Thursday, January 5, 2012

Harassment By Washington State (see below)

I typed a search in the case log, under Supreme court and with just the words "direct review". Instead of pulling up the reasonable options, the person choosing which cases to bring up in the search selected only 3: one re. "mccleary vs the state" after my family has been talking about my granny all the time lately, beverly who is a mcquarrie. then 2nd, one about "crosses" and easter. nice and religious line. And then 3rd, one about "hardman" after I made a post about my son being sexually molested because of the State of Washington. It's been worse than this but I don't copy and paste every search I make to google or the governors' website of Washington.

The craziest part about all of this, is that these people are criminals and they know my family has been tortured because it's their and Oregon, and D.C. friends who conspired to torture us to prevent me from being able to defend myself or my son.

There is no justice system in America and it's not that old 80s cliche about being broken. It's that now it is fully corrupt. Russia was being polite.

None of these cases has any kind of top priority to have been selected:

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Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
Opinion Search Results - Advanced Search Sign up for E-mail Notification of new opinions
Search String = "direct review"
3 documents matched your search for direct review

Supreme Court Opinions
Jan. 05, 2012 84362-7 - McCleary v. State
On direct review, this court took the opportunity to define the nature of the
The State filed a notice of appeal with this court seeking direct review under
RAP 4.2(a)(4). CP at 2973-75; State's Statement of Grounds for direct review at
10. Plaintiffs joined in the State's motion for direct review, asserting that the case
Statement of Grounds for direct review, and (2) Statement of Grounds for Direct
agreed and accepted the case for direct review.

Dec. 22, 2011 84632-4 - Five Corners Family Farmers v. State
appeal, seeking direct review by this court. Easterday filed a notice of cross appeal,

Nov. 23, 2011 84379-1 - In re Guardianship of Lamb et al., (62711-2 & 62613-2-i)
We granted the Hardmans' motion for direct review and consolidated

1 comment:

  1. if you typed it into a search engine, there is no person on the other side determining which cases you get. It is a search engine and it works off algorithms to determine which cases fit the parameters of your search. Are you saying that MATH is now part of the conspiracy? Math is not conspiratorial. Math is neutral. Math is nice.
