Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ECMC: The Only Student Service Op Without Hassle

So far, the student service loan business that gave me the least amount of hassle and harassment has been ECMC.

I was trying to look up where they're based out of but haven't found it.

I just got off the phone with an Eastern Indian woman for Sallie Mae that jerked me around and couldn't even tell me where their link for requesting a title for clearance letter was.

They service billions of students who ask for the same thing, and there IS a link, because I accessed it 2 weeks ago and filled it out and submitted the form stating I wanted it faxed to my mother's work office. My mother got nothing from Sallie Mae.

The only group that faxed anything over, after I submitted the request was ECMC.

The U.S. Direct Loans, operating out of D.C. and with offices in Chicago, still hasn't sent me anything either, even though I made my request weeks ago and they were supposed to mail it.

Nothing in the mail.

I've had a few various problems with all of them, here and there, but ECMC service has been superior (from what I remember, unless I'm missing something) to Sallie Mae and the U.S. Department of Education groups. I don't remember their group ever going out of their way to be obstructive.

And the U.S. Dept. of Justice tells me I can't pick and choose who my next lenders are. I beg to differ. It's my money and I'm the one who will be required to pay it back and if I've been harassed by certain groups so far, no way are they taking MY money and "managing" it for me.

I just found it. ECMC is based out of St. Paul or Minneapololis, MN. MN has SIGNIFICANTLY fewer Catholics than Chicago or D.C. Therefore, they will have fewer employees and managers who are Catholic and still trying to collude to obstruct justice.

Seriously. The Direct Loans Consolidation and Direct Loans Servicing are almost all Catholic. And those 2, DLC and DLS, are both headquartered in D.C. where they are almost Catholic. DLC and DLS have branches for customer service in Alabama, Kentucky, and then for DLS, in Chicago, and I had the worst customer service out of Chicago.

The only thing that's different about ECMC is that they're not Catholic majority.

Funny how things smooth out for me when I'm not in the middle of a Catholic gang-bang.

I would add, the NW regional centers that then report to ECMC--they were obstructive. But once it got over to MN, I had no real problems. They just did their job. With Sallie Mae, it was a lot of obstruction. I think, since they are so large, there are good people with Sallie Mae, but I got the wrong ones. And I still don't have my title for clearance letter. With DLC and DLS, a few good ones that popped out of nowhere, but a lot of crappy actions from scheming administrators in D.C. and Chicago. And Chicago, or Direct Loan Servicing, before and after the overhaul, kept obstructing me from even accessing my account. They told me I had to change my address that I had with my Ex in Maryland. They obstructed me from accessing my account for months, forcing me to remove the address I held with him in Germantown, MD. This blocked and delayed processing for months more than the overhaul would have. D.C. did the same. They literally went to my student account with FAFSA, and when I refused to remove the MD address that I'd had with my Ex, they deleted all of the addresses to all of my loan holders and guarantors. They had them deleted so I couldn't even see who I owed money to and find out where the hold up was, for over 1 month.

As long as I kept the Maryland address on my account, the U.S. government allowed their employees to do this to me.

So no, I don't think I want anything to do with "Chicago" or any other Catholic-dominated state or business center, because they prove, over and over, that they agree to a plan to obstruct my goals and freedoms and rights.

Like I said, sunny skies when you're not in the middle of a Catholic gang-bang. That's what it's been. A Catholic gang-bang. And the FBI was standing by watching.

(Again, not to offend some of the decent "catholics", or I don't know if she's decent anymore, but for ex., people like terri, who are not on some kind of catholic vendetta spree. see next post)

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