Monday, April 9, 2012

Social Security Refuses To Process Claim & DHSH in WA

I put in a claim for physical and medical SSI and left msgs with the offices since last week and they refuse to call me back, delaying the processing of a claim.

They took part of my testimony over the phone and had me swear to it by oath and then when I called them to say I had forgotten the most important part and needed to have that sworn in, they have refused to return my call.

This has been since Wednesday or Tuesday of last week.

I spoke to the same woman and left VM several times, last week and this week, and also talked to the head supervisor, Kurt.

I am not sure why they'd refuse to contact me or return my call unless they know it stalls my ability to get health insurance for presumptive reasons in Oregon, and also prevents me from adding the important medical records to my claim.

I told her I had forgotten to list 3 of the most important parties who hold records about me.

They are:

CPS/Department of Social and Health Services of Washington and in Washington D.C.
a psychologist
another psychologist
a medical clinic that issued prescriptions and did radiology diagnostics
and another facility

So basically, the claim is incomplete. The best part, maybe the part they don't want to process, is The Department of Social and Health Services.


Because I have records proving I made over a dozen written requests to these offices for records before they ever lied and went after my son to retaliate for Catholic judges. It proves the State of WA was retaliating against me before they ever enlisted CPS to help harass.

Prior to CPS, I had gone to DSHS offices several times and filled out a release form and signed it, at their offices in Wenatchee, about 3 times before they ever got CPS involved. They never once complied with my request.

I asked why no one was sending me information from DHSH and Wenatchee Social Services said, "It's Spokane." I said, "What do you mean it's Spokane?" and I was told all release of information requests to that office got sent to Spokane, WA and they were the ones in charge of processing the requests.

Not ONCE did they give me even ONE piece of paper from my release of information request.

They basically thought that since the FBI ignored me, they could too. So the DHSH pattern of crime followed after what they observed from the FBI. If they thought the FBI wasn't responding to my FOIA requests, they felt they didn't need to respond to my written release of information requests.

I made at LEAST 3 requests in writing. Then, after CPS was involved, I went to CPS offices and made the requests in writing. I never got a response. After this, after they took my son, I made requests again, and they were all ignored.

In total, I made about 12 or so (close to a dozen and at least a half dozen) requests in writing, with my signature, to DHSH for complete records from all offices connected to DHSH.

Then I asked my public defenders to make the request and told them I needed those records. They refused to do it and blocked me from doing it.

Even though the headquarters is in Olympia, WA, what Wenatchee Social Services (and later, CPS) told me, was that all records requests were sent to their branch supervisor in Spokane, WA.

I believe the woman's name was Barbara and she is the one who is Roman Catholic and who hated my guts and whose husband was heavily involved in private Catholic clubs and Knights of Colombus. She was a more radical Catholic and she prevented me from getting even one record from them.

And then they colluded with the U.S. Attorney in Spokane, Judges, and FBI, to go after me and my son.

So NOW, I sort of wonder why the North Bend, Oregon Social Securtity offices are waiting to return my call so I can add these clinics and this information to my claim, and have it sworn to, under oath.

Now I'm getting "if you died today, who would take care of your family" ads with hotmail. Which, since I have written about SSI on this blog, might sort of make sense. However, in Washington D.C. when I got these ads all the time, I was never looking up anything to do with medical stuff or writing about SSI. I was just getting ad after ad about death and funeral notice and ads for coffins and things.

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