Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chicago Says Wait Time Is 10 Minutes

I am on the phone with the Washington D.C. Department of Education branch, Direct Loan Servicing, the one with customer service in Chicago. I had to first enter in my birthday and social security number so they could identify me.

Then they announced they are experiencing high call volume, and that waits are for,
"10 minutes".

I have never heard of any U.S. Department of Education group claiming wait time is going to be 10 minutes. They have tons of people in their customer service department.

Not only that, this department said they were mailing a letter of clearance weeks ago and they never did.

(4:00 p.m. PST) Now I'm on the phone with someone in California supposedly, for a call center for Direct Loans Servicing and I was just told today there are various call centers, not just Chicago, though that's who I got in the past. So I've been on hold forever with California as she stalls hoping my phone dies. She just got on the phone twice and said "Wait one minute" and then made me hold forever while my phone is beeping and said "Wait one minute".

Then I posted what she was doing and she got on the phone and told me their deparmtent says they never got my mail and claims to have never received a letter from me, which I told them I sent to their Greenville, TX offices on December 14, 2011.

She she said she's going to send out forms again and I said I don't need to have forms sent out, I printed it out myself from the computer and filled it out and mailed it so I'll send a copy of what I already sent (because I made copies of my signed request) and I'll send that and they could backdate it.

Their "lost mail" (which they're lying about) is not my responsibility. They're lying. Texas is lying because that's who I mailed it to and the address is right on the letter I sent and I used that for filling it out on the envelope.

I am so tired of government corruption.

1 comment:

  1. If you pay your bills, you should be fine. An education is not a right. It is a privilege and collection agencies should go after deadbeats who don't pay their student loans.
