Friday, May 11, 2012

What My Parents Can Do

I think my parents are getting tired of being abused.  They showed me a whole bunch of things they could do right before they left, maybe wondering if they were going to return alive or not.

Right before I did anything, my Dad was calling it out.  Saying "I'm stuck here" when he was in the other room and couldn't see me and I had just gotten part of my clothes or something stuck to shipping tape on a box (I didn't have tape with me, it was on the box).  And noting every small thing, without even seeing me. 

They're being tortured because they're highly and unusually gifted.  They is no question that I am being held hostage and that they and my son are either.

I have been blocked from every single possible thing in this country, including commerce. 

I started a non-profit and tried to open a bank account for this business and also one for a personal account, and it was impossible because of a federal report, improperly claiming I had "abused accounts" when I never have (a simple overdraft that was not even my fault, which I had already put a stop payment on).

I'm being blocked from freedom of travel, freedom of education (the Dept. of Ed decided to choose me to 'audit' for financial aid, to create another obstacle and then I have govt. workers with colleges trying to create problems for me as well), freedom of trade & commerce, freedom of association, freedom of free speech, and the right to have a habeas corpus petition heard.

Because my bank account was illegally shut down, no fault of mine and not because I've done anything wrong, it affected my ability to open my business account and also affected my ability to buy treasury bonds and other things for my son and separately, for my non-profit.

This country has allowed Judges to commit a number of felonies, and then block me from even having a hearing for habeas corpus.

At the highest levels of U.S. government, they are guilty of committing fraud against me and the justice system.  They kidnapped my son from me, tortured us both through the DOD and CIA first, and then bribed the FBI to keep their mouths shut.  Then they allowed criminal Judges and public defenders to work on their behalf to obstruct me from proving my innocence and getting my son returned or having an investigation opened.

They are attempting to drive us out of the country, and the only reason they want me to go to Germany is because the U.S. Army has a huge base there.  Basically, if I go to another country, they would do the same thing to me there, and then claim it's outside of U.S. laws as well.  Right now, they are breaking all the laws, to the point of high crimes and treason.

If they get me outside of the U.S, they think they can get away with even more, as long as I am near one of their bases or military groups.

This one woman said to me yesterday that if I am not the parent but claim a child is my child, that's making a fraudulent statement.  I said, "How about when a child is kidnapped by the U.S. government and then they lie and claim to be the legal guardian when they're not and know they are not--is THAT a fraudulent statement?"

The only fraud committed is with the U.S.A.

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