Monday, April 2, 2012

Obstruction by Art Department at EOU

I am having the most unbelievable time with some of the faculty at EOU.

I have attempted to speak with the Art director there and when I asked to be transfered to an Art instructor, the woman making transfers sent me to a dozen VM boxes and then I was told all of them were on vacation.

I said okay bc it was Spring Vacation, but then I found out they were not all on vacation and I had even tried to get through to the clerk for the department there.

Finally they put me through to a woman named "Dawn" who was so rude and malicious, I had to get off the phone and wonder where she got her preconceived ideas about me. She was even trying to dissuade me from taking any Art classes as if that was is her business.

Then, I was told that the professors all have an independent right to negotiate a contract with a student for independent study or practicum, and while no one at EOU wanted to block or obstruct me from a practicum in being a teacher's asst. or science research, it has been totally different with art.

So this one woman did say each professor can decide their own thing and then I get this man Peter Johnson, who is with the Art Department, telling me, only after I sent an email to Portland Police Department, asking for a contact to discuss a certain matter, I can't take any art there.

Peter Johnson sent his email telling me no professor woul allow me to take practicum or contract with me for this, a half hour after I sent my email to the Portland Police Department.

So, it just makes me wonder if Mr. Johnson is connected to law enforcement in any way and I wonder, when this is a common name, only bc I have talked to an Officer Johnson in Oregon recently.

THEN, right after he sends his email trying to speak for the entire group rather than himself, Susan Murrell tells me to check in with another "institution".

Another "institution"? I don't believe even the Art instructors for EOU call their college an "institution" and since when it is the prerogative for an instructor to tell an enrolled student that they can't take art classes there and need to check into "another institution".

I am an enrolled and admitted student at EOU.

Not only that, they're blocking me from a course of study I have always taken, in addition to my major. I took Art all 4 years of high school and then took Art History and Art classes in college, and was even accepted and invited to be part of a competitive graphic design program at PCC-Sylvania in 1998.

PCC is a community college and I don't know how their graphic design and art stacks up now, but back then, it was more competitive than most of the Universities in Oregon, for graphic design specifically. It was a good program.

So, here I am, being blocked out of Art, by a crap college. I mean, I applied hoping to bring up morale there, and they're turning into a crap college. I had people telling me to apply to a private college and I thought no, I'll give a public college a chance. So what's the point when they maliciously block you from taking any classes where you might excel?

This Professor Peter Johnson then sent me an email telling me he refused to allow me to take Art from any of the professors, by contracting with them for practicum.

First he said I could, and that my primary interests and mediums were not his own so he couldn't do the practicum. So he refused on the basis of not being interested in the same thing. THEN, after I send my email to the Portland Police Department, he's writing me, telling me now I can't take Art from ANY of them, regardless of their interests.

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