Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wells Fargo: Retaliation

I just found that Wells Fargo retaliated against me and put out a "report" against me, blocking me from opening an account at any other bank in the entire United States.

They have been lying to me for over an entire month about this and refused to contact me or resolve this by any method.

I have tried to buy something for my son for his birthday and they have been lying to me.  They reported me to a federal group as well.

For months, they never told me this.

(UPDATED:  May 11, 2012.
I made a new post about this to clarify something so it doesn't make ME sound bad.  The "account abuse" alleged was a simple overdraft.  It was an overdraft from an automatic withdrawal that I had already put a stop payment on, twice.  The party that continued to take money out of my account was Middleton YMCA and the branch that allowed it even after they were apprised of the situation, was Middleton branch of Wells Fargo.  There was no "report" either, until I tried to find out why my account was closed.  They refused to tell me.  See the next post for more information on this).


  1. Sounds like a credit report issue. Most banks won't open an account if you have derogatory info on your report. you are entitled to one free report per year, maybe you should request one?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    I don't have derogatory info on my account. I had someone from Wells Fargo illegally close my account without notice.

    According to any bank bylaws, that's illegal. You are required to send notices to bank customers. It's my money, not theirs. So if something is happening to my money, they are required to notify me.

    After they didn't notify me, and illegally closed my account, they called up a federal group and after this, they sent it to collections (credit).

    1. They did not notify me about my own money,
    2. They did not use the contact information I gave them, to contact me,
    3. They illegally closed my account,
    4. They illegally purged all of my banking records,
    5. They reported me to a federal agency for a simple "account overdraft" and made a small matter that could have been corrected, huge,
    6. They have damaged my credit, reported me to the feds, and made it impossible for me to conduct trade and commerce in the U.S. or to be able to open a new account at any other bank until they fix this,
    7. They lied to me and ignored my requests for information about what the reason for the closure was.

    They did all of these things, to ME, when I was the victim of fraud and a violation of bank policy and refusal to stop payment when I said "stop payment".

  3. By the way:

    Bank overdraft. How many times have you or someone you know, made an accidental overdraft at one time? sometime in your life? and then you go in, deposit your salary for the month and apologize and pay the fee?

    That's why there is a "fee" to overdrafts.

    Most banks don't treat it like a crime and shut down your account, and tell the feds, and keep you from opening your own account back up when you say you'd like to do this, and then also block you from opening an account with any other bank in the entire U.S.?

    It's just a "little" extreme.

    Over $120 they shut down the business account I've for over 7 years, by their own failure to prevent bank fraud from Middleton YMCA and one of their own bank branches.
