Thursday, May 24, 2012

What My Parents Can Do

My Dad did several things while we split wood together that shows me why he is being targeted and assaulted. 

We didn't speak much because the machine was too loud.  Then he said out loud to me, "It's dry."  I thought ? "It's dry?" and kept working.  Then I went to the woodstack and grabbed a log and when I lifted it, (totally random) it was extremely light and I put it on the pile and then looked and saw it was the driest and lightest piece of wood in the whole stack.

My Dad had predicted "It's dry" before I even randomly picked up a log, the next which was dry as ever.  No other log was that dry.

Then another time he said, "It's moldy".  I thought he was talking about this black part inside of a log we split but then I reached over the log pile and I had to reach all the way over bc there were no smaller logs left closer in, and when I brought it up, I put it on the other stack and then noticed, the log was covered with green mold.  Not moss, mold.  It was moldy.

My Dad knew before I ever picked it out.  So I said later, pointing to the black part of the split log, "Does this kind of mold hurt a tree?" and he smiled and said, "That's not mold, that's a juncture" and then I said, "Oh, so the other one with the green mold, that was the only moldy one."  And he smiled.

The first time I grabbed a large log to place on the splitter, I noticed there was this cut mark and thought about my Mom's face.  It was about the same length.  I set it there and as my Dad split it, a silent tear ran out of one eye and down my face.  Then I noticed my Dad had a black line mark across his right thigh of his jeans that was the same length.  It was exact and I thought, "I wonder if my Dad has scars too, that I can't see, from being cut and tortured."

I first noticed the black line on his jeans after I put up the log with a cut line that happened to match.  It was after this that my Dad started calling out the kind of logs I was picking out before I even randomly grabbed them or when I was reaching and couldn't see, couldn't even see what kind except for the top of it.

This country is not protecting my family.  They are allowing Catholics and people like Trish McMichaels to have fun calling out things about us while we are tortured.

This country used my parents, but now the intelligence is so corrupted and full of people who are members of one church, they are picking out non-members to harass and torture.  They don't care if they're gifted--they're trying to assault and kill us off unless they can breed us into their own religious group.

It's becoming a country of religious torture and tyranny.

The other thing my Dad did was he predicted something I would read, one full day ahead of time.  Last night (2 nights ago) he got a cup of apple juice and then told me about this show where they had a woman being told to give out apple juice and take in urine samples (which looked about the same color).  Pee samples basically.  And it was a hidden camera thing.  So he says this whole thing about it and then tonight I randomly opened up the Who's Who's book on biblical people and it fell on "Pekahiah" (peek-uh-yah) and "Pekah"  (Peek-uh, which sounds very similiar to "pee cup").  It is a short section of just a few lines and that's what I opened to and read today and then remembered what my Dad was pointing out the day before.  So he knew that a day ahead of time.

Also, by the way, pekahiah means "God opens the eyes" or "are eyes are opened by God".  And I discovered that's where we get the phrase "peek-ah-boo" and the game we play with children.

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