Monday, May 7, 2012

Communications Down (No wifi, no webcam) & Judge lack of response (or mail theft?)

My computer was working fine until sometime after 12, noon, or possibly up into 1 p.m. I sent a correction to my FAFSA, to include my son as part of my household, and I fully expect him to be. Then I went online to a library site to check out a book that has never arrived properly (for Business Law) and to do a lot of catching up on science homework. Someone got into my laptop right after this, and maybe before, and around the time the Portland FBI wrote to me. All of a sudden, I had zero wi-fi, my icon for wi-fi is gone and all the normal things you use to get it back are gone. My McAffee went out right after that, after I tried to do a "system restore" in "domain control". It didn't work, and refused to bring up the system to a prior date (I tried one day earlier first). Then, I called a computer person and we tried everything but I think everything has been tried. There isn't anything wrong with the computer actually, not mechanically I don't think. But this disrupted all of my work and everything I tried to do today. I had planned on putting in several hours of homework. Seriously. My energy level was good and I was ready to go. So then, I tried to add it back and "make new connection" and use addresses, IP, network key, and nothing worked. Also, get this, the Judge for the federal courthouse in Eugene has not even answered my last motion to be filed. I am thinking it was either stolen by a U.S. post worker or they got rid of it at the courthouse...or some weird delay? Usually the court responds within a week or so and I've heard nothing. I got something from 9th circuit, and nothing from Eugene.? All of my classes are online. It's not this computer because this one has had problems (being hacked) just like the other one (I returned). It doesn't matter which one I use.


  1. Get a Mac. You probably have a virus.

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  3. You can try GotoCamera compatible wireless IP cameras. All that one needs to do, is set-up an account on GotoCamera and hook up a camera to monitor their home, office or business. For more details on how to set-up an account go to . Once the account is set-up, you can access your cameras (snapshots and videos), view and manage your camera footage stored on the GotoCamera servers, and change your motion detection settings. The only time you would need a computer is during set-up, after which you can monitor your home, office, business or loved ones without the need of a computer and from anywhere in the world. GotoCamera is giving you peace of mind for a song!
