Monday, May 28, 2012

Parents Considering Leaving

My parents are seriously thinking of moving.  They say nothing about leaving this country, but even moving is a big deal for them.

We are being tortured and I think the expectation or forecast they've received, is that it will get worse.

Supposedly by June, something is going down.

So I'd like to know who is taking control about now, and into June.

My Dad joked if they leave it's because of me, not because they're being tortured, but this is not the truth.  The truth is that we are all being tortured in the United States and have been a long time, and something is supposed to get worse.

I don't know why and my parents didn't say this, I got it from someone else.

I know that my Uncle Howard said something over the phone to me and then to my Dad (and our phone is tapped), about President Obama and his wife.  It was a definite smear to Michelle.

 A week later, he was in the hospital.  Then he died.  He went to the hospital with "heart pains" and then tried to leave, figuring out that wasn't a good idea, and before he could leave, he collapsed.

I wrote in my blog about my Uncle Howard having some kind of psychic ability and I never knew it before, but the other thing he talked about, was President Barak Obama and his wife.  He repeated a joke he had heard, which was insensitive about Michelle, and then soon after that, within days, he was dead, or rather, in a coma, and then dead.  "Heart problems" all of a sudden.

Then the President signed the law that allows for the kidnapping and imprisonment of U.S. citizens whenever Panetta wants.  It's a Pentagon law, from the Department of Defense, and allows for any U.S. citizen to be held in a black site, or even a police room,  and tortured or interrogated, even on U.S. soil, with no formal charges brought.  No lawyers allowed.

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