Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Report #2 Against Judge Gerald Warrren to WA Judicial Commission

This is the report against Judge Gerald Warren which I sent out again, thought the very first part I changed around a little (kept a copy for myself). They closed the case without notice, abruptly, after I filed a report to the UN and OIG. I guess, maybe they felt better after their friends read what I sent, knowing the crimes and evidence is much worse than what I had written so far. So I sent it again today and this time, I included crimes committed by Judge Warren, and this is just federal crimes. I haven't even looked at what State laws he violated. However, a report to Washington Judicial Committee is not based just on whether a Judge committed any crime, but whether there was unethical conduct of any kind.

Report of Judicial Felonies

I wish to be contacted with regard to judicial felonies committed by several Judges and request investigation and full and fair disclosure of any FOIA resulting from the investigation, or lack thereof.

There Is much more than this, but this is to start.

I made a report of judicial felony in 2005, to a local FBI field agent who did nothing. This is a felony, in violation of U.S.C. 4 (“whosoever, having knowledge of felony cognizable by court of U.S., conceals and does not make known…(the crime to authorities, prosecuting attorney, or judge),…shall be fined..or imprisoned not more than 3 years.”)

Since then, several other Judges have followed suit and committed the same crime, or acted as principles by commanding clerks to do the same, believing they would get away with it. (18 U.S.C. 2, as to who is “principle” agent of a crime; 18 U.S.C. 3, “accessory after the fact”)

When I told Wes, at Wenatchee field office, about Judge Gerald Warren, I did not even realize then, that what he had done was an actual violation of U.S.C’s with regard to obstruction of justice. However, I reported facts sufficient for him to know this Judge had committed felonies. He has committed the following crimes:

A. Judge Gerald Warren, Wenatchee, Washington (Chelan County District Court) Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic)

1. 18 U.S.C. 1512 (d). Tampering of a witness, victim, or informant.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1513 (e). Retaliating against witness, victim, or informant and possibly section. 1513 (b) if confinement is to include being trapped in a location and unable to travel due to theft of property.

3. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Concealment, removal of record filed with court.

4. 18 U.S.C. 1506. Avoiding filing of court record.

5. 18 U.S.C. 872. Extortion of property under color of law. (see also Sec. 1951 (2) for definition of extortion).

6. 18 U.S.C. 880. Receives, conceals, or disposes of property, knowing it is unlawfully obtained by extortion. (caused others to commit this crime, hence he is also principal to the crime)

7. 18 U.S.C. 241. Oppressing person from freedom of travel.

8. 18 U.S.C. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law.

9. 18 U.S.C. 245 (b(B,E), 2(A,B, E), 5. Obstruction of federally protected activities.

10. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

11. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts establishing racketeering pattern.

Judge Gerald Warren, Wenatchee, Washington History

2004-2005. In 2004 I made a complaint to the Portland FBI offices about Roman Catholic agents who attempted to interfere with a complaint I made against Judges, filed at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. The other matter pending was a case against The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon whereby my case file was being concealed in Salem, Oregon by another Catholic Judge, Paul Lipscomb. I was told if I wanted to do something about it, drive to Salem and show up in person. That same night, I drove past this Marion County (Salem) courthouse to stay the night with parents in a nearby town and go to the courthouse the next day. I was harassed and blocked from doing so by an illegal suspension put on my driver’s license by Judge Gerald Warren, from Washington State. I believe the officer pulling me over, who said he did so because of an “alert” put out on my vehicle and person, did so with instruction of a member of the FBI in concert with Judge Gerald Warren. This incident occurred after I was interviewed by FBI S.S.A.’s from D.C. and CA and I believe this action by Catholic Judges was an attempt to retaliate against a witness and tamper with a witness and victim to keep me out of a pending lawsuit against their church, The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. I was confined when my car was taken from me, having no other transportation or money. This action was deliberate and intentional as I was told by Warren’s clerk he did this illegally. When I asked him to correct his mistake, he looked me in the eye and maliciously refused to do so, knowing his actions had harmed me and my case. I was forced out college, which was my supporting livelihood at that time, and out of all of my lawsuits. I never made it to the Marion County courthouse where the other Catholic Judge Lipscomb had concealed evidence and was obstructing justice there, by refusing to forward information to the federal Bankruptcy court where my case had been removed due to the willful choice of the Archdiocese to remove all personal injury lawsuits filed against them to Bankruptcy court.

After this, I was given a restraining order by the same Judge Warren, in 2005, for a leading attorney for the Archdiocese in Oregon. The request for restraining order was faxed directly from John Kaempf of Bullivant Houser Bailey to Judge Warren’s personal chambers, rather than to the clerk of the court. John Kaempf is also Roman Catholic and already knew Judge Warren. I was unable to respond due to a hospitalization at that time.

After hospitalization, I attempted to challenge what court orders had been made against me and also made an appointment to speak with a reporter about the conduct of the FBI, believing I had been defamed in their internal records. The night before the scheduled appointment, I was arrested by 3 officers, all of whom were Roman Catholic and who told me I was known by police throughout Oregon and Washington. The S.A. for the FBI who had overseen my complaint of misconduct and sexual abuse by FBI agents from Portland, Oregon offices had transferred from Oregon offices at the same time I moved to Washington. She then took charge in defaming me and encouraging criminal activity against me, including blocking me from making any reports of crime to FBI offices.

The Judge assigned for this 3rd incident of retaliation after my FBI misconduct complaint and attempt to retrieve concealed documents from Marion County in Oregon, was again, Judge Gerald Warren. This time, the Judge put me into solitary confinement on a first-time charge of a misdemeanor for 14 days. I was given an excessive bail of over $10,000 and I wrote several kites requesting an attorney, and making a point about excessive bail. Every document I tried to send to the court to be filed, as is law, was returned to me by jail guards, who sometimes gave them back to me with a post-it attached to the top as a note from a clerk of the court that they were refused. Other times, they were returned without any note. Once out on personal recoginance, I again tried to file other documents with the court and the clerk said the Judge had entered a note into the computer instructing all clerks: “Do not file anything from Ms. Garrett.”

Either Judge Warren acted alone, or he also acted to protect someone else in an official capacity that did not want anything I submitted on public record, available to the public or to the media. I was told what Judge Warren did was “illegal” and asked for a copy of the note he made in the computer and then the clerks removed it.

While I was told his actions were “illegal” I didn’t know what law he had violated and that it was federal law. While Judge Warren was the first Judge I reported to FBI in Wenatchee, WA, I had attempted to report Judge Paul Lipscomb to “Julia Thornton” with FBI in Portland, Oregon when I made my complaint against FBI agents. She refused to document it and ordered me to structure my report to professional misconduct or abuse of office and to leave anything about religious hate crime and collusion out.

B. Judge Paul Lipscomb, Salem, Oregon (Marion County Superior Court) Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic):

1. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Concealment and removal of filed court documents.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1512 (d) and 1513 (e). Tampering with/Retaliation against witness, victim.

3. 18 U.S.C. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law.

4. 18 U.S.C. 245 (b(B,E), 2(A,B, E), 5. Obstruction of federally protected activities.

5. 18 U.S.C. 872. Extortion of property under color of law (possible collusion).

6. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee

7. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts proving racketeering activity.

Judge Paul Lipscomb, Salem, Oregon History:

2004-2005. Judge Lipscomb originally had my case against The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. He is Roman Catholic, and a member of the Archdiocese, by proxy. He and his clerks refused to file part of the court record with my case. I filed a motion with an exhibit of evidence and they kept the evidence separate and concealed it from the record and the public. When the case was transferred to Bankruptcy court in Portland, Oregon, all of these documents were supposed to be scanned into the electronic file but they weren’t because clerks and the Judge withheld the filed evidence and made it unavailable to the next court record. I called their offices repeatedly asking them to correct this and they refused. I alo spoke with clerks at the Bankruptcy court who said if there was something missing, I had to obtain it from Marion County. I called the court to let them know when I was driving there and when I would be able to do this. It was on that trip that I was pulled over in an illegal restraint of my freedom of travel and by an illegal suspension of license which wasn’t even true. The DMV’s in both states confirmed it was not true and the Judge Warren later admitted as much and still refused to correct. While trying to have my evidence in the court record, before even the removal to Bankruptcy court, I talked to clerks of the court in person, and the Judge’s clerks, and then kept finding out it was never done. Then after removal, it had to be scanned into the record and I found it was still being concealed and withheld from the record. It has never been entered into the record as required by law. I filed it, in person, with the clerk of the court, and showed them how, because of the volume, it was still part of the same thing. It was the motion, declaration, certificate of service and evidence exhibit which was referred to in the motion. I left and then later found out it was kept separate from the record. To this day, it has never been corrected.

C. Judge Michael, Tacoma, Washington, (Olympia, WA Fair Hearings federal court) Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic):

1. 18 U.S.C. 119 (a)(1,2). Made personal information known on covered individual with intent it would be used to threaten, intimidate or incite commission of crime of violence.

2. 18 U.S.C. 246. Deprivation of relief benefits (discrimination of religion).

3. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Concealment of records filed with court (OR) 18 U.S.C. 2076. Refusal to make or forward document required by law.

4. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee

5. 18 U.S.C. 249. Conspiring to incite hate crimes causing bodily injury.

6. 18 U.S.C. 1513 (e). Retaliating against witness, victim, or informant.

7. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts proving racketeering pattern.

Judge Michael ________, Tacoma, Washington History:

2006. After being forced out of college by Lipscomb, Warren, and others they colluded with, including FBI and police, I was forced to take welfare for the first time in my life. I then had persons who were Catholic attempting to push me off of welfare and trying to take my son from me. I contested a demand that I provide a Social Security number for my son and was cut off of benefits and had to take it to a Judge for a “Fair Hearing” which is a federal hearing heard at state level. The Judge was supposed to be assigned randomly and I found out the Judges that would have heard my case, who were not Catholic, were removed by a Catholic supervisor who installed her Catholic coworker instead, to hear my case specifically. This Judge portrayed himself as fair but was not, and while he made an appearance of not terminating my benefits, he actually falsified statements and portrayed me as a Catholic hater and used inflammatory language that would incite further religious hate crimes against me. He himself was Catholic, from a Jesuit Catholic college, Gonzaga. He also made up comments by me, which made me sound mentally ill and suggested I was paranoid schitzophrenic. By doing this, he knew as well as anyone that while he had made a show of re-establishing benefits, my son and I were then vulnerable to attacks from CPS or allegations of mental instability, as well as making us vulnerable to more hate crime, which had, in the past, in Oregon, including repeated property damage and attempts to cause bodily injury. Not only that, I asked to have my personal information remain private because of being a victim of crimes and also because of my participation as an informant and witness to criminal conduct by FBI employees, which I had reported and been interviewed over. Some of these FBI employees are members of family that is part of the Mexican Mafia and told me as much. One of my acquaintances was shot and killed after being told to “kneel” which was right after I had mentioned to someone in the FBI he used a police CB.

The FBI has done nothing to protect me, my son, or my family. In fact, they have so far done the very opposite, allowing criminals to torture us through government channels and allowing Judges to commit felonies openly. Because of slander from FBI, police refused to even process a rape kit.

I believe I also had a restraining order at that time, against someone who assaulted me, and he deliberately disseminated and published my personal information, along with his report about me which he knew would incite further hate crimes. I then asked him for an audio copy of the proceeding, as was my right, to challenge his false statements, and the Fair Hearings offices refused to ever make or produce the evidence I was entitled to, which I said I would pay for as well. After he submitted his report, my son and I began having extreme and severe property damage again, every week, and we were then refused reimbursement of monies I was owed by Social Services, which was a violation of 18 U.S.C. 285 (Preventing payment of money from U.S. to citizen). I then went to this Judge to file for another Fair Hearing for this matter, because The State of Washington owed me $1,000 and their offices refused to schedule a hearing as requested. I have never been reimbursed this money and because of their refusal to hold a Fair Hearing, my son and I lost our housing and our medical coverage and had to move. This Judge “Michael” was malicious and tried to do a favor for the other Catholic Judges who had committed felonies, by wanting to write me up as sounding nuts and like a militant against the “catholic church”. Right after I supposedly “won” the hearing with this Judge, we were refused further hearings there, in violation of the law, and promptly kicked off of benefits. I was then trying to get SSI for temporary physical disability and I was being blocked by both Donna Titleman, a Jewish caseworker, and another Catholic DSHS worker named “Barbara” out of Spokane, Washington. It is my unconfirmed opinion that this Judge is connected to the FBI, and personally knows Christine Gregoire, who has made many of the appointments of fellow Gonzaga alumni to Fair Hearings Judicial positions.


Judge Unknown: Responsible for multiple illegal actions and false statements to a foreign country when I left the country legally with my son. The Judge responsible has been withheld from me. I believe the Judge was also Roman Catholic and he was responsible for authorizing several illegal actions with no basis or jurisdiction for doing so.


D. Judge Dennis Hotchkiss, Waterville, Washington (Chelan-Douglas Superior Court) Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic):

1. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Removal of motions filed with the court.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

3. 18 U.S.C. 1513 (e). Retaliating against witness, victim, or informant.

4. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts proving racketeering activity.

5. 18 U.S.C. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law.

6. 18 U.S.C. 1031. Major fraud against The United States (principle to fraud brought by U.S. Attorney and CPS).

7. 18 U.S.C. 3. Accessory after the fact to major fraud.

Judge Dennis Hotchkiss, Waterville, Washington History:

2007-2009. Judge Hotchkiss committed felonies right from the start. I submitted a Motion for Change of Venue and filed it and it was filed. Then, it was removed from the court record after it had been filed. I also filed a Motion asking for his recusal and for a hearing and he refused to recuse himself and did not have a hearing. My public defender was one of his best friends and they both worked against me, with the public defender covering for everything he did, and refusing to enter evidence I had into the record that would have immediately had my son with me. After Judge Hotchkiss removed a Motion, and this just “disappeared” he then held a major hearing and hung up on me after telling me on the spot I was defending myself without a lawyer and with no time allowed for review of the case file, record, or asking for discovery. He obstructed a proceeding by cutting me out of it, and then gave a default win to the State. After this, I was not mailed any court files for months, making it impossible for me to timely appeal, and the Judge refused to appoint another attorney for over a year. He covered up and concealed crimes against a child, including assault and I am very sure he was personally involved as he is one who has motive to attempt to intimidate me into silence by allowing me to witness torture of my own son after he maliciously decided to make a new law blocking me from photographing any evidence of harm to my son. Judge Hotchkiss knew there was no basis for the CPS case and that it had been a kidnapping. There was no investigation prior to our departure from the U.S. and he knew his court lacked jurisdiction. He allowed the AG to make requests to block evidence of their own state workers torturing and assaulting my son, and agreed to it. He was and is principal to major fraud where many people have profited from a case that is not a valid CPS case. This Judge started to make amends after I was engaged, and then retaliated against me, my son, and my family, when I didn’t marry this man from Colombia who was Catholic as he and all the corrupt and racketeering Judges have been. He is also involved with some kind of motorcycle gang. He refused to allow me a lawyer for Termination proceedings or to call witnesses and cross-examine and then entered an order to terminate my rights and called upon his friend at the Spokane federal courthouse to block my efile for preliminary injunction of his order, as was my legal right.

E. Judge Edward Shea, Spokane, Washington (Eastern Dist. for Washington U.S. Court) Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic):

1. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Concealment, removal of record filed with court.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1506. Avoiding filing of court record.

3. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

4. 18 U.S.C. 872. Extortion of property under color of law. (see also Sec. 1951 (2) for definition of extortion).

5. 18 U.S.C. 880. Receives, conceals, or disposes of property, knowing it is unlawfully obtained by extortion. (caused others to commit this crime, hence he is also principal to the crime)

6. 18 U.S.C. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law.

7. 18 U.S.C. 245 (b(B,E), 2(A,B, E), 5. Obstruction of federally protected activities.

8. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

9. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts establishing racketeering pattern.

10. 18 U.S.C. 2076. Clerk of U.S. court refuses to make or forward record (principle).

Judge Edward Shea, Spokane, Washington History:

2009. I efiled documents with this courthouse without a problem and then when I efiled a Preliminary Injunction for the Order of Termination of Parental Rights, this Judge instructed his clerk to remove my efile from the court docket and record. This instantly reversed and made void my legal right to file for Preliminary Injunction and the Judge knew that it caused irreparable damages and harm when he illegally removed the efile. He was principle to instructing the clerk to take the blame for it. I objected instantly and he and the entire courthouse willfully refused to correct their error which was a felony and proved it was deliberate and intentionally done for purposes of illegally obstructing me from proceedings.

F. Judge Cynthia Imbrognio, Spokane, Washington (Eastern Dist. for Washington U.S. Court)Felonies (religion: Roman Catholic):

1. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts proving racketeering pattern.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

3. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Concealment of record.

4. 18 U.S.C. 2. Principle to crimes committed by Judge Shea, for whom she tried to cover.

5. 18 U.S.C. 3. Accessory after the fact, to crimes committed by Shea.

6. 18 U.S.C. 4. Misprision of felony.

Judge Cynthia Imbrognio, Spokane, Washington History:

2009. This Judge took the case after I asked Shea to recuse himself and then tried to conceal all crimes he and their clerks had committed. She altered the entire record as well, attempting to call my Preliminary Injunction a restraining order to disguise the damages that occurred from the willful act of removing an efiled document from the record to prejudice my rights.

G. Clerk of the Court, Spokane, Washington (Eastern Dist. for Washington U.S. Court) Felony (religion: Unknown)

1. 18 U.S.C. 2076. Clerk of U.S. court refuses to make or forward record.

2. 18 U.S.C. 2071. Removal of court filed document.

3. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

4. 18 U.S.C. 1506. Avoiding filing of court record.

5. 18 U.S.C. 3. Accessory after the fact, to crimes of obstruction.

6. 18 U.S.C. 4. Misprision of felony.

Clerk of the Court, Spokane, Washington History:

2009. This is the clerk (one or more) who removed my efiled document unlawfully and I believe it was with the directive of a Judge. They sent me several communications trying to make excuses and covering for the felonies.

H. Clerk of the Court, Portland, Oregon (Portland Div. Oregon U.S. Court) Felony (religion: Unknown)

1. 18 U.S.C. 2076. Clerk of U.S. court refuses to make or forward record.

2. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

3. 18 U.S.C. 1506. Avoiding filing of court record.

I. Clerk of the Court, Portland, Oregon History:

2011. Clerk of the Court, G. Williams returns my civil sheet and motion for preliminary injunction, along with my declaration of indigency, and my request for permission to use Pacer. Nothing was filed but it was date-stamped October 11, 2011 and then returned to me after they sat on it for a month, with a letter dated Nov. 15, 2011.

J. Magistrate Mark Clarke, Eugene, Oregon (Eugene Div. Oregon U.S. Court) Felonies (religion: Unknown):

1. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

2. 18. U.S.C. Retaliating against witness, victim, or informant.

Magistrate Mark Clarke, Eugene, Oregon History:

2012. I filed for habeas corpus due to unreasonable restraints and being blocked repeatedly from the court, in addition to other reason. He is required to take my facts as true unless proven otherwise in the course of proceedings but instead, he ignores the fact he has a gross conflict of interest, and that I do not consent to having a Magistrate, and unlawfully moved to dismiss my petition with prejudice and smear me as filing a “frivolous” complaint when this is a serious petition that needs to be heard.

K. Commissioner Wasson and Judges of Appeals Court (WA) Felonies (religion: Majority Catholic).

1. 18 U.S.C. 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before any U.S. department, agency, or committee.

2. 18 U.S.C. 872. Extortion.

3. 18 U.S.C. 1961. Two or more counts proving racketeering pattern.

Commissioner Wasson and Appellate Judges History:

2011. (out of order). I overheard Wasson bribing-threatening a parent by extortion to prevent me from filing any documents to appeal my case over my son, or we would pay for it and, she said, we couldn’t afford the expense.

I swear all the above statements are true to the best of my ability and belief and do not object to their being used for evidence in a court or law or other proceeding, subject to penalty for perjury.

I also claim protection from retaliation for making this report and intend to hold any person accountable, to the full extent of the law, who threatens any member of my family or attempts or succeeds to commit an assault of any kind.

Because of a pattern of collusion with these Judges and some of the FBI agents and employees, I ask that this be reviewed by a person without religious or other conflict of interest. I also do not expect much, as nothing has been done in the past, however, I believe it is in the best interests of the Department to investigate & prosecute for crimes that fall within their jurisdiction. I also know my son was kidnapped under color of law and that the repeated crimes committed by judiciary and others have made it impossible to prove my innocence or release the facts of the case. I demand the return of my son.

Cameo L. Garrett

P.O. Box 505

Coquille, Oregon 97423
Email: 541-396-6632

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