person is mentally ill, dangerous, and a wife beater under ongoing investigation when the last time you saw that person, you had closed another false report as unfounded.

You do not harass citizens and DEFAME them and lie to other countries because you are worried about not controlling them. No one in their right mind approaches Canadian officials and says, "We need that girl back because the father ran off with her while under investigation and he's crazy." He's under investigation? show me. Show me dates and where it says he was under "investigation". It looks to me like you have a bunch of closed reports from malicious neighbors and people he was about to sue.

So that's how you prosecute people? or take their kid?

Not to mention the fact that not only was there NO investigation from CPS on me or my son, IF they open an investigation they are required by law to offer services to remedy whatever problem they think might be there.

They cannot take children away from parents unless they are about to die, i.e, imminent harm. And you can't do that without evidence from a psychologist and if that person just saw 2 psychologists who say Cameo is not mentally ill, you don't have a case. You also just lied and defamed someone by claiming, against the mental health professionals, that Cameo is paranoid schitzophrenic. Diagnosis and everything! Wow.

They did not offer any services as required by law. They didn't offer services because there was no investigation. You have to have an investigation first, and come up with a reason to offer services, before you can offer them.

They had not ever offered me services because there were no grounds for providing me with anything. Services such as "drug and alcohol counseling" (or testing first), "counseling", "rehabilitation for injuries", whatever.

The reason they wanted to see my house was to see if they could find anything inside that would give them a good reason to open an investigation. Why? because they had nothing.

So chasing me down to Canada, lying about me, traumatizing my son beyond repair, even having me arrested just to get what you want and obstruct political asylum, is illegal.

You broke the law.

And Pam knows she broke the law. She lied throughout an entire report.

Why didn't I contest it? I tried, but like I said, they were all in on it and worked against me, including my own public defenders. And the first one I got was Paul Cassel, who is Catholic and used to work with the Judge who was assigned to my case, Hotchkiss. Funny how Cassel likes to drink so much too, just like Pam.

I wonder if Pam likes to go to those swinging parties, or if she settles for the drinks. I know she's not a christian like she claims. That's a fact. If she likes drinking so much, does she also abuse other substances and enjoy them as hobbies?

She claims to like tubing down the river with beer and wine and her second hobby (according to her facebook profile, listed below as found) is hot tubbing with champagne. That just sounds like drinking. And for someone who is investigating safety precautions for children, she should know getting drunk down a river and in a hot tub isn't smart.

But Pam's not smart. She's getting sued for being stupid and malicious. Might be time to sell the hot tub Pam. Maybe you could recycle some of your beer bottles to bring in a little extra cash for your baby too.

The other thing I will be checking is that her daughter featured in the photo looks like the woman I saw at Pam Lewises when I first showed up in Oregon. The blond one with glasses like that who made a snide and mean comment to me. Who had just been married (5 months ago). Same expression. Rosemary and Gordon West's daughter-in-law...their son had gotten married.

Pamela CoffellPamela Coffell
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Wrong Pamela Coffell? Try Again

Others With a Similar Name
Pamela Lawrence
Pamela Dunsmore
Pamela Jacobson
Pamela Ferreira
Pamela Ingold
Pamela Barcelo
Pamela Landi
Pamela Mei
Activities and Interests
Activities Tubing Down the River
Go tubing down the Wenatchee river on a really hot summer day with an ice chest full of wine, beer, etc. tied to us
Hot tubs
Go hot tubbing in the morning with a bottle of champagne and OJ to make Mimosa's.


Other How-D Acres, Stop Animal Cruelty, The people Who beat animals should be beaten back!

Arts and Entertainment
Music 80's RockJourneySoft rockChristian rock


Books Ann Rule


Movies Chronicles of NarniaThe Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Official Page)AvatarHidalgoShawshank Redemption


Television Two and a Half MenMashWhose Line Is It Anyway?


Games PinochleCribbageBunco


  1. You have so many lawsuits planned you are going to need to invest in some type of software to keep track of them. Perhaps an Excel spreadsheet. I would organize first by identity of the defendant (individual and/or agency), then cross reference with religion, technology used if any etc.
    Another thought, if this conspiracy is as vast as you describe it, why bother suing anybody? If the State and Federal courts are in on the conspiracy then your lawsuits would be futile? Or are you thinking of maybe going to an international court? Like the Hague?
