Sunday, March 25, 2012

Math: Why Buy The Pig When All You Want Is A Little VNR?

I have idea for a new set of gift cards. I gave one to my ex, when I was with him, that said something about "some men say why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" then you open it up and these old women are saying, "I say, why buy the pig when all you want is a little sausage?" So I was studying math a week ago or more and my "VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics" on the table and I began to sketch out a design with the caption: "Why buy the pig when all you want is a little VNR?" And I thought it would be good to make a companion set of cards: the "together" card and the "break up" card, referencing the together card (buy them in sets of TWO!) Basically, I won't sell them separately. They are a set. You buy one, you get the other one too so take it or leave it. Then I was thinking about selling companion sets of "together-break up" cards. And then I thought, NO. An Art series. So definitely like. Painting #1 and Painting #2. "The VNR Series". Forget about Vermeer when you have VNR.

That is my idea for an art series. I did used to make gift cards that were sort of abstract and out-there and funny but that was in high school. The VNR idea would be best represented in art I think.

As for my math studies, this is what I explained to someone:

"I've been studying math theory more than anything, both easy and difficult math theory and history, but need to work on application. So, for example, if I am studying basic fractions, I would review the number line and this is elementary math but then read about the theoretical application to numbers on a historical level (VNR) and then I went to calculus to understand their use of open integers and "neighborhood of n" and such. Then, having worked out some problems on linear lines with calculus, deciding my weak point in the understanding was order of methods and application of which function first. So then I would go back to elementary math and study whole numbers and fractions and order for methods and in this, then take it to foundations in mathematics (history and different ideas of math theory: intuitive, logism, etc) and then go to set theory. Set theory then explains further the functions of how sets are ordered and constructed and develops the idea of number line through infinite and finite ideas according to set theory.

I did study up a little on the x,y graph functions and non-linear applications, but while I touched on this to see where it was leading, I wanted further foundation on number theory, so I was going to get graph paper and start graphing, but I decided to develop my understanding of this other idea first and then I will go back to the application of algebra and it's design with graphs will be understood past the input of data into a formula. I get the algebraic formula, but I want to know where the formula came from. So it's been a slower process but more in depth.

This is a long explanation but that's why I thought if your class is dealing with a lot of logic or theory and concepts, it would be a good complement, and I wouldn't have a problem quickly learning a formula just to get a result. However, if it is mainly application and math exercises, it would be better for me to work on my practice of math exercises at home first. I don't know if this makes any sense?"

This was an over-simplification of what I've done, but it gave the idea. While studying through some of this, however, I fell upon more Middleton references which wasn't really what I had thought I was going to come across.

It brought back all these memories of people who put themselves in my path when I was in Portland, Oregon and then it helped me to understand"designs"...or motives behind designs easier.

I started to realize just how mean the Middleton backers are. Which is pretty much why I think William should divorce them. It doesn't change my life at all, and I don't expect to take someone's place either. What I don't like, is the amount of horrific crime and torture I've seen, and some of it really is swirling around their group. So on one hand I don't believe in divorce, technically, against it, and on the other hand, was it even a valid marriage to begin with.

I have had so many incredibly cruel things happen to just me personally, and that's not even counting my son. I mean, is anyone else out there being tortured?

Because if you, I might like to hear from you and not feel we are alone and figure out why it's being done. Is Jeremy Kean being tortured? or Sharon? or John Kaempf, does he know what torture feels like? or Panetta, or any of his friends, or any of the former high school or jr. high friends I had? I know my family members are having heart attacks when there is no heart disease. It's not like I want others to suffer too, it's that I cannot believe this is happening and has gone on so long, to my family, in this country. So who else is being tortured? Has anyone had their kids being tortured in this country, right in front of their own eyes and with the other party knowing there was nothing the caring party could do about it?

I can't completely speak for those who are blackmailed into not talking. But I know I've spoken up for myself and for my son and right out in the open they tortured us. Anne Crane, for example, out in the open, and writing lies everyone in CPS knew to be lies. Same thing with Sue, lies in visitation notes bc they had nothing else to work with. Michelle Erickson, right in the open she sees a gash to my son's face and tries to reclassify it as "a scratch". Tony the CPS Italian, her boss, an extremely dangerous man. It's like the FBI decided to negotiate with the mob to torture my son to turn him into the soldier they want for using later on down the line. What are they going to do? try to blackmail him while he's still a kid? I never thought about it before, but my own Dad was probably sexually abused as a kid. Why? because that's what the CIA does, they collaborate with military and FBI and any high ranking official, to torture and abuse kids and then try to use them later.

My Dad was released from Juvie and where did he go? Straight to the military. Just as he was told, right? I even think it was in Seattle, where they killed my Uncle Howard. So he gets trapped to pull a stunt as a very young teen, barely a teen, and his next job was to apply for the military in Seattle. Which is where they refused to take him. At least they wouldn't take him "on the record". So it must have been a non-documented, verbal contract that he works for them. I am positive the Middletons have something to do with a U.S. agency or there wouldn't be so much hooplah over here about them, or cover.

So I was studying math, and discovering the symbols for infinity and open ended integers and neighborhood of, and then cardinal and well-ordered variables and set theory and remembering what this guy who stalked me in Portland and said he was English (possibly Australian? but I thought he said or the other) wanted to know. He wanted to know if I chose a letter to be identified by, or sounded as I liked, which one? This was back then. I said Z. This was after I said something about infinity and then he wrote down the symbol for infinity. This was in 2002-2004 but probably closer to 2004. I had already had someone try to hit-and-run my car and I was late shown this pub by Christa, and then went there to study and had coffee and sometimes a glass of white wine. I think only one or two times did I do that and he approached me after my 2nd glass of wine, and watched first. He had watched me in the past as well. He said he worked for a law firm and he had blond hair. There was a bartender there, brown hair, I don't know his name but still remember he kept shaking his head no, in alarm to me, trying to tell me not to even talk to the guy. I still remember that.

So to then be reading calculus and math theory and see the > < for infinity as another version of the other infinity symbol, was of interest. I never knew until this month, last few weeks, about some of the symbolism. It's sort of well, when I think about some things, putting this into context makes something very dark and disturbing. It was right about that time that everything went wrong.

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