Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Catholic Coburg Police: Sean Gilhousen (religious hate crime)

I got the report from Coburg police. It was definitely religious hate crime and collusion.

The report lists the officer as signing with "L.M. Gill", I guess a play on Anne of Green Gables? The entire report is rife with inuendoes. L.M. Montgomery is the Canadian who wrote the Anne series and "Gil" was the one she cared for.

So I checked, and there is no officer by the name of L.M. Gill. There WAS an officer by the name of "Sean Gilhousen".

I believe this sounds very familiar to an officer who I met here locally. I will have to check on that. He was promoted to Chief of Police after illegally towing my car, illegally search-and-seizing my vehicle, and pulling me over illegally.

He didn't even list the location of where my car was towed from honestly. He even lied in his report about WHY he pulled me over.

This must be why they took so long giving me a copy and wanted to defame and torture me first.

This is 100% corruption. Based on this report, which is full of lies, this man is capable of violence. Why be so daring with the lies as a publicly paid officer unless you're a pretty bad person.

This man was promoted after he illegally stopped me, harassed me, and towed my vehicle in the middle of the night.

His acting Chief of Police was John Bosley and I'm finding a lot of google search connections with Canada but when I click on it, nothing comes up to confirm it. I am not sure then. It keeps mentioning a Coburg police officer who was formerly a politician in Toronto, Canada, but that's the line and then I click on it and there is nothing there.

I am sure that Sean Gilhousen is Catholic. His wife is Dana Gilhousen.

I am not sure but he may be somehow connected to Chris Rozollo.

When I first arrived here in Coquille and tried to report torture and harm done to my parents by Patty Otterbach, Deborah Sweetwater-Burt, and Kathy Hathaway, it was a "Sean" who wanted to take the report and called my parents "old and decrepit." He also referred to himself as "Gil".

If this is the SAME officer, that explains a LOT. I don't see how it is though. I read something that says he was put on paid administrative leave for Coburg in 2011 so how could he then be an officer in a different town?

This is the Coquille officer who was looking out for others after my Dad's knuckles and hands were cracked, after I made my first report to the UN about torture of my family.

A "state", such as the U.S., can be held liable for actions committed by non-state actors if they refuse to act. So when I reported religious hate crime and the FBI refused to act, that is a liability issue for the U.S. in international court.

Usually when making a complaint about a country or state, you focus on what government-paid officials or employees have done, because it shows they are getting their salaries and power through the government. So if a mayor comes over and beats you up and tells you not to get into politics, and involves police, that's something that a country can be held liable for if it continues and they take no action. If a person gets beat up by some random guy who just says I want your money, that's not something you can blame a state over. It has to be connected to officials or those acting in state capacity OR their FAILURE to provide reasonable protection when notified of an ongoing problem.

I read plenty of cases last night about how FBI or police failure to respond to hate crimes constitutes an action against the state/country. It implies that the police or govt. IS involved by their refusal to act.

In our case, this problem has included non-government actors who get protection from the State, and state actors.

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