Sunday, May 20, 2012

Horrid Professor Tonia St. Germain

This woman is horrible.

Not only did she not grade my paper and give me feedback in time to correct for the next paper, she was saying to write a "collage paper" and gave no definition of what a "collage paper" is.

Then after refusing to give feedback, she writes to insult me, telling me I need a "tutor" and a "first reader" to review my writing before I turn it in.  (Because my "collage", which she said was a cut and paste of random ideas, was too "collage-y").

Then, she told me she was going to contact "Disability" services about me. There was zero reason to do so.  Zero.  It was another insult.

Okay, and this is a class I was forced to take by EOU because they gave me incorrect information.  I never wanted the class--it was a placeholder for a different class and nothing more.  By the time EOU gave me correct information, I was stuck with this class. 

It turns out, I am the ONLY student in the class.  It's supposed to be cancelled if they have less than 5 or so students and EOU told her to keep it, just to stick me with it.  There was supposedly 1 other student, named "Nora" and I haven't heard or seen one word about her since the start of term.

So then she tries to contact disability to make me look bad when there is no reason to do so.  Disability then contacted this "student relations" person Cascio without even writing to me at all.  They did not even bother to ask me anything or to contact me. 

After this, St. Germain sends in her next assignment, with a little "footnote" at the top, which you then read as:  "Adopted from J.L. Beyer".  This woman is a bona fide bitch.  I do not read into things unless I intuitively know what she was trying to harass me with.  She knows I have been trying to get my son back, and she then makes some comment about "adopted from" and then uses the name of a woman whose last name is an aspirin brand, and she already knows that I went to the ER one time for aspirin overdose.  She decided to make this assignment about a week and a half ago, right before or around the time I got mail from the corrupt "Magistrate" about habeas corpus and asking for the stay of my son.  I am the only person in her class so she knows who she is directing this to (unless this other woman is still in it, and that makes only 2 students).

I really hope she gets what she deserves and I guess the fact her entire "Gender" program is closing for good, is one form of karming knocking her up.  She doesn't have a job at EOU any longer but EOU told her to keep this class when they already knew I didn't even want it.  They just didn't want to give me the refund I deserved.

She makes excuses for EVERYTHING besides.  She claims she never got this paper or that paper or it's not in "Word" format.

I had someone suggest she is connected to military but I don't know that.  She had a bias against me from Day 1.  So I don't know if it's religious bias, or military malice, or what.  All of her selected books are from London, England.

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