Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bad Vibe Today

I've had a down vibe since yesterday sometime.

Then, I find out today, just now, the U.S. assassinated another person.  I waxed my legs yesterday with some kind of wax I won't use again.  I can't get rid of it and sugar wax is better because it disolves.  I was feeling down so I decided, "

"Waxing will not hurt today."

And so, I waxed my legs and used all but one of the white things that comes with the kit. 

I went to bed and prayed and said one short prayer about Middleton's again, just saying, "show me something about them" and basically the only thing that stood out was a passage about Adonijabs? mother trying to 'set the stage' for her son to become king.  I got that for Carole and nothing for anyone else.  Just this whole plan of setting things up for it.  Which basically goes with what I've always thought. 

Then this morning I was going to wear peach, green, and cream, (box covers) and then looked at the peach cat shirt, having turned it out from being inside-out,  and decided, "No, I don't want to wear the cat shirt today."  I was about to wear it under my cream colored sweater to feel more fitting but long-sleeved.  But not in a "cat" mood.  So I wore green and orange with cream. 

Then I tried to do homework and obviously that didn't happen because all the tests have disappeared from the site. 

Then, all day this down feeling, well off and on, and I thought my son wasn't having any fun and when I tried to pray a quick prayer about Queen Elizabeth's big day, there was a block, and I thought, "I don't think she's having a good day."

So I was interested to see if I could notice anything while watching Fox new's "Bill O'Reilly" today.  The first thing I said to my Dad, was, "Where's her husband?"  My Dad said, "They showed him twice already."  I said, "No they didn't.  They did?  I didn't see him both times then."  And then Charles was on the screen and my Dad said, "There is he is again."  I said, "That's not her husband!  that's her SON!  That's Charles."  My Dad said, "Oh."  He thought Charles was Queen Elizabeth's husband or who knows, all I said out loud was "Where's her husband?"  So then I said, "So her husband isn't there!  I wonder what's wrong."  My Dad said maybe he died.  I said he couldn't have died, but thought maybe he's not feeling well.

My Dad said who cares, they're insignificant people who think they're significant.  I said, "Well, the real royals probably escaped to America a long time ago."  (just joking around) and then I commented that I had almost worn peach today like Kate, and said out loud, "... but I didn't feel like wearing the cat shirt."

Meow. Ffffggght.

So anyway, I thought about poor Norma Jean today, early this morning, and ground up flaxseed, and pumpkin seed, and sunflower seeds, and made tempura shiitakes and red onion rings.  I also tranfered 3 bachelor buttons to a pot, which I will then put in the garden.  They were poking up today, so I moved 3 of them, even though more than that were showing.  I am not sure what is happening to my lettuce.  I am trying to figure out if it's lettuce among the weeds or not really there.  The dirt is heavy so I might till and then poke the holes, and drop seeds and then cover with a lighter organic soil I purchased which I haven't opened up yet.  I think the roots will take the regular soil, but maybe the tops need a lighter cover...so I don't know. 

My wheatgrass is doing very well.  It looks like normal grass actually.  And my iris and other things are fine.  I stuck a rose branch that broke off directly into dirt in a pot and so far, it's still alive. 

I don't think my mother was really enthused with my latest exploration in dental care:  colloidal silver.  I said, "Have you ever used it before?"  Anyway, I'm not going to the dentist because I don't WANT to and I read, after buying colloidal silver, it protects teeth.  I actually bought it bc I might try a serious silver therapy as an antibiotic.

I was saying, if doctor's used marijana for migraines so long, it's because it worked and I read something similiar about silver (though I wouldn't poison myself).  They even use it intravenously.  So at some point, I'll buy a bunch of silver and pack a wallop.

I thought about Norma Jean because I wonder if the military or someone used her and her mother as early MK-Ultra fodder.  One minute, Loeb is writing a song about Rosie the Riveter, and then he's writing about Peggy the Pin-up Girl.  It's like she was being stalked or something.  Norma was moved around to 12 different foster homes.  Why do we never hear about this?  I never knew that. And her Mom was "institutionalized" shortly after her birth.  Why?  so Norma could be shopped out to 12 different foster homes where who knows what happened to her?  It's really not that hard to "institutionalize" someone.  I used to think it was, but no, if someone with power wants you there, you don't have a choice.

I just looked up Prince Philip to see why he wasn't at the Diamond Jubilee.  He was hospitalized I guess, on Monday, with an infection.  I almost bought cranberry juice yesterday and decided, nah, I don't have a bladder infection and thought about how I used to drink it for that.  Anyway.  I wonder if they're using some kind of an herb that comes from a yellow plant or flower to treat him.

I don't know why I thought of that (at about 6:10 p.m.).  Some kind of taller straggly sort of, kind of flower.  Weedy looking maybe.  Anyway.

I almost didn't see the Jubilee coverage.  I said something about the U.S. killing people and my Dad said okay, he didn't want to hear negativity and leave if that's what...and said "it's your last shot" and that I was "unsettled."  I am not unsettled.  I've had a bad feeling for a day and a half, and I don't see where this is going with my being in this country, and they're getting away with torture and kidnapping of my son.

If I'm unsettled, I've been that way since this country tortured me.

I said, "Don't you think I could get a job somewhere else?" tonight and someone said no, it wouldn't be better than here.  I said why not and was told I am a citizen here.  I said, "A lot of good that does."  And then that other countries want people who have something to "offer".  I said, "I have a lot to offer and there are many things I could do and want to do.  I can't even try to take a class here, without huge problems."

If I were not being held back, and tortured, I would be in a completely different place in life and using more than 1% of my talents.  I have no lack of want to work or of good ideas and skills to do it--but it's not possible when you're being targeted and tortured.

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