Monday, January 16, 2012

Vegan: Cinnamon as Egg Replace-Substitute

I am trying to find out if any other Vegan uses cinnamon as an egg replacer or for a substitute.

I've cooked with cinnamon my whole life but I just bought a bunch in bulk and was adding it to my cup of tea by the tsp-tbsp.

After awhile it comes out very gelatinous, and so much like flaxseed when it's used as a substitute. So the slippery globby stringy stuff like flaxseed, and then the other night I got a thick pulled taffy (as thick and stretchy as water taffy).

So I am sure it works as something that holds things together like flaxseed does, you just have to have a liking for the flavor bc it's not go-with-other things like flaxseed.

If you used cinnamon globby & add a little baking soda and vinegar maybe that would be close to something that raises and also sticks like an egg.

aha...I'm thinking, since cinnamon is essentially bark from a tree, other bark from other trees (edible ones) might also have this effect. Isn't guar gum from a tree or something?

So if you ground up pau d'arco very finely, maybe that would do the same thing. I don't know. Maybe some of the other barks from trees would be gummy.

I used to chew that indian gum that's inside the sticks, you know, cinnamon is about the same idea, it's from a tree. You just have to make sure they're edible trees.

I ground up pau d'arco very finely one day and drank it with my tea without straining. Wouldn't recommend it, but it did have an impact.

Also, on tofu stuff...the markets put out a lot of things with tofu but you can experiment with different beans and legumes and get similiar things. Tofu is sort of taste neutral so you can add to it.

But, for example, I chew on a piece of white bean and think, 'okay, it's starchy like corn right now" and then think about starch content compared to garbanzo which also sort of tastes like maize from the starch before cooked.

You can make a lot of thing that taste like potato, bc of this. potato latkes, mashed potatoes, whatever.

I might make a black bean burger. I don't know. But you can use a lot of things to make something that tastes close to something else. For example, I had bean soup but I wanted something fried so I took a cup of beans from the soup, blended them and added a little oat flour with the baking soda and fried up what tastes like a peppery latke.

With the fish n chips, I pureed the beans after they soaked, added tumeric, then microwaved in a glass casserole dish for 10 min or so and then stirred in a little onion, jalapeno, and parsely (less than a 1/8 c.). It congealed nicely and esp after refrigeration and then from there I dredged with flaxseed meal as egg sub (just adding water and whisk) and then my oat flour with baking soda. Then for my oil I had coconut oil and added a few red pepper flakes for very lt. "up" optimism. It was a little heat, but not spicy enough to be picante, just a barely noticeable heat.

I have been trying to understand Chinese medicine a little and they have descriptions about food like "cold", "damp", "dry", "hot" and it means really different things and at first it sounds hokey bc in western language we don't describe our physical conditions as "damp". I mean, we do not say, "I have too much damp, or this is a damp illness." and we don't think "oh! this is a damp food! good for my damp illness." So at first it sounds like pseudo-science but it's more of a cultural language barrier of communication and ways to express ideas for conditions. In my opinion. so when I started to figure out what they were referring to and what the idea was, then I was able to think, oh yeah. Definitely. I have too much damp. Need hot and dry! And hot is different from dry, in the illness or food categories. But be careful of the online lists bc they are all over the place. So it's not that I'm going all-out Chinese medicine but why not understand the idea supporting it to better know how I can translate this and incorporate it into my own western ideas of homeopathic medicines and cures.

And tons of the old stuff is new stuff, made new by pharma money. Like castor oil. They've made all kinds of drugs off of castor oil and made money and now castor oil is like a reserve stock. Some things be careful of, but other things, like, how come I've heard about people getting castor oil from grandparents? need a little research bc sometimes there's a good reason that your pharmas don't want you to know about. And you can pay thousands for the milk thistle pills or tinctures for prostate trouble or you can just buy a bottle of grain alcohol and distil your own. It's not hard to tincture.

I did it for medicinal reasons, but you could add your own flavors to liquors and make your own wine...perfumes, skincare, medical ointments...A lot of this stuff you just have to follow easy directions, make sure everything is clean and/or sterilized, and wait. While you wait and it sits, you do other things. So there is work to making it and then it's there. Like canning, jamming, everything else.

Some stuff is easier and more time and cost efficient to just buy, but other things are sort of worth a small time investment and effort.

Anyway, the idea about cinnamon for egg substitute, it's so gummy and slippery--you can make it into whatever you want almost...and it's a good glue. first I thought, oh my gosh...cinnabon-at-home here I come, bc I used to go to cinnabon in the 90s all the time and buy myself a huge cinnamon roll. So there is cinnabon goopy, or up a step to flaxseed goopy, and then you get a step further to resembling thick pulled taffy. I haven't tried increasing cinnamon beyond the taffy consistency. I don't know what's after that. I've tried it with cinnamon, water, and tannins from tea, and then with just cinnamon and water.

I just looked it up. Both cinnamon and flaxseed have a kind of "gum" in their make-up, so that's why they congeal. So most likely, there are other uncommon spices and herbs and foods that can be used for egg replacer in combination with other things.

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