Friday, May 11, 2012

Correction to Bank Matter

I updated my blog about the Wells Fargo bank matter because I made myself sound bad by not clarifying what this "claimed" "account abuse" was.  It is not for anything illegal. 

They are now claiming "account abuse" because I overdraft.

It's a simple overdraft and it was never supposed to happen, because I put a stop payment in to both the bank and the party making automatic withdrawals (YMCA of Middleton).  They were supposed to reverse a payment they processed after I put in a stop payment.

They didn't do this.  Then, apparently, they kept allowing them to withdrawal even though I submitted paperwork to them again.  So basically, Middleton was illegally withdrawing funds from my business bank account, after they knew I said "stop payment" to them.

I gave Wells Fargo the contact info for myself and they did have communications with me at that account address, and replied to me by email.  They always knew this was the only way to reach me, and they did reach me there. 

Instead of notifying me about an ongoing problem, they just closed my account.

Because of Middleton.

So Middleton kept taking from me, and put me in the negative, while the bank allowed it and colluded to allow it, and then closed me out. 

Then, when I called, I said what is this? and they said I owed them nothing.  I said, "What do you mean?" and they said I owed the bank "zero" and there was on problem--they just shut my account down.  So I tried to open a new account, and no bank will do it, because after I tried to resolve this, someone from Wells Fargo called it in to the federal government credit collections and now I'm barred from opening an account at any bank in the entire country.

My mother offered to set up an account for me through her, until this is "overcome".  It is nice of my mother to do this, but the point is, I'm 37 years old, and the FBI has done NOTHING about any number of crimes against me.  I should not be having to open an account "through my mother", at my age.

I have been trying to resolve this for months, sending email back and forth to this bank woman, and they've ignored me, put me off, lied, and stalled.  They even sent this "report" to credit collections, affecting my credit.

The unlawful party taking my money was Middleton.  And they continued to take assets from me even after I specifically issued a "stop payment" to them, and then redoubled my efforts and sent it again. 

The bank knew as well.

So they just allowed this to happen, knowing the entire time that it was wrong and damaged and harmed me.

1 comment:

  1. The bank did not collude. If you authorized an automatic withdrawal then the bank has to honor it. Stop blaming all the crap that happens to you on everyone and everything except yourself. Take some responsibility. Try it. You will see that most of this crap you blog about can be directly traced to the fact that you are crazy. It is you, Cameo. Not anyone or anything else. Stop defaming people and institutions. Take the blame. TAKE IT.
