Thursday, January 26, 2012

I am Kidnapped

I was just thinking, I have made the truthful claim that my son Oliver was kidnapped from me but I think I have grounds to possibly even make the claim that I was kidnapped and have been held and am currently being held hostage in the U.S.

It is the most extreme claim I've made, though actually, torture is extreme. However, I am not changing any facts, it's just that sometimes when you learn more and get older or someone shares the law with you, you begin to understand what laws are being violated.

"Know Your Rights"

You can't know your rights unless you know what they are by also knowing the law.

I know for sure that my son was kidnapped but even though it was a kidnapping, they tried to make it appear legal and slapped a CPS on it for cover. But it was a kidnapping and he is still held hostage from me. Just because they call it adoption doesn't mean that's what it is. It's called "adoption" as a pretense for a case that is a U.S. FRAUD.

I think I have grounds to make a claim that I was kidnapped and that I have been held hostage and detained against my will in the U.S. ever since.

It doesn't really sound realistic--too crazy almost, but so is torture. I figured out that I've been a victim of "obstruction of justice" and "obstruction of travel".

So "obstruction of travel" definitely fits.

I just never thought how "obstruction of travel" is sometimes a kidnapping and hostage situation, made to appear "natural".

I don't have to be behind bars to be, in every sense, a prisoner by legal definition.

I don't know. I was in B.C. and they trumped up a charge instead of giving me and my son a legal political asylum hearing. After they kidnapped my son, they told me to drop my political asylum claim. I said I wanted political asylum and they said well without your son now?

They falsely arrested me to get my son. Then they used my son to extort me into dropping my political asylum claim. I think it's extortion. They said yeah, you can stay here and ask for p.a. but your son is gone and he's in the U.S. and he's suffering right now so are you going to leave him there for over 2-3 years while you stay here and ask for political asylum? and maybe you won't get it. So they could adopt your son out in that time."

They didn't give us p.a. when I first asked, before they falsely arrested me. They could have given both of us p.a.

So they gave me a hearing and didn't want me to talk. They twisted it into an "immigration" issue but that's not what it was. I didn't realize what they were doing at the time. But they turned it into a violation of immigration when they already knew I had asked for p.a.

I was forced back to the U.S.

I was not given a choice.

Telling me I could stay there without my son is NOT a "choice".

They forced me to go back. As soon as I was back, I have been kidnapped. I have been involuntarily detained ever since. It might be a kidnapping just because they forced me back to the U.S. by taking my son. We weren't doing anything illegal in B.C.

Actually, I think it was a kidnapping. Since I was legally there in B.C. as a guest, with someone providing this to me, while trying to talk to someone about political asylum, being picked up by police was a government kidnapping of me and my son with the lie that I was illegally there.

Since I've been back in the U.S. I've been kidnapped, involuntarily detained, and refused every single right that U.S. citizens are guaranteed.

I believe my parents are also involuntarily detained. My brother as well.

I can give approximate and exact examples of involuntary detention.

Since 2004, I could say there was obstruction of travel. Since 2007 I have been kidnapped by the U.S. They basically used B.C. to run an extraordinary rendition of their own citizen who was trying to leave.

I have had my travel blocked ever since. I have been forced out of all housing and work and even unemployment and harassed by the U.S. I have been forced out of educational goals. They refused to process my passport as long as I had money and as soon as they trapped me to have no money, they gave me my passport knowing I couldn't leave. My parents tell me they can give me a "bus pass to anywhere you want within the continental U.S.".

Basically, I can't leave. I can't leave the U.S. and there is not one place in the U.S. that is going to be better than it is here when this is a CIA issue.

I can't go to B.C. and I can't go to Mexico. I can't go anywhere because the U.S. kidnapped me and my son. I can't leave bc my son is here and that's what the U.S. is using to keep me here, along with freezing all of my assets and ability to make any money.

They have been torturing my son and using him. I am not kidding.

My parents are kidnapped as well. I have witnessed their being forced to go places they don't want to go and I once mentioned kidnapped and one of them sort of freaked out, like how did I know. They didn't tell me anything but I have been witness to the fact that they have to go to some places and then they come back totally trashed by torture and it's obvious.

It's like they're under a house arrest and then told to do whatever someone wants at the same time, with the entire FBI and Catholic church occupying their trailer park.

I think they could say kidnapping though bc I think it's seriously happened to them.

Yes, by definition I have been kidnapped. My son was kidnapped and it's been covered up with excuses with my being tortured and my parents tortured to prevent intevention and disclosure.

But what happened to me and is still occuring meets the standard.

They are definitely holding me hostage and have been guilty of this for a long time:

They entire time, they told me not to talk about them on my blog. Don't blog. If you blog we'll punish you. And yeah, torture gives them a pretty good excuse for them discrediting my blog by saying what I write is crazy.

They are holding my entire family hostage. 100% and I was kidnapped by conspiracy within the U.S., as an internationally protected person asking for political asylum. My son was also protected.

They kidnapped my son and then conspired that through this, I would be forced to return. But then they lied too and never even acknowledge in the hearing that it was about political asylum.

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