Thursday, April 19, 2012

Copy of email to EOU re. harassment

RE: Please contact me‏

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1:02 PM

Reply ▼

cam huegenot



cam huegenot (


Thu 4/19/12 1:02 PM


Mr. Davies,

Thank you for your reply. Again, I must ask to speak with another person and consider her intrusion into my personal and private affairs to be harassment.

There is nothing in my conduct which has violated any "rule" your college has. Should I violate a rule, then by all means, lets address that.

As this is not the case, and no such violation has been alleged, any attempt to drag me into a conversation with a woman I've met in the past and who I have a conflict with (which is my personal business and not something I wish to disclose to others), is abusive. I feel it is harassment and I am a busy, FT college student with other matters to attend to. I don't need to have this taking up my time.

So if someone would like to address this in writing that's great. Is there any reason a phone conversation is then required?

Again, I would like to know what I am being accused of before going any further, and if it violates any rule you have and I would like to have that rule forwarded to me in its written form.

Thank You,

Cameo L. Garrett

Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:45:08 -0700
Subject: Re: FW: Please contact me

Ms. Garrett,

Thank you for your message. As you know, in your role as an EOU student, you are governed by EOU’s code of student conduct. Ms. Dunne-Cascio is our Director of Student Relations, and she manages all student conduct issues for EOU in a fair and even-handed manner. I do not believe Ms. Dunne-Cascio is attempting provoke you rather to discuss processes. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for me to intervene in the student conduct process at this time.

With regard to your assertion that Ms. Dunne-Cascio has a conflict of interest, I do not have sufficient information to establish that such a conflict of interest exists. Please know that a conflict of interest means that there is a prior or existing relationship or financial interest between the parties that may affect neutrality. If you believe Ms. Dunne-Cascio has an actual conflict of interest with regard to you, please inform our Vice President for Student Affairs, Ms. Camille Consolvo, and provide any available or appropriate documentation of this conflict.

Thank you,

Bob Davies,


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:40 AM, cam huegenot wrote:

Dear Mr. Davies:

I received this email from one of your employees and have a serious personal conflict of interest with her. I am uncomfortable having any kind of discussion with Ms. Dunne-Cascio for the reasons I mention below and ask that you have someone else assigned to this, if needed. I am also not able to hold a teleconference at this time as I have FT classes, and several other personal business and legal matters which require my attention and I do not have the ability at this time to hold teleconference over something which can be addressed in writing. I feel that if someone is going to make accusations about me and intrude into my personal privacy by creating a problem, they should be willing to put these accusations and thoughts in writing, rather than attempt to have a heated discussion with me over the phone in an attempt to provoke me or cause undue distress.

Will you please have someone take this matter instead of Colleen, if necessary. I am sure Colleen can communicate her "concerns" to another employee who could then address this in writing.

I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.

Cameo L. Garrett
( Please see correspondence from Colleen Dunne-Cascio below.)

Subject: RE: Please contact me
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:20:34 -0700

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