Friday, February 3, 2012

Carla Anatole Illegally Practicing Medicine

This woman at the Coquille ER is illegally practicing medicine.

I am in the ER and this doctor tried to give me huge doses of anti-inflammatories for migraine, after telling me the latin definition of migraine is "inflammation".

I told her I had taken a ton of anti-inflammatories before coming here and said "that's bad medicine to suggest I take more."

She also first attempted to give me thorazine and I said, "That's an anti-psychotic" and she turned bright red.

Here's a description:

This is what they tried to give me in Wenatchee when I came over with a religious hate crime and FBI obstruction claim. They went right to work on trying to defame me.

Then when I corrected her about the definition of "migraine," telling her it means one-sided, she tried to say it means "inflammation".

She is from Chili.

She is the same doctor who went to my parent's worship meeting and sat there smirking at me and she was the one sitting behind me when I had technology directed to me.

She would have a motive to suggest thorazine.

I would like to know how long she has been practicing medicine in the U.S. because in my opinion she needs to go back to Chili.

Her nurses know more than she does.

She also refused to treat systemic fungal infection which I showed her evidence of, but that was just a question I had on the side of the primary reason for showing up, which is for migraine.

She is Roman Catholic.

I have no idea how she got a job as a doctor anywhere in the U.S. when she knows less than most of the nurses here. On an intuitive level, I know this--she doesn't even know as much as the nurses.

They also had a police guard at the top of the entrance when I walked up, which is not typical for this hospital and then they had the door locked, which is also not typical for a hospital ER entrance to be locked.

She did not wear anything professional to indicate she was even a doctor. She walzed in with street clothes on.

When I said "migraine" means one-sided she said no it doesn't and I said yes it does. I said "It means half a head." She squirmed when I said this and she retorted, "No, that's "hemi"." And she is wrong. Hemi means both. Not half a head. It means both sides. So then I didn't want to argue with her because all she wanted to do was harm.

She admitted to knowing my parents. She said, "Yeah I know Bob and Dicksie Garrett but I'm still not going to give you anything different." Nice cover. I mentioned she knew my parents because I just wanted to confirm that she was the same woman who came to my parent's worship meeting to mock all of us and who sat behind me using technology against me.

She used a kind of ultrasound directed to my lower back. Which is what her friend Pam Lewis used against my mother at a dinner party I joined in at when I first got here.

She is friends with Pam Lewis and the Lewis's and Carla have committed crimes against my family and I've been there when it happened.

The woman doctor is a fucking idiot who I hope is deported back to Chili. She is a criminal.

My Dad is being threatened and told to beg for things. This church and country is making him get on his knees, and they're torturing him and forcing him to humiliate himself to beg for them to stop. They are waterboarding him.

Do you know what "triaging" someone means? Treating them like they're 3 years old and degrading them.

My entire apartment was fumigated last night and today. The entire place reeks and I had almost all of my windows open. It was done today.

The nurse and doctor wanted to "see" my "thrush" that turned into "tinea versicolor" that was never treated for being the systemic fungal (toxic mold) infection it really is. If it's yeast, it got that bad and went systemic because the doctors refused to treat it.

They wanted to see and I showed them.

It's still there. Right around the breasts, which is where it started and stayed and became systemic because doctors in Wenatchee are corrupt and ganged up against me and MY SON, a baby, refusing to treat it.

The woman doctor in Wenatchee who lied and said my son didn't have it, or that it was too "rare" to have, was Roman Catholic, dark hair (brown hair) in Wenatchee. She tried to call it tinea and said "it's different from thrush and no, it's not because the doctor refused to treat thrush."

Right. And that's why God has allowed it to stay in the exact same place all this time--around my breasts and braline, because it has "nothing to do" with the thrush that doctors refused to treat systemically and then tortured me and my son over.

These doctors and state workers all lied and they bribed all the public defenders to keep medical records out of the file. Why? because they're entire claim was that I made delusional and irrational requests for help for my and my son's medical conditions which were valid. They lied and said they were not valid and that therefore, I was a 'danger' to my son.

THEY are the danger.

They refused to treat my son and gave him injections of vaccinations that they have not disclosed to me, to this day. I have not been treated for systemic fungal infection from thrush that maybe got worse from living in a moldy house, since 2006.

2006. Since 2006 I have not been treated appropriately.

First they said it's thrush and it was and they gave me a topical, monistat or nystatin. Then it went systemic and ALL the nurses knew it and out of malice, these doctors refused to admit they had denied treatment out of hate. The next female doctor I got was horrid and she was through Wenatchee Valley Clinic. She was Catholic and she was instantly trying to cover up for refusal of treatment and the fact that now it was worse and happened to me AND my son.

So I guess I'll have to photograph that.

Since I will eventually take all the corruption to the UN anyway, I may as well let the world see that I am not lying about what I have and what the doctors all lied about to justify an illegal abduction of my son.

How hilarious. Now I go to google and type in a search for migraine and hemi and they pull up totally different material than they have in the past.

It's like total CIA shitwork.

She comes to the U.S., works for the CIA or her gang and shits on us, and then Google, the big information gathering hound, monitors everyone's online activities and searches.

Google used to have a lot better people. They got completely infiltrated.

Look at a piece of grain. Like wheat. It's migraine for half. Bitch.

She's going by some Greek historical idea for the word.

Hemi is not one-side or half. It means "both", or maybe half to the Greeks and Romans back when.

And that's just someone's idea of where the word "migraine" came from, which is totally different from hemikrania. Migraine is French and English supposedly but it doesn't matter.

I said it means "Half a head" and that's even what hemikrania means. So I still knew what the meaning was and she didn't.

She was claiming the entymology for migraine stands for "inflammed".

AND she was suggesting that she give me thorazine, which is NOT a migraine treatment and is an anti-psychotic.

I disliked her before when I saw her smug self before and now I know my dislike and intuition is justified.

She should not be practicing any kind of medicine.

I hope she gets deported to Chili or has her medical license taken away.

She refused to treat me appropriately or to even ask the questions she should have asked. She didn't even ask me how much ibuprofen I'd taken and the nurse wrote it down and I told her I'd taken some.

This is probably why I had protein leaking into my urine all the time, a sign of kidney damage, after the Wenatchee doctors either refused to treat my migraine at all, or gave me toxic doses of anti-inflammtories. When they refused to treat me, I had to take handfuls of advil at a time, and constantly, and even that didn't help. I went through bottle after bottle and still suffered because of them.

And yes, I still have an excruciating migraine but I had to come home and take more OTCs (a mixture of aspirin, ibuprofen, and tylenol) and need to document this no matter how I feel.

I hope that she loses her medical license.

When I was in the ER someone started up technology right there, that affected my one ear, as they've done at my house. They did it in the ER.

Carla would do something like that as would some of the others. It was done.

Then I got home and my parents were holding their stomachs and had hands to their ears. I had been thinking about how Carla would have damaged my stomach with the anti-inflammatory, and how she wanted to ruin my mind, and how my ear was targeted while I was there.

Maybe women like that get jealous of other women who haven't ever been to medical school and still know the correct definition of words. Or maybe they don't like feeling inferior in any way at all. So they enjoy torturing the women they are jealous of and want to degrade them to get themselves into a better position and more favor with a man of their choosing.


  1. Someone tried to post this and instead I have an active hacker that is now more active than usual and they deleted it right in front of me and wrote "comment rejected" and then sent a msg through blogger that "comment doesn't or no longer exists."

    Ludwig has left a new comment on your post "Carla Anatole Illegally Practicing Medicine":

    Cheap Newport Cigarettes are one of the most famous brands of cigarette. Marlboro is evolved from its London factory on the Marlborough Street after which it is named. Largest manufacturing plants of Marlboro are Virginia and Richmond now. Newport Cigarettes come with filters but at that time the filtered cigarettes were considered as less harmful and so preferred by women mostly and the unfiltered cigarettes were for men and were known as men cigarette.

  2. Also, I think the woman I saw at the hospital is totally different from the woman I saw at the worship meeting.

    So I don't know that it's the same person. I was introduced to her, with her being Carla Anatole, but she didn't look like the doctor who was using this name when I saw her.
