Tuesday, April 24, 2012

sesame seed eggplant marinara

I refered to a soup in my last post that I don't really recommend...it's so-so. But I did make something several weeks ago that was good and I didn't have a recipe, just tried it with a thought and it turned out. It is to roast sesame seeds (hulled) in olive oil in saucepan, then add chopped tomatoes, or sauce, for marinara (I think I used tomatoes) and then simmer, add eggplant (I added it in cubes or a little larger), simmer, salt, and if you want, add habanero cider-salsa. It was very good and the sesame seeds worked really well. I had it over spagetti but I thought another kind of pasta could work. I was also pressed for time one day and sliced eggplant rounds and then basted them with flaxseed "egg" substitute, and then covered with wheat bran. Wasn't sure how wheat bran would turn out but it crisped up and wasn't too odd. It wasn't a real breaded eggplant as I've done years ago, but it's very fast and not too bad. Then add sauce over that.

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