Sunday, February 5, 2012

Photo Evidence of Lasered Hand (2 spots on rt. hand)

This is of my hand how it is today. The blistering went away and peeling and now it's just red. Also note my eyes because one is droopy which means I'm medicated without my consent and I can tell anyway.

I know my mother has also been medicated because one of her real estate cards has her eye doing the same thing and she's been forced to do things and take things, or been exposed to things, that she didn't want. Just like my Dad.

So this is my cobalt blue jacket but it looks more very dark navy blue there. It's sort of well, it's bright navy actually, not cobalt. Bright medium navy blue and then has a turquoise trim and I wore white and navy and then my red and black plaid pj bottoms neath my jeans bc it is still cold and these are GREAT thermals.

This is the same me and I still have the same dark circles under my eyes, but I used concealer so you can't tell. I look pretty healthy but cameras lie.

1 comment:

  1. Have you been tested for Lupus?? I have a strong feeling that what you are experiencing is Lupus related. Please go to a doctor.
