Saturday, January 14, 2012

Computer Hacking & Illegal Surveillance & Obstruction

My wi-fi reached to my table without a problem until yesterday or the day before. Then someone did something to weaken the ability for me to get online in the same range.

At the same time, they were actively obstructing justice by repeatedly disconnecting my internet connection when I was trying to do research for my legal matters. They would disable my computer but then it would say enable, and they even had access to my computer enough to have the message for the internet oonnection say one thing on one section and then another thing on another section. So if it said "disabled " in the network connections where you can see LAN and wi-fi, then on the section where you check your connection signal it would say "enabled" or "connected". If it said connected in the internet network box then in the signal box it said "disconnected."

Not only that, I was trying to disable my connection before working on my OIG report and someone kept disallowing me to disable it. I would click and click to disable and it wouldn't. So then I shut off the computer and went to a different part of the house where I don't usually get a connection and then when i plugged back in to the connection at the table someone had clicked it to disabled. This "game" happened for hours with my trying to connect or disconnect and having someone obstruct what I was doing.

Not only that, the box that says access is allowed to others to control my computer is checked, in fade-out. So I don't know if that means it's just not an option for others to control this or if it's in fade-out to make it impossible for me to uncheck.

I'm going to the "administrator" section instead of "owner" and even if I use my computer in safe mode, as administrator, this box is still checked that says others are allowed to control my computer.

They have been obstructing all of my work.

That's on top of torture.
And tonight at about 8 p.m. I walked to my parent's house and the torture that targets mercury fillings was going on. It only targeted the mercury in my mouth and not my neck so I'm sure my parent's fillings could have hurt.

Also, I went to the federal U.S. Department of Health Services site and noticed this page:

I saw how they put an article by "Hill" at the top, which is fascinating since I told the Catholic monks who started all of this, or a lot of this, about a dream I'd had of a 12 yr. boy climbing a hill and reaching back to give me a hand to climb when it was steep. I then told people about this and included in a song I wrote, a chorus refering to him, that refrained, "and I believe, the child knows the king." I didn't tell the monks that, because that was something I did later.

However, all of those Roman Catholics clergy and others later knew about this dream I had because I shared it and they leaked every single thing I did to everyone.

So whoever is in charge of that site layout, if you checked, I think you'd find they are Roman Catholic. And they know I'd go to that site if I'm tryinig to get my son back or need information. They have committed such grandiose crimes, they then joke about it and do things they know I will notice or that their friends will notice and smirk about. That's what they did with some of the RD references too.

I hope no one thinks my son is coming back to me at age 12, because he needs to be returned immediately and the longer he is held hostage from his own mother, while I prove evidence of torture, the worse the damages are when I then explain, "Yeah, and the United States did this, and allowed this to happen to my son too, and then laughed about it."

When they tried to force me to give a social security number for my son, it was to form a contractual nexus. I remember looking into this years ago and being tortured over it.

Here we go. Do you want to know who has been part of torturing me and my son? I think I'll go back and enter this under the blog post with photos of a laser mark on my hand.

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