Thursday, March 29, 2012

EUO's Artist Tagg Wood

I looked up some artists through EOU today and found one I was interested in clicking on, by Tagg Wood. I usually don't like the fantasy-gore drawings but this one was lighter and fairytale-like. I thought it wasn't so bad.

He has these white spaces for figures of beasts and creatures against a colorful backdrop and I thought, "It's just like this bag for Toblerone!"

I went over to visit my parents and gave them something and then my mother gave me a couple of things, one including a bag of individual pieces of Toblerone. I noticed, when I got to my house, while eating all of them, that there was a white space figure in the mountain design above the letters for Toblerone and it's of a bear. It's a bear standing on his back legs and looking up and right.

After eating these and noticing the bear design and trying to adjust my eyes to see if there was a design in the black part of the white-black mountain (positive and negative space I think they call it), I got online and went to the art section and in looking up professors, I found a gallery for EOU art with this drawing by Tagg Wood.

He even uses the same pale yellow background and everything.

It's a 5.29 oz bag with a red arrow top in a design of diamonds and then a mountain with the bear, a pyramid of chocolate, and...

I found his art just minutes after eating my last chocolate and studying the bag. And right now, if I look at it, I had stuffed the wrappers back into the bag and one is sort of poking out and it's the O that is, in a red circle like the apple he has in his artwork.

He designs his fragments of shapes or edges like the mountain has too, in it's design.

The style make me think of old fashioned fairytale books I used to look at as a kid. Sort of 1920s or earlier, something about it.

I should analyse it further but just wanted to mention this for now. I was thinking I still need to look up art so I looked up classes and then wanted to find out what the professors did and that's when, through a google search, I found the EOU gallery and clicked on this specific drawing.

So weird huh? I mean, within minutes of my receipt of this bag of chocolates, I'm seeing a possible creation from inspiration.

I had put it in this bag where I'm saving all my paper scraps to recycle or incorporate into art in some way and then after seeing the creatures, I pulled it back out to stare.

If I look at the wrapper a different way, it's a crinkled up head of a creature, with a red eye, O, open mouth from the N and has a nose and ear. And these creatures have red eyes. At the bottom I thought it looked like mitochondria from DNA. I think it's mito...there is a biological cell or design of something like that, in an oval and with a zigzag pattern across it. I'd have to study more. But I can see the inspiration.

He's in high school it says, or got a scholarship as a freshman to EOU.

I liked the colors of this painting I saw too and I'm fond of modern and the balance was pretty good. It's sort of what I do, but I noticed the general talent of the ink and pencil as well. I liked something I saw from a Reed catalog as well, thought the art at least made me stop to look instead of flipping through all the pages.

I have something I drew awhile ago and no plan, and it ended up with white space of bars, 4 of them, next to camellias I sketched fast, and then I found this image from the ACLU and it matches what is featured for the National Defense thing, the NDAA where they can hold U.S. citizens hostage now. I haven't looked at ACLU for a long time, but when I did, the "blog of rights" has a wreath above 4 bars and a prisoner's hands around those bars and I drew the same thing (without the hands and instead of a wreath at top, camellias at the base), in red and white. And then I wrote, "weave trvth with trvst".

I also noticed a correlation with a bottle of conditioner and the clay models featured. They are very similiar to something I outlined for a modern, very simplified and streamlined design for a vase or something, of mother and son, heads touching at forehead, in arms, stretched back but then head meeting and it's only a few lines. circle heads, small lines for expression, and I thought of it as me and my son with a game we played called "bonk". I was suprised at how it turned out bc the line for mouth and eyes only was small (one line each) and it still brought out the right feeling. Mine is with the two enjoined together, representing bond.

I want my son back.

My parents were totally tortured today, both of them separately and they look horrible and then they have to say they think there is something wrong with me when yeah, I might have PTSD, but I am not crazy which is only what criminals want to say, or those who exploit others in human trafficking through the U.S. Department of Defense and CIA. The FBI has done wrong, but someone there should be investigating and laying down the law.

I believe I am supposed to file for habeus corpus.

I was going to take only a few credits because of health problems but I called the disability offices and will sign with them and see how it goes and have more time if needed. I was also going to take fewer credits to allow for more time to try to appeal for my son and/or file for habeus corpus.

I think it's more realistic to have fewer credits but if someone tries to call me crazy, it's better maybe to have more. I don't know. I am not crazy.

My son and I, and my family, are being detained unlawfully and tortured. How is it possible to even leave if we have to leave eachother behind to endure worse torture alone?

Am I schitzophrenic for noticing how Wood's art matches the Toblerone package? Or do I just recognize correlations? How about torture. It sounds crazy, but can anyone prove I am NOT being tortured? My mother gets worked up into tears repeating what some horrible people tell her to say to me, when she knows and she is a victim herself.

It's a full-on MK-Ultra style set-up.

We were being tortured just sitting in the house trying to watch t.v. and I said to my Dad, if this was just for research, they would be wanting feedback from all of us on how we feel and how different forms affect us. But they don't do that, they just allow torture for the sake of torture. When I was first tortured with my son, I wasn't giving any feedback to anyone and didn't even blog about it until it was unbearable.

This ACLU site is sort of ironic. I asked them several times for help on serious things before I was tortured and got no help. My son and I are examples of abuses of the NDAA which were not even in place when torture was first allowed. It was just hate crime.


  1. Another insteresting artist and more specifically the creative use of a medium:

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I checked out the drawings and on the first page, I laughed at 196. I like the watercolor use of pen/ink--noticed on the scarf of one of the other monsters. Actually, the opening page got a laugh out of me and then I laughed again with monster 196. Something internally funny about it.

    I got this "The Secrets of Dr. Suess" book last month and have had it and it sort of reminds me of. Some of Dr.s adult work there I can't stomach philosophically, something too "off", but I admire the artistry.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I checked out the drawings and on the first page, I laughed at 196. I like the watercolor use of pen/ink--noticed on the scarf of one of the other monsters. Actually, the opening page got a laugh out of me and then I laughed again with monster 196. Something internally funny about it.

    I got this "The Secrets of Dr. Suess" book last month and have had it and it sort of reminds me of. Some of Dr.s adult work there I can't stomach philosophically, something too "off", but I admire the artistry.
