Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Corrupt (and ugly) Colleen Dunne-Cascio

This woman contacted me from Eastern Oregon, and I've already met her. I know who she is and she didn't like me years ago and is now attempting to lord control over me. So I'm posting her correspondenc online for my own protection. Her idea of "excessive emails" is anything that is put in writing rather than have it be ignored or dismissed because one tried to get something accomplished verbally over the phone. People who don't like being held to a written report, always complain about "excessive emails". They would rather there be no written communications and that their unethical behavior continue undocumented.

Subject: RE: Please contact me
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:20:34 -0700


First of all, don't threaten me.

I am not a child and you have no right to refer to me or to "my behavior" as if I am a child and not an adult. I could easily refer to your own unprofessional behavior in falsely attacking and accusing me of things.

Also, I would prefer not to discuss these matters with you specifically. We've met before, several years ago, and you didn't like me then so it is not expected you will do any good now. Because of conflict of interest, I am not comfortable trying to navigate around your personal insecurities.

Please have this referred to another member of the same department or your supervisor.



Colleen Dunne-Cascio

Add to contacts
To cam huegenot, Colleen Dunne-Cascio
Hi Cameo:

I have been notified by several departments on campus regarding excessive emails with inaccurate and inappropriate statements being made. I need to discuss with you:

1) the accommodations being extended to you through disability services and your correspondence with office staff,
2) the process for adding a course through the Registrar's Office and your correspondence with office staff,
3) the role of your academic advisor and your correspondence with her,

4) your correspondence with the the Financial Aid office staff,

5) and your behavior as an EOU student.

I am out of the office until Tuesday, April 24, 2012. Please identify some days and times next week (April 24-27) that you are available by 5:00 pm Friday, April 20, 2012. If I do not hear from you regarding some times that you are available by this time for a conference call, the student conduct process will be initiated. If your behavior escalates with the identified offices and staff indicated above as a result of this email, additional conduct action will be taken.


On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 12:52 AM, cam huegenot wrote:

Hello Colleen,

I would like to be apprised as of the subject matter for teleconference.

I have a full schedule all next week, with regard to legal matters including court, and a full courseload.

If you could let me know your concerns in writing, that is the best way to reach me until possibly the week after or next after that? I will be able to check email sporadically but have no possible way to work in a teleconference next week.

Thank you very much.

Cameo L. Garrett

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 09:40:12 -0700
Subject: Please contact me

Dear Cameo:

Please contact me by 5:00 pm, Monday, April 16, 2012, to schedule a meeting (conference call) regarding a matter that has been brought to my attention. I can be reached at 541-962-3476 or via email at




Colleen Dunne-Cascio

Director of Student Relations

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs



541-962-3924 (fax)

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