Monday, April 9, 2012

EOU Misinformation by Catholic "Annette" in Registrar

Exactly as I thought, I am getting wrong information from Catholic employees at EOU.

I asked specific questions about adding and dropping classes up until today and the woman always wanting to take my call was "Annette Williams".

She lied to me and gave me wrong information which is now screwing up my ability to take the classes I was trying to take and then this morning she lied and said she never discussed this with me at all.

I DO NOT recommend going to EOU anymore.

This college has been a NIGHTMARE to deal with and it's a crappy college to begin with. The only reason I signed up with them was because the Honor's department said they could be flexible and I thought perhaps they had less history of experimental research involving animals or humans than some of the other colleges.

So I thought to go here, and do the best I could with it, and bring up their name while doing well and going further to a private grad college.

That is impossible, so far, with this school. They've lied to me, stalled on financial aid, given me incorrect information, and blocked me from taking classes after first telling me I could take the classes without a problem.

It is not worth it, to go to a crappy college, and try to do anything with it, when all they do is cut their own throats by proving how incompetent they are.

Which is why they are on the bottom of the totem pole in the State of Oregon for colleges as it is. They are proving to me, that the flip-flop is the shoe that best fits this college.

I don't know what Annette's personal problem is, but she has always wanted to take my calls and never wanted to transfer me to normal employees. Then, she lied to me on Friday when I needed to get clarification on specific protocol for switching classes around. I told her I needed to switch one class out for a different class, and would there be any problems doing this, because I had read and heard Friday was the last day to do that.

She lied and said, "No, it's Monday."

I said, "From what I've read and what other employees are telling me, it's Friday, if a student wants to just drop and add a class." She said, "No, you can do it without a problem up until Monday but if there is a problem with Webster (the computer system for online add/drop) you'll have to add the class through a form and submit it to us."

So I tried to do this over the weekend and instructors wrote back saying I couldn't get into their class because it was "past the first week". I wrote back, "I was told students can add classes up until Monday?"

So I called registrar's offices again and Annette takes my call and she tried to lie and say all she talked to me about on Friday was "dropping" classes. "I said you can DROP classes until Monday and not be charged." I said, "No, I was asking you about adding classes and switching my classes around" and then she cut me off and tried to transfer me to another woman "Carolyn" who also tried to cut me as I started to bring up adding courses without a problem.

They lied, and I went by their online schedule and instructions and then also called their offices to confirm things and now they are lying again and saying they never lied in the first place.

I said, "If I had added a class on Friday there would have been no problem right?" I said to this other woman at Registrars', "Carolyn" and she admitted, "You could have added classes" and then said, "But an instructor could have dropped you from his class on Friday if they'd wanted to." I said, "So you're telling me if a student signed up and added a class through webster, and it added to their credits, that a professor can then drop a student and disrupt how many credits they have and therefore their financial aid." And Carolyn said, "yes.".

Which is a lie.

Then she tried to justify her lie by adding, "If a student doesn't have the prerequisites for a class, an instructor can do that." I said, "Well if there are no prerequisites involved, they can't do that."

So basically, she was trying to get around the point that I was attempting to add classes I should have and could have added on Friday, and because of misinformation by Annette, now I can't do this and I was not able to do what I specifically asked them about doing, on Friday, while there was still time, before it was too late.

I talked to Annette in the morning, on Friday, and could have added my class without a problem but because she lied, and said I could still do it today, now I'm having problems with this.

There is no excuse for creating problems that they knew could have been avoided. It is not my problem, it is theirs and their responsibility to give students accurate information if they call to ask for clarification about the written rules.

Today, Annette was trying to say all she talked to me about was dropping classes. And that is not true because since I told her I wanted to switch courses around, she said over the weekend, or up until 5 Monday, I would need to add the class on webster first and then drop it, to not affect how many credits I had so the system didn't recognize less than 12 credits (FT).

So she knew exactly what I was trying to do and what my question was, and gave me directions for that and now it's Monday and she is attempting to weasle out of her lies, and sending me over to her supervisor who tried to weasle out of the truth, and then they want to make ME look bad when I get upset over their own personal problems.

"An instructor can drop a student from the class list in the first week" is what Carolyn was telling me. Great news for all the EOU students. Sign up for classes! have the system recognize your FT or PT standing and then just WAIT for a professor to arbitrarily drop you and screw up your financial aid...!

So, I bring this up, and she tries to say "if you don't have the prerequisites."

That is not the issue. I was not trying to take courses that are outside the scope of what I would be able to take.

This college has lied about registration matters, lied about "flexibility and creativity", and blocked me from taking any art classes.

The only thing they are "known" for, is teaching. Basically, preparing new teachers to get their license to teach elementary, jr. and sr. high. And I am starting to seriously wonder, given the kind of horrific problems they come up with for the smallest details, what kind of teachers they are producing through that program as well.

I had a small problem with an aspect of PSU financial aid, but I have never had this many problems with any college, community college or university, at the very start.

I am sure Annette Williams is Catholic because of the problem she created for me which she knew she was creating on Friday. And it is always the same thing. If it's not a Catholic, it's someone connected to FBI. And that's about it.

They are now telling me that things DID change after Friday, and that now if I want to add ANY class, I have to get "instructor permission". Which was not required on Friday. So now, any instructor that wants to discriminate, is free to do so and they know it, and it would not have been a problem on Friday.

I tried to add the "Terrorism" class over the weekend and the instructor, Jeff Dense, told me I could not get in because "you missed too many assignments the first week" which is not how it works. Any student could have been added that first week and that's what the college policy is. What they didn't like was how I asked him if he would have a problem with my doing a thesis or paper on how Catholics in the FBI and U.S. government offices or other groups, in their refusal to prosecute child sex offenders and intimidate or torture citizens, consitute, by definition, "terrorists" or how the Vatican and some groups could be considered "terrorist" groups by definition of attempting to intimidate other government employees who are not Catholic, to do their bidding.

Let's guess. He didn't like my idea. Since he didn't like my idea, instead of saying, "Yeah, I wouldn't give you a good grade because I disagree", he tried to say "You missed too many assignments the first week".

Any student is supposed to able to add classes through the first week.

So that's what happened over the weekend and then I call Registrar's this morning and Annette and her supervisor Carolyn try to make an issue of it.

Believe me, I could write an EXCELLENT thesis on the topic of terrorism within the U.S. by Catholics who do favors for the Holy See and not Americans.

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