Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fuck CPS

I tried to get into an old account with this site called "fight cps" but it wasn't taking so I had to start over with something.

I think I remember I didn't have very good luck with that site or someone from that site for some reason, but don't remember why. Then I tried to sign up again and it was specifying use of "british english". Why "british english" as if "english" doesn't say it. or rather, if it's about american laws, "american english".

Anyway, I think the web needs a better site than "Fight CPS".

We need a "Fuck CPS" site.

We don't need a pillow fight with CPS. They need to be fucked over for good.

They commit child laundering.

It's not even human trafficking. It's the laundering of crimes against children and they have this incredible cover of trying to make their profits off of kid abuse look like "child protection".

They get money to screw kids over so I say we screw them back.


  1. You rock and really have courage. Thanks. Stop Cheryl Rink (senior Social worker) Redding,California. She lies on the witness stand and bases investigations on letters from child molesters. She helps get kids put with child molesters with Women's refuge. She forces kids to lie and threatens them with foster care if they do not. She breaks up families and is a criminal. She may be a north Korean that hates Americans. Everyone needs your help. She forces spouses to lie too. She is really sick. Help spread the word.

  2. In Redding California they are selling kids for foster care. They even have abusers working in the school front offices making false allegations. They are putting parents in prison,stealing all thier stuff, ruining thier credit and more. Something must be done. Cops and CPS workers should be punished for filing false reports. They should not be allowed to lie on the witness stand either. They are convicting people with no evidence, no investigation and no court order prior to removal. They suck.They should face the laws we all face. Foster care is a crime. They are the true abusers of childrlen.

  3. Your not publishing our comments but, please do what you can. They just want to sell drugs and expect the foster parents to pay. Well they are not. Medicaide no longer covers them in all areas. It is Bullshit.

  4. You Cameo are a hero for standing up for kids. We need to stop this criminal organization now!! Thanks for being a real man. It is obvious you are a great parent or you would not go to all of this trouble. Real child abuse cases are not being handled!! Never give in or give up!!!

  5. Like that song Fuck the CPS fuck the CPS-LICE. It stands for Criminal Pharmacy Sickos. They have lots of links to drug companies. That is why they take kids from good parents. The truth is Foster parents won't pay for it or Medicaide either. Only Parents that care about kids buy drugs. So the jokes on those nasty people. Hang in there people!! Let's get rid of CPS!!!

  6. One way to fight CPS is not to agree to thier bs pleas or jail for non abuse. They are real asshole liars and destroy lives. Get leaflets out everyone and spread the word. We must protect the other kids and our own. They are heartless losers. They leave people with no money, no kids, no nothing but, bogus fees for bogus bs. Losers can go to Women's refuge and make up lies. Then CPS and those losers automatically agree to the liars bs. These criminal organizations must be stopped.

  7. Sorry we meant thanks for being a wonderful woman and standing up for the rights of children. Together we can all make a difference. We will get through this. #1 Mama

  8. Cameo you are a hero for many people right now. These judges, Cps and all have profited from selling drugs to people by destroying lives. We have to stop them. They just want to profit from our suffering. Life is stressful enough but, the bad thing is the people they hurt don't have the money for drugs or alcohol to relieve the pain. They are truly brainless. The children they hurt do not grow up to do well in life. They do not have the money for college or anything. Foster parents do not give a damn about children that are not thier own. Have a great weekend Hero like the Mariah Carey song. Bless you.

  9. Just so you know they are targeting white people, black people, Asians, Mexicans and all people. It is just not right. The economy is worse from thier stupid games. They have no brains. The people cannot pay for thier stupid classes either. It is a waste of tax payer money for them to do this to innocent people like you and I. Take care.

  10. Why is it these agencies have a great deal of uneducated illegal aliens who are jealous of the well taken care of children whose lives they ruin? They suck. They need to change the laws now. Those LOSERS. The village moron could do a better job than these lazy bastards. Why should it be a crime to buy children drugs they need, feed them, clothe them and ect.. Some say these nuts are selling meth. I can see why they would do such horrible things. Well we are not going to buy thier meth. Game over losers. Cameo and the rest of us are not going to take it anymore.

  11. The bastards running family law in Redding,Ca work for the funeral home. Does this suprise anyone? They said the new judge Gal works for Lawn Crest. These people suck. I bet you should not publish this. The Government is screwed.

  12. Foster care is the worse situation for any child. They have worse problems than combat veterans. Fuck the drug dealers. Those bastard Foster care assholes living off tax dollars don't buy the drugs anyway morons!!!They only keep the kids 30 days and move them around like cattle. Time for real change.Save the children people and be that good parent like Cameo.

  13. CPS wants to close all drug stores, make everyone poor, abuse kids and make money by robbing people with Women's Refuge. They are lieing crooks. Let's get them shut down. Women's refuge supports child molesters and criminals.

  14. Annonymous CPS Wants To Close:

    Yes, your statements are extreme and I agree with all of them.
