Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I just found this music. Maybe I've heard it before, don't remember. I found it while looking up villains from disney movies and then going to "forgotten films (cartoons)" which featured a collage of animated moviess from 1977 to present to the tune of ex deus or something like that by Globus so then I went to their playlist.

It's helping me write tonight.

(update 4/18/2012. I heard this song sarabande suite by globus while writing my report of judicial felonies and racketeering. I didn't read the latin to the song and heard it as repeating the refrain, "all men are free" I kept hearing "all men are free" and had been thinking of the constitution and the fact of my liberty being restrained. all men are created equal and are free...but for corrupt judges in the way, infringing on my freedom and the freedom of my son.)

I wrote most of my report against Judges to music by Globus. It was a playlist and kept my writing fast.

This is the video that started it off:


From here, liking Globus, I went to their playlist. Looked up "Rock & Rule" and watched a clip of the woman singing away the evil forces. Then to Globus.

So I was writing my report of judicial crimes and then I heard, come up, "all men are free...all men are free...all men are free..." and looked it up and it was the sarabande song. I also liked one about angels and then some of the others too. Here is the one with the subliminal "all men are free":

Then I had the playlist in the background while writing. Looked to see what the song was at 1001 deaths by poster slavatyros and then again at slavatyros' "the truth".

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