Monday, May 28, 2012

Tennessee's Dr. SawHaw & FBI's Diane Harsha

The Doctor who finally saw me, at the end, after I went to toxic overdose, was named "Dr. Saw-Haw".

That's how it's pronounced:  "Saw-haw" or "sah-hah".

I was thrown in by a white American male doctor at Vanderbilt ER, and he had two other men show up with him because they didn't want me to keep my laptop running or send any blogposts out about what was going on.  There was wifi at Vanderbilt, but it was disrupted, preventing me from writing what I needed to write.

I went in and right off the bat, a hispanic intake nurse or secretary, wrote my complaint up to sound nuts, intentionally.  I doubted what she was writing, so I asked her to repeat it back to me and it was wrong but she wouldn't change it.  I said, "I am here for internal bleeding and for a broken knee because I think I fractured it when I fell."

After this, they had me wait and someone was using some form of technology torture while I sat there but I said nothing about it.  Then they put me in a room and I told the male nurse about falling and that my knee wasn't better, and I told him the FBI in Nashville, TN had told me to go there to be examined for possible poisoning which was resulted in discoloration of nails and internal bleeding.  I said I thought maybe they'd X-ray my knee and do a blood test.

I told them about the FBI right at the start so I know the Vanderbilt doctors called the FBI in Nashville, TN.  I am positive that the first call made to the FBI was done before they ever sent me to be "evaluated" at the psych ward.

The FBI defamed me, and had planned to have me assaulted.  The male nurse did not do any bloodwork, and only checked my heart and bp.  He checked reflex at bottom of my feet I think, and that was it. 

At no time did anyone ever examine my broken knee.  Not any nurse, and no doctor did.  The doctor listened to me mention my knee for about 5 minutes and then left.  I said nothing strange to him and just repeated that I had talked to a woman with FBI offices in Nashville and they were the ones to say I should be checked for poisoning.  And I put the focus on my knee.

He came back and had me pushed into a wheelchair and they took everything from me and said I was going to the "holding" area or psych ward part of Vanderbilt University.  I never saw a psychologist there.  I asked to speak to the medical person in charge of ER and complained about being thrown over there, without even being examined.  She had read the doctor's notes to me and there was no mention of knee injury at all.  So then she came back an hour later and told me there was a chart note about my knee and the doctor wrote that he'd done a physical exam of the knee.  He lied.  He'd done nothing.

They made me wait there in a room and then they told me I was being "sent to" a psych ward for "evaluation".  I said, "You cannot hospitalize me".  They said, "You're not being 'hospitalized' at a psych ward, you're going to be 'evaluated'."

I got there and the woman doing intake was Eastern Indian.

By the way, the FBI women I talked to, Diane Harsha, was married to an Eastern Indian man.  She was a female Eastern Indian doctor who first saw me and then asked a few things about medical history and then sent me to the psych ward. 

Once there, there was a male nurse who was white and former U.S. military.  I asked to call my parents or a lawyer and he refused.  I was never out of control.  He kept saying "It's all good" and "this is how I roll".  I smart-mouthed something back to him once and that was it, and in retaliation, to punish me for that, he left the room and told another Eastern Indian doctor to order a Haldol injection for me. 

I was told to go to a room where an Eastern Indian doctor, a male, was there and said to me, "You are paranoid schitzophrenic and you're getting _________cc's of Haldol."

So much for "evaluation".  There was no evaluation, ever.  Within 1 hour of being sent there, I was being assaulted with toxic levels of a drug, and they told me they already "knew" my diagnosis.

Why?  because that's what the FBI told them.

The FBI is 100% criminal.  The Eastern Indian woman who saw me didn't evaluate me--she asked about medical history and that was it.  Then I was in the ward, and they ordered a direct assault of me, pronouncing me as already having a diagnosis, which I've never had, ever.

So from the Vanderbilt University psych ward, where I had no "diagnosis" and was going to be "evaluated", to the Middleton Psych ward where I was pronounced with a diagnosis on the spot, it took one car drive from here to there and not once was I ever "evaluated."

They forced me to strip in front of a bunch of nurses, 3-4 women, and had told me if I didn't take the shot from the male doctor in the hip, they pointed to a Queen-size mattress on the floor in an adjoining room and said they would throw me down on that mattress, pin me down there, and force the injection.

Instead, I went to my knees and I prayed and I prayed God would take revenge on all of them and every single person responsible, for what they'd done.  I don't think God is finished yet.

After this, I did not see any doctor for over one full week.  I saw the one doctor who declared I already had a diagnosis (from the FBI) and then I never saw anyone until a week later, but the whole time, they were trying to overdose me and kill me.  And they were not keeping accurate records of how many pills they were trying to force me to take.

After a week, I was told to see this other man, another Eastern Indian doctor.  They were all Eastern Indian--ALL of them.  It was very Panetta-like and I saw a whole caravan of Italians following the police car on the drive over, laughing and happy about what was happening.  They were rich. 

When I saw the second Eastern Indian doctor, that was Dr. Saha I believe, and he had me talk and talked to me for a total of 45 minutes in his office.  After 45 minutes, where I said nothing odd, or even admitted to half of the crazy things the FBI has done to me, he said, "You're paranoid schitzophrenic."

It was a lie and something they had to keep saying because they'd already overdosed me.  They had given me several more pills and forced me to take them all and go to his office that way, unable to even talk.  Then he had me go in front of a whole roomful of medical interns and doctors and nurses and try to talk and I couldn't even speak.

While they watched me, the main doctor, a third Eastern Indian (or other) supervisor, picked up a large stack of paper with all the medical people watching and witnessing and said, "The FBI tells us that...."  and he said what the FBI had told all of them.  He directly implicated FBI as responsible.

Then he said, referring to the stack of paper, "This is some of what the FBI offices sent us...would you like to comment?"

I was asked to comment on what the FBI was defaming me over.

This is after the FBI tried to hook me into marrying their own employee.  This is also after the FBI knowingly withheld information and ignored my FOIA requests, knowing I could have cleared my name a long time ago, in 2005.  They defamed me and misquoted me and altered my testimony about Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza, and they defamed me to Canada, and then they tried to get me to marry one of their agents and Panetta was in on it.  When I didn't marry him, they started torturing me again and defamed me even worse than before, and had me assaulted.  They not only ruined my singing voice, they tried to destroy my mind.

They wanted to kill me, but destroying my mind and brain, was almost good enough.

Then, I tried to leave the country and immediately applied for my passport when I was out.  The Department of State stalled with my entire process even though it was filled out correctly the first time.  They invaded my privacy, requesting tons of photos, and then photos from my childhood, and telling me they didn't know if I was a citizen or not and I had to prove it.

I am not sure where Panetta was at the time, if he was still CIA or had gone over to the Pentagon yet.  But he was directly involved and then gave his requests to the FBI.

From the time I was assaulted at the psych ward, and defamed by FBI, to the time I was in Oregon, was about 6 months and my passport was still being delayed.  Then, it was another 3 months, and I got my passport around October.  It took them 9 months to jerk me around and try to find ways to prevent me from leaving the U.S.A.  As long as I still had money to buy a plane ticket with, they refused to send my passport.  When I was out of money, and they knew I had no job or way to make money in this town of 2,000, and no vehicle to drive with, and knew they could order my parents not to loan me any money, they gave me my passport.  They knew the entire time that I had my passport, that I was trapped and could do nothing with it.  Since financial aid would provide a way for me to have money, they then interrupted the Department of Education process to keep me from going to college.  They made me spend another 9 months with zero money and no way to get out of here.

They also ran all of my appeals for my son into the ground, knowing I had no money to even make copies of documents to file with the court.  When all my appeals were exhausted and they kept any written documentation out of the file, anything to appeal on, then they processed my financial aid.

After this, they have still used me and tried using faculty they know to continue to prejudice me.  They bribed the UN.   And then the UN said the U.S. hasn't signed a respective declaration so I have to go after Canada only, and the CAT crimes they've committed and not the U.S. first.

I've seen work done by son that proves my son is still being abused, degraded, and tortured in Wenatchee, WA.

This country is completely corrupt and President Obama knows all about it.  The FBI has been one of the main agencies that has committed crimes against me and my family.   They've lied about me, made false documentation, altered my testimony, bribed police to drop charges and then gave a reward, incited hate crimes, refused to investigate hate crimes, blocked my ability to report crime, tried to have me marry someone who was screwing me and my son over, defamed me as having paranoid schitzophrenia when I had no diagnosis and then encouraged a psych ward to try to diagnose me with this when they never even evaluated me and just did what the FBI and Panetta wanted.  They've protected even local police, who have tortured my Mom, Dad, and my son in Wenatchee. 

Then this TN psych ward billed me for $5,000.  That bill is going to the FBI.  And the FBI is going to pay all of it.

Then I am over here in Oregon and after my parents go on a torturous trip through Northern California and Arizona, they return and I listen in as someone with an Eastern Indian accent is harassing my mother over the phone and she starts to sound afraid.

The only people connected to Eastern Indians over here is Mike Sterling-Tanzer and Leon Panetta.  Leon Panetta did his deal with Eastern Indian and Mike Tanzer has a bunch of Eastern Indian friends.  Of what variety, I'm not sure.  Some Eastern Indians like one section of the same and others like another section.    Oh, the DelBalzos.  They know a lot of Eastern Indian people and they're Italian as well.  Carl and Mary DelBalzo.  They both worked for Intel in Wilsonville, Oregon and have many Eastern Indian friends and friends in the FBI as well.

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