Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day To Me, My Mom, Granny and Grandmas

Happy Mother's Day to all of us.

Happy Mother's Day to me, as I am Oliver's mother.  This is something the United States has robbed me  of.  This is also something my Ex, Alvaro Pardo, tried to rob me of.  He was never helping me with my son--the entire time all he said was "maybe there are some things you can't do with kids", like I was supposed to work for the government as a spy or something, without my own child.  He never focused on whether I would have my son back.  He focused on himself and what he was getting out of me, after he held me hostage, tried to prevent me from fixing problems in court that damaged my reputation, kept me from visiting a land mines and mines archive in Washington D.C., and tried to send me straight to federal prison.

Alvaro Pardo works for the FBI.  He told me he worked for the FBI in Colombia and there was plenty of evidence to suggest he was still being solicited by the FBI while he was in the United States.  The FBI made a bunch of promises they didn't keep and they knowingly damaged me and allowed damages to keep me from having my own son.

He also worked with The Middletons and people who knew the Middletons.

Alvaro Pardo knows Chris Dabney and they know Mark, the U.S. Army truck driver that showed up after I contacted FBI in New Mexico, en route to the East Coast.  All three of them know eachother and they all work for the U.S. government.  All three of them are Catholic.  They all had ties to certai Jewish people who were favoring Middletons and wanted me in jail for their own reasons.  The entire time I was being set up they used some kind of Colombia-England theme.

The FBI first tried to find a way to jail me, after Alvaro and his friends had done what they could to obstruct me from correcting damage done against my name in court.  He wanted to dump me after he'd done favors for those who didn't want me to have a chance to get my son.  Alvaro knew that when I went to the Maryland courthouse, it was to correct damage done to my name that would affect my getting my son back.  Not only did Alvaro know these other people, he knew a guy I stayed with in Blaine, who is also connected to FBI.

He did everything he could to keep me from fixing this problem with the court, to keep me from getting medical records in time (he later allowed me to do this), to keep me from going to a federal archives for land mines and mines in D.C., and when he couldn't entrap me to go to prison, tried to find a way to use me himself and for the FBI.  He even tried to keep me from singing.  His "friend" from Colombia locked the door on me between my living space and her living space.  He even forced me to kiss him when I didn't want to and held my face to stop me from walking away, just to win some kind of bet.  I knew it was a bet.  We were not hugging or close to eachother, I was fully clothed, walking away from him and he told me to kiss him and I said no and he forced me.

That's the FBI for ya.

And how many promises have they kept to me and my son?  Let's ask Anne McIntosh.  "ZERO".

It was a big lie about "For Oliver".  Nothing was for Oliver.  While he was lying and saying he cared about my son and how much I cared about my son, and saying he cared about his daughter too, all he cared about was himself.  His entire group didn't like me, they were using me and the FBI was part of that.  Not only was the FBI involved, military was, at the highest levels and it was Dempsey and Panetta.

While Alvaro told me he cared about my son, at the same time, he said, MORE THAN ONCE, that maybe I wasn't going to have my son and that it might be better.  I said what do you mean it might be better?  for what? and he said "There are some things that kids can't be involved in."  I asked him to clarify and he said some kinds of work or situations are better off without kids, because it is too dangerous for them.

Like the FBI.

Like being tortured hasn't been dangerous. 

He repeatedly suggested it might be "better" to not have my son.  This is while he lied to my face, knowing all I cared about was my son.  And it is the same thing Chris Dabney was saying to me when I worked at the Post Pub.  "Well what are you going to do without your son?  You need to think about life without him."  Then, after saying sometimes it's better not to have kids around, Alvaro was always saying what was I going to do without my son and give him a call if I don't get my son back.

The FBI has NEVER honored ONE thing they promised, or that they are obligated to do, by law, by oath.

Chris Dabney knew a bunch of Australians and British people connected to Middletons.  The National Directorate of Intelligence at that time, for the U.S., was British.  I know Chris knew Mark because of the way they nodded off to eachother, like they already knew eachother, and most likely, from the FBI.

Then, I know Alvaro knew this guy from Blaine who knew all these cops, because of the way they nodded off to eachother.  And this guy, Mike from Blaine, kept a bunch of my personal things, and gave them to someone.  Papers I had, legal records, I believe one of my son's shoes, and a "code" idea I had which I'd worked on sort of for fun and sort of because I had no security to write a story of fiction and not have someone find it and read it before I was done.  Alvaro even asked me if I wanted to stay with him, like he was going to dump me off with this guy Mike.  And then he and Mike looked at eachother in a way I knew they knew eachother.

I never saw Alvaro around Chris Dabney.  I just know one time I was talking on the phone with someone that Alvaro had tried to set me up to go to jail over (who was trying to entrap me to commit marriage fraud), and Chris was in the background.  So it was Chris Dabney that knew the Maryland FBI who all the guards knew at the courthouse. 

Alvaro asked me what time I would be there, and the Maryland cop/FBI was there waiting for me, and later had Chris Dabney on the other end of his phone.  So if Dabney knew the cop, then Alvaro set me up to be there at a time he'd be there.

He deliberately took me away from the courthouse, from filing anything to contest an assault against me by CIA employees.

I could sue the CIA for assault.

Who knew when I was going to be at that hospital for an MRI?  The CIA employee.  And that's where my unborn baby died, because of the U.S. military and CIA.  No one else could cause this to happen to their machines when it did what it did.  No group other than the DOD and the CIA.  They put a hit on my unborn child after they first started torturing me (and my unborn baby) again at my apartment in Arlington, VA.

Alvaro did nothing but favors for the Middletons.  The Middletons got access to my FBI files because they work with them.

Then, when I didn't marry him, Anne McIntosh reversed on all of her FBI promises to let me see my son more, and increase visitation.  She and everyone else decided to punish me and they broke every promise they ever made.  She was like an evil scientist, like Cameron Ewon, who ran MK-Ultra projects for the Canadians.  She would sit there in hearings and observe me with cold clinical interest.  Everything she did was manipulative, unfeeling, and without regard to my rights and my son's rights.  She had promised to increase visits, and instead, she cut them in half. 

The MINUTE I broke up with Alvaro, the FBI decided to steal my son and break all their promises. 

There was no "what if" or concern about the truth or what had really happened, there was no "process" or "justice" or "equal hearing". 

The FBI knew the case was a fraud and their idea of fixing it was to have me either jailed or married into their organization through Alvaro.  If I married Alvaro, I wouldn't sue them for torture.  I wouldn't sue them for what they didn't do when we were in Canada.  I don't mean "all FBI agents" but those who were involved in obstructing justice.

They supported the Middletons and worked with Carol Middleton. The FBI does.  Alvaro also knew some gangsters (who looked like young professionals) in Seattle.  I noticed when I went with him to University of Washington to get my medical records.  He was nodding off to a bunch of Italian and other guys there who hated me (plain to see) but thought Alvaro was doing them a favor.  They didn't smile at me--they hated me. 

How Kate got my FBI file I don't know.  I don't know if it was through her mother, through Alvaro, or Laura Laughlin or someone in Seattle or California.  I know she's made trips over here and I know the FBI gave her access to all of my FBI records, while they had refused to let me one single thing when I'm the one being tortured.  NOT HER.

So Happy Mother's Day to me.  I never see my son, never hear from him, and the FBI refused to investigate fraud and crime because some of them were involved.  Almost a dozen Judges have committed crimes of federal obstruction of justice and ruined my rights to my son.

Nothing is being done about my Writ for Habeas Corpus.

It's basically like the FBI set a bunch of FBI gang-bangers out against me, that all know Middletons and who all are connected to high levels of U.S. government.  It's like I got the FBI government gang bang. 

Where's my son?

I'm supposed to not be a mother?  Am I not able to say Mother's Day includes me?  My son is not my son?

WHAT kind of criminal enterprise is this then, that calls itself the United States.  Who acquired the ficticious name for themselves?

Since Alvaro tried to set me up for Carol and the U.S. FBI, my son, parents, and I have been tortured and the FBI sold us out to military and CIA research.  At least that's what they did to me and my son, and to gangs. 

Happy Mother's Day to my mother whose first baby was killed by the U.S.  Who was then told to pressure her daughter to take the lowest forms of employment possible and not go to college and get married to anyone early, just to get me out of the way.  Whose son, Levi, was tortured as a kid.  He has this baby photo of him over a football.  Leaning his head against a football.  Then Mike Middleton got involved. 

Happy Mother's Day to Dolores Sutton-Davis, whose kids were stolen from her when the youngest was 2, to serve the U.S. as part of an experiment, the same U.S. that  authorized the parental kidnapping and even ordered it.  They did this at the start or MK-Ultra, and blackmailed my Grandpa to do it.  She didn't see her own son, my Dad, for 11 more years, until he was 13 years old.

Happy Mother's Day to Granny, who has been tortured in the U.S. and experimented on to the point of her ears hurting, her back hurting when it's not from normal pain, and her eyes turning black around the outsides.  She's had almost everything stolen from her and given to the Middletons.  She was a college student with my Grandpa and was forced to drop out.  Then she was instructed to dumb her own kids down when they were smarter than most.  She had a stillborn child and no one knows why or they do and don't talk about it.  The child was born full-term, and they named her Madonna Joy and buried her.  Her other kids, some, were tortured for MK-Ultra as well, including my Mom.

Happy Mother's Day to Charlotte, who was lucky enough to be called nuts after some Catholic monks and their mafias decided they didn't like me anymore.  They needed to call some other family member crazy after defaming and torturing me, so they picked her first because she was most vulnerable.  Out of the blue, they decided to say she was "paranoid schitzophrenic" when she's not.  She doesn't even take email anymore, not because of this, but because the govt. is into all of our personal business.

Happy Mother's Day to Rosella, who has been trying to recoup with her husband after he had a heart attack and then "gangrene".  Kind of like Irish Catholic Gang Green.  Dempsey is Irish Catholic, Sullivan with the CIA and now OIG, is Irish Catholic connected.  They put all their green lights out, not for me, but for the Irish Catholics that colluded to obstruct justice in Wenatchee.  That includes Sean, Ryan (the guy from Boston), Judge Warren, Laura Laughlin, Judge Edward Shea,.  My Uncle in New Mexico, who is married to Rosella, had a massive heart attack after all of this and went home from the hospital with no problems.  This is the same New Mexico where the FBI there sent out an Irish Catholic guy to take me to the East Coast, who knew Chris Dabney, where they are all connected to U.S. Army and Dempsey.

He had contracted gangrene while in the hospital somehow.  Rosella said it wasn't there but he didn't have it before and he had pain from it later.  His entire pelvic region was full of "gangrene" is what the doctors told him.  So they said they might have to "amputate" but didn't.  Sudden rapid-onset "gangrene".    It's not like someone isn't trying to kill off the men in our family or anything. 

Happy Mother's Day to my family members that got sucked into marrying Catholics after I had problems with the Abbey situation where I was defamed to police and then the world, for Jewish rapists and Catholic haters. 

I am told Josh Gatov told police I went out with one of his friends when I never did.  So I had to think about it and remembered the only guy he could have possibly meant, who I never dated and who only went to a church gathering one time, driving there himselr and leaving himself.  But Gatov told Portland police I had dated one of his friends after he raped me.  So if he means that guy, who was only someone I personally tutored at the tutoring center, that guy Spanish.  Gatov was Jewish.  This Spanish guy brought a bottle of red wine after that's what Josh had when he raped me.  I think now that he even bought red wine knowing he was going to rape me, knowing I was a virgin.  The only person I knew from college campus that had been to Spain was the Jewish debate coach Larry  Galizio.  He knew me before Josh knew me and there are not a lot of Jews in Portland.  They all know eachother.  Larry Galizio lived in Spain for some time.  He married a Jewish woman. 

So again, Happy Mother's Day to the mothers who have survived being surrounded by Jews that moved in just to get close, or Catholics who thought they could after they knew where the money was, after 1999.

Josh drove a white car that fit the description of the car named which supposedly had paint off of it from collision with Diana's mercedes.  All that Portland police did was cover crimes for others.  Larry lived in Lake Oswego or near there.  Josh talked with Lake Oswego police before he raped me--two Lake Oswego officers.  So if it sounds "international", guess what.

It is.

I heard my son in the background saying "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

and he didn't even know I was on the other end of the phone and that I am his mother, not Holly Avila.

This country is criminally corrupt.


  1. I am very sorry that you cannot be with your son. I am very curious as to how you connect yourself and all these people you have been involved with to British Royality...

  2. Anonymous,

    Thank you.

    Your question is extremely difficult to answer. I say this because my life has been life that of an adopted child--I am not adopted and feel loved, but there are so many secrets that my parents are forced to keep secret, that it has taken decades for me to even connect such an idea.

    I wish I could say it comes down to birthmarks. That, like a child who is born to a mother and then given away, is found and identified by a birthmark, there were such markers which led me to realize the analogy applies to my life and circumstances.

    Leads I guess. Small tips and leads. Nothing from my family, but the composite made of parts coming together with intuitive glue and bits of evidence, gave it away.

    That's how.
