Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Illegal Use Of Oliver For U.S. Government Research

I was given some of my son's "homework" and I could tell he had not come up with all the ideas of how to color, with what color, and it was clear from his writing that he is being forced to work for the U.S. in child labor.

I have enough evidence to prove, at least in a minor way, or cast some doubt, as to the intentions of the United States and their unlawful abduction, trafficking, and use of my son for their "programs."

His school teacher at Dryden Elementary has been a woman named "Tina".  From doing a search for Peshastin Elementary School, the teacher by this name is "Tina Richardson".   I found a "Richardson & Strong farm" in Wenatchee, something about her running in Leavenworth, running "day camps", and found a Duane Richardson and a Geoffrey Dana Richardson who is an MD in Wenatchee.  If she is connected to the MD, the MD knows the Canadian who runs the medical supply practice and who stole my diaries.

Geoffrey D. Richardson is connected to Leavenworth as well as Tina Richardson, and I found him listed as faculty for The University of Washington which would give him proximity to Seattle, WA, which is where Shannon Borg and her Canadian partner "Dan" live.  The Canadian guy is connected to all the doctors and medical facilities and owns a medical company in Seattle.  U of WA lists Geoffrey Richardson as practicing at Cascade Medical in Leavenworth, WA.

Some of the things my son is being told to draw, are based off diary entries that I made which were stolen from me by the Canadian man and his partner Shannon Borg.

He drew a "whale" which looks somewhat based off of Eastern Oregon's art student's work that I mentioned in a post, and the whale has blood coming out of the side and an ax next to it.  Above this he was forced to write out, "Ug! I'm a whale!  Grrr!"  '

This is almost a direct quotation from my diary I wrote in at age 13.  People are using my personal diaries and records and forcing my son to incorporate these things into his "homework".  Not only that, they are using his homework and what he does and have tried to make it correspond with things they predict I will look up online in the future.  I can prove an example of this, and will do so.

It is slightly possible that the diary from when I was 13 was one which was stolen by Steve May, but I am pretty sure it was with my Seattle things.  I am not 100% sure yet though and it might be Steve May's doing.

I am looking at the paper this was drawn on and it's from class.  He didn't do this at home with Holly and Pablo, he was forced to do this at Peshastin Elementary or his daycare.  Much more likely it was school.  I say this, because the paper used is punch-holed and the Avilas don't have that kind of paper.  It was also punch-holed with a specific kind or pre-done because it has little jagged edges and isn't a smooth punch-hole.  It's specific paper that is held by the school and it appears this was done at school.  At his own house, he'd use normal paper, not punch-holed paper.  It looks like it was in a binder.  Maybe I'm wrong and he was forced to do it at his house where someone had better access, or daycare, but that's the paper and if he was at his own house, he would most likely have other paper available and not be drawing out of a binder.  I just looked more closely at the paper and compared it with paper for his "math journal".  It's the same paper.  The paper is Peshastin school paper.  It has some of the same recyling characteristics to it--same color of flecks in the paper.

It's obvious military and CIA shit.

On the other side of the "whale" drawing with an ax cutting wood and cutting into the side of the whale, with blood or a "heart" coming out,  on the backpage, instead of a blue whale, is a "ghost".  And on the ghost side it says "Ug! I'm a ghost! Grrrr..."

So he has a bleeding whale on one side and a ghost on the other side and my son would never use the words he used for the quote.  It was taken from my diary and the people who had that specific diary and then who "got rid of it" (oh really?  'got RID of it'?  Dan, the Canadian, got rid of it?  where did it go then?). 

In my diary, I write about how our cat swallowed fishing line and had to have an operation and I write "Uggg!" about how gross it would be in that entry and later, in the same diary, use the expression "Grrr!", in a kid-way, about someone taking something that doesn't belong to them.  I know my diaries because I've read them several times over the years, looking back on what was happening in my life then.

There is no modern cartoon or book that my son reads that uses those expressions. It was taken directly from my personal diary and my son was forced to write what he was told to write.  My aunt and uncle would also have no reason to do this or want to do this--they would only do what they are told to do, if it was done at their house, or Tina Richardson would force my son to do this in class.
The U.S. and Canada are torturing my son and they stole my personal diaries to use for purposes of causing my distress and forcing my son to employ parts of them in slave labor for them.

The only other people who had any personal photos or diaries are in Wenatchee and it was Steve Mays and the guy he had living with him, who I could see forcing my son to write such things because it's his style, not my son's style.  They stole a bunch of personal photos and my long white gloves, and records.  Police went through all of it.  They stole evidence I had for my case for my son too.

My son then, is being terrorized still, not just by the U.S., but by Canadians.

This country has someone monitoring every single thing I do on a laptop, 24/7.  One example, a very small example, is that I was just looking up Tina's husband, and found someone by the name of Duane Richardson so I tried to type it into a search, wondering, and I only got as far as Dua and someone with the Google search immediately then included a "b" I had not typed into the search bar.  They put in a search for me for "Dub" and then after this, I deleted it and tried to add the next letter and I mistyped a "b" somewhere in the name instead of an "n" (they are next to eachother).

This country has people in my business, 100% of the time, attempting to make predictions on every single move I make, no matter how small.  They have been using what I do on a laptop or online, for their asshole-training purposes for several years now.  This is one very small example.  They do much more, and much worse, when I am online, including splitting my monitor screen and doing all kinds of odd techniques if it helps them make a point or try to prove what they are going to "predict" next.

On my son's school drawings, the curriculum this woman is using, with my son, is being used by U.S. government assholes, for research.  One of the things they had my son color was an octopus with uneven circle eyes, one large and one small for small o and big O and then I noticed this scale next to it, with homework included to me.  It was colored in pink and I knew my son would not choose that color for this scale.  Then, today I was looking up "U.S. National Debt" and how much the U.S. owes other countries, and Google brings up this woman's blog with a map for finding which countries hold most of the debt.  The woman's name is "Bonnie Bogle", the author of the site, and it's a bunch of big Os and small os and then you click on one, and it brings up a scale that is exactly the same as what they had my son draw and it's colored the exact same color too--solid pink.

This country has allowed Canadians and U.S. assholes to torture my son and ruin his life.

Not only that, I found out why my son may have been hitting kids on the bus (who possibly hit him first).  He had a little clip-on "Angry Birds" character on his backpack, as I guess is popular with the kids now, and he's had 2-3 of them stolen from him. 

My son was sent to the Principals office, in Peshastin, by a biased bus driver who couldn't control the other bratty kids on his bus.  I've talked to that principal too.  In fact, I had email conversations with him and I am not impressed with him in the least.  Since I wrote to him, he's used my son, in his school, for research.

My son's handwriting is all over the place.  He has marks inside of letters, above letters, to the side, like someone was trying to confuse him and tell him to make letters differently.  It looks like he's trying to practice 3 different languages at the same time but this fucking country isn't sophisticated enough to be teaching that.

They teach kids how to be slaves they can use to prop themselves up.

He writes his O's counter-clockwise and clockwise which is fine, and maybe he's using both right and left hands, but other characteristics of his writing and work indicate the school and teachers are doing him no favors.  They're using him and trying to ruin him.  Then, they're instructing some of his homework to be sent to me that they know I'll remember is taken from diaries they stole from me.  They would only do this to intentionally cause distress.


  1. Cameo...

    You are being sent homework and projects done by your son to demonstrate a willingness on his parent's part that you should be in touch with how he is doing. What you are describing is benign and normal for his age.

    Cameo, please get help voluntarily. I don't know you but I read your blog and it is so incredibly sad. Maybe not for you, since you have zero perspective in your current state, but certainly for your family and in the future, for Oliver. There will come a time when his family cannot shelter him from your tortured reality.

    With the current progression of your illness, you are going to reach a point where you no longer have any choice. Your parents are absolutely tortured. Not by a government conspiracy, but by your illness and their inability to help you. There will come a time where they are unwilling and unable to manage you. The next stop will be involuntary institutionalization and medicating until you get some measure of clarity. I hope for everyone's sake that this comes sooner rather than later.

    If you don't get help voluntarily, I hope that they get help for themselves. You have a sickness that no one is addressing and they cannot love you out of it. Sometimes we have to make the hard choice to let our children fall by themselves so that they don't drag us all the way down. I believe that this is what needs to happen in your case. There is no amount of love or prayers that will make you well, you need psychotherapy and medication in a safe, controlled setting. The torture you are experiencing is very real, but the source isn't what you believe it is. You have an illness that isn't your fault and is beyond your control.

    I wish you and you family the best. I don't think it is too late for you to have an independent and saner life.

  2. Dear Anon For The FBI:

    I notice you wrote this comment only after I made changes to my previous post about the FBI and how Josh Gatov is/was an FBI agent.

    I also drew the connections, the logical connections, between Det. Brian Grose, Scheiders, Gatov, FBI, and my ex Alvaro Pardo, who contained photos of Thailand, which is where the rapist fled to when under investigation. Alvaro admitted to me, to working for the FBI.

    I have proof of U.S. government use of my son, and I have plenty of evidence to prove the FBI has committed conspiracy to conceal crimes and also committed the crimes of obstruction of justice.

    They have had ever incentive to then portray me as mentally ill, and I know very few people who are directly targeted by the FBI, to the point that the FBI tells the psychologists what to say, do, and how to "diagnose me". The FBI is responsible for an illegal injection of Haldol to me before any diagnosis was made of me, and before any evaluation. They have also defamed me in international records, conspired to use me for their own means, supported torture of my entire family by U.S. military, DOD and CIA, and they have gone out of their way to incite hatred hoping I would be killed.

    They are responsible for the illegal torture of me and my son, and of my parents, and of preventing me from proving my innocence.

    The FBI has more criminals, per square foot of office space, than any given penitentary.

    Your "next stop", threatening me with the idea of "involuntary institutionalization" and medication, has already happened and it was because of FBI. The doctors proved this, showing everyone what the FBI sent to them and it is a fact I was drugged on the basis of FBI slander and without diagnosis.

    Alvaro Pardo worked for the FBI in Colombia and he works for them in the U.S. If you want to check on that, why don't you check with Colombia since the FBI wants to cover it up.

    I will not be involuntarily taken or placed in any hospital. I am not afraid of your threats. I am also not afraid to involve whoever I have to involve on an international level.

    Read my last post...oh that's right. You did, it scared you, and you responded by trying to discredit me.

    Good luck asshole.

  3. His name is Ryan Barnes by the way.


    He's the one who speaks fluent Japanese and was boyfriend of the DOJ attorney's daughter. My rapist was also fluent in Japanese and worked for the FBI.

    My fiance that the FBI tried to set me up with, had photos on his laptop of Thailand, which is where the FBI rapist fled to when he was under investigation by police for rape, and my fiance (Alvaro) is immediately tied to FBI and CIA.

    Prove me wrong.

  4. The prior anonymous post is spot on. You apparently have no insight into your delusions of persecution. Slowly you are alienating the persons that love you. Your parents are tortured by your insanity. And you do need help. Psychiatric help. You obviously have a lot of strengths to work with so the prognosis for psychiatric intervention should be pretty good.

  5. Dear Anon Spot-On:

    You're mistaken. If you want to know what is "spot on", it's that my son has been tortured and I and my family have been and are being tortured in this country.

    I know for a fact that my parents have been forced to work for the U.S.

    I also know for a fact that the U.S. has allowed several of their government employees to assault and rape me and then they obstructed justice to block my success in lawsuits, fearing that if I restored my reputation, my lawsuit against them for rape by Josh Gatov and sexual assault by 2 other FBI agents could come to haunt them.

    Then, in Washington D.C. and Maryland, after I left to find help outside of the Pacific NW, I established I was not mentally ill.

    While I was establishing this, to keep me down, the U.S. used a man who worked for the FBI in Colombia and once again, I was almost raped by him.

    His "pal", Henry, called him on the phone in the middle of his rape attempt when I was saying please stop. If Henry had not called at that moment (which suggests there was already surveillance), he would not have stopped. Since he did, he did not rape me.

    At a later date, he forced me to kiss him when he knew I did not want to and had already told him I would not.

    His behavior is exactly like that of other U.S. FBI and government workers. His Colombian citizenship is not an excuse and this country tried to use me as a pawn and was rewarding me only if I was with him.

    I did not tell people all of the reasons I chose not to marry him and finally broke up with him. It was not my being rejected either, by the way, he wanted to be with me and even called me later, to tell me he'd fly me back and forth from D.C. I refused, even when the U.S. punished me for my refusal. Some of the things this country sponsored and things he did, I've written about, and the damage this does to the FBI gives them further reason to want to drive in a false accusation of mental illness.

  6. ...(continued)...

    Alvaro Pardo had photos on his computer that he did not want me to see, and some of the photos were of friends he had who were photographed in Thailand.

    He told me it was Thailand. This is the same country that Josh Gatov disappeared to while under investigation for rape of me in 1998, when this country, including the FBI, knew I was a virgin.

    Alvaro had ties to Colombia, to the FBI (who he worked for), to Thailand (where my rapist fled to and his buddies were from), and to a section of British from the UK. I met a gloating Briton who was marrying a Colombian woman and asked Alvaro to take photographs, at the Maryland courthouse.

  7. ...(continued)...

    Alvaro has always known who was and is responsible for torturing me and my son.

    I might add, the CIA was linked to this entire affair as well, and I got my laptop and laptop bag from one of their contractors.

    There is quite a lot of motive to try to displace me as mentally ill when I refused to fall for a trap and stood my ground against torture, theft of everything I own, and punishment by torture of my son to my face and death threats, and violence.

    This country has, so far, been incapable of obeying the most basic oaths of service, and refused to even prosecute a rapist when I reported in time and have plenty of witnesses to confirm.

    Photos contained on Alvaro Pardo's laptop link him to the Jewish rapist that got tipped off by the U.S. to leave for Thailand and he is also linked to some British. This means, it is possible that I was raped by a Jew who had British contacts long before he had contacts from Colombia or the U.S. One might ask what motive a Jew with British contacts would have for premeditating raping me.

    I know one thing--I worked for British-born Lorraine Rose and Rabbi Emmanuel Rose before I was raped by Gatov. It is highly likely that they are connected to the Middleton family.

  8. ...(continued)...
    as for local police efforts to defend such a high-profile rapist, I was told he is probably not law enforcement because he "doesn't seem like the type; he's pretty laid back" said Det. Brian Grose.

    I believe Gatov appears "laid back" because he's used to the routine.

    Scrutinizing further, we can find that the CIA director in 1997 and I think 1998, was also a Jew. A Russian Jew, just like Gatov is a Russian Jew and just like the Rose's had in their house a large painting of Russian eggs with the saying, "Inside we are Jews".

    Now let's think about why Det. Grose got to be the lucky guy to take my report...

  9. ...(continued)...

    I didn't make my report until a couple of years later, out of shame and not coming to terms with everything. I had documentation of it, but I didn't report it to police.

    When I did, it was 2004 if I'm correct, and Christa Schneider had freaked out, telling me not to do it. I did anyway. Right after I did, the Jewish editor in chief for The Willamette Week decided to do his fellow Jew a favor and defame me, seemingly just for the Catholic monks and lawyers. It suited all of them.

    Some of them wanted me to be defamed because of my pending lawsuits, and others wanted me to be defamed lest an investigation against Gatov proceed and uncover the shame of others who backed him.

    I had reported Gatov before any article was written. Then after it was published, I was approached by more FBI.

    They got in, slandered me further, and sealed my doom in being taken seriously.

    From that moment on, the military was given the full and complete power to torture and assault using military technology, and they got the FBI to support and cover for them. At the same time, several Judges colluded with FBI and religious, to drive me out of the lawsuits I had filed, because none of them wanted me to retain my good name and remain credible.

    They did not want a credible witness.

    The protection of FBI and police, of criminals, has nothing to do with national security. It has to do with obstruction of justice and concealing hate crime.

    Thank you for your time.

    (I tried to post this last night but my computer was shut down last night after I made the comment before (I was still finishing my thought). Google refused to open and then after that nothing would open and my connection showed a yellow "warning" symbol at the bottom of the computer where connection is, but it was connected, all 5 bars. Then I went to the safe mode with networking and debugging and it was impossible to do anything. I had other homework I had wanted to work on and couldn't do anything because of this. Then, it allowed me to enter only "g" into the Google search and froze, and shut down. That's after my last comment, which is fascinating bc then Google starts up this morning with a little Russian egg thing and a "G". Not like anyone is ever monitoring what I do or anything)

  10. It wouldn't surprise me if you have been raped, but not because of a conspiracy. Rather, that mentally compromised people who have had no treatment are vulnerable people and the incidence of violent crimes (especially sexual crimes) against them is much higher. After all, you are so delusional in other areas that who would believe a story of rape? I'm very sorry if this is the case. Getting treatment would help you in many aspects of your life and give you a much more heightened credibility. With lucid thinking you could probably nail the person(s) who have truly hurt you and ensure they never do it to anyone else again, and if they are the kind of sicko that would sexually abuse an obviously ill individual, they WILL do it to someone else.

    I don't disbelieve your story of rape but your thinking is so disorganized it will be difficult if not impossible to make anyone believe you to the extent that the perp(s) are prosecuted or even investigated.

    Good luck to you, Cameo. You are a beautiful person and as the previous poster suggested, you have a lot of strengths to work with should you decide to try another way.

  11. Correction to You (above):

    You're a criminal and it takes one to know one doesn't it? Has anyone traced back your isp on the comment you just made?

  12. ...There is no delusional talk.

    And, there is and was ZERO mental illness.

    I had someone write in and say it was a "FACT" that I was diagnosed. Not to my knowledge, actually, other than through hearsay or general commments. I have never had an evaluation. I've been drugged, yes, but never evaluated unless you count CPS's person and she took 1 hour and test time and had no conclusion.

    That's not an "evaluation". Additionally, the same person who said it was a fact I had such and such a disorder, I thought, who knows, maybe someone knows something I don't? That same person made an allegation that it was a "fact" I had a different disorder! Where they are getting these "facts" is beyond me because if it's documented anywhere, I would love to see it.

    To date, I have never seen any diagnosis and if there was a diagnosis I'd say the person was a slut and wanted to influence someone she knew with a position of authority to write that in.

    I have NEVER had an evaluation for mental illness. Ever. Not in TN, never. They drugged me there, and they did this before I was even seen by a doctor.

    Also, all accusations of mental illness came AFTER my report of rape and then reporting FBI agents for sexual assault.

    Any mental illness was also made a claim after I had been trying to sue major corporations.

    It died down, but someone in the DOJ wanted me and my son over the border, and wanted to take my son from the start. After that, they backed off when I was on the East Coast.

    They continued to stay off when I got back to WA, until I told my fiance to leave. After this, the same WA people went right back to their slander.

    Why wouldn't they slander me if I was with Alvaro? I wasn't to be called crazy if I was with him? They knew my mental state was no different, they just quit because they'd paid for a deal.

    The FBI wasn't worried about me going after them or the state, if they entangled me with the enemy.

    Does anyone remember one of the photos from my engagement party? Of Alvaro holding up a big "peace" sign and a smirk on his face?

    "Peace" was paid for. Is that sick or what? Since when does the U.S. government torture mothers and kids and then use this to get something they want? "Peace".

    The FBI "peace" is criminal collusion.

    My family isn't criminal, but I can give you a huge run-down of people in the FBI and who are connected to FBI that are.
