Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Falling Down and Passing Out

I keep hearing about passing out and falling down.  Something feels depressing right now too.   I am hoping my brother isn't falling down and passing out because his health has had some weird things just like mine.

There are forms of military technology that will do this to you as well. I'm not kidding.  It happened to me in Wenatchee and a cop was observing me the whole time.  I was walking outside and just got hit with something, some kind of technology, that made me feel like I was going to pass out.  I almost did.  IIt made me almost black out and pass out.  And then what was creepy was a cop was smirking and watching the entire time, from a short distance.

It was a Wenatchee officer in a patrol car.  I know what it is to have low blood pressure and feel lightheaded but it wasn't that.  It wasn't something else and it's hard to describe but when it happens, you know it's military.  You know it's technology.  And it causes you to almost pass out.

It was different from when I was almost blacking out with my son in E. Wenatchee.  That was like this sudden pulse, and it caused my head to feel like it was expanding and then I saw black.  I never fell and controlled myself.  Right after, I had to use the bathroom every time. 

It was not seizure specifically.  It was being hit by something that was DOD.  When it happened years later with the cop watching, it was different and it caused you to feel like you had to fall asleep and you had to fight to stay awake.  It happened while I walked from downtown Wenatchee to a gas station, a 76 station before the Albertsons mall area.  The cop was on a side road, parked, and watching, and smirking.  It was totally creepy.  When I got to the gas station, it was night and instantly the feeling left.  It was some kind of technology they were using and this one cop knew about it.  I told someone about it and they said which cop was it.  It was a cop with a broader face, not long and skinny, and I would have to see all their photos again bc it's been awhile but I think I could ID him.

Anyway, my mother sent me something that was sent to her after I talked to them about being an anaesthesiologist last night.  The next morning she forwarded something sent to her about a perfume that, when smelled, made you pass out.  This was sent to my Mom at 8:30 a.m. or so.  About an hour or two hours later, Trish McMichael was leaving a message on my parent's machine about passing out and "to see if you pass out".  She was talking about placement testing but you don't pass out of these tests, you test out, or you place to a class.  She was talking about pass out.  Which is only strange when I later found an email sent to my mother was about this.

So then my brother was saying he was falling and passing out.  Which he meant about sleep, but it's a lot of the same thing and with him, I wouldn't doubt if he was literally having problems bc my family is tortured.

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