Monday, June 4, 2012

Haldol Reaction Again--FBI--Not Staying In U.S.

I also got some kind of skin reaction this morning that I've only had with administration of Haldol.  So something I ate or breathed yesterday was a problem.

I'm getting a car.  I'm not going to be medicated against my will anymore and I'm not going to continue living in this country.

Even if it is a reaction to old Haldol still in my body, brought out for whatever reason, I was sleeping almost all day yesterday, which isn't normal for me, and then I had this same skin rash I only got with injections of Haldol.

This entire last month I've thought something was wrong, because whenever I'm drugged, I'm made incapable of being motivated to work on anything legal.  The only people who don't want me to work on legal cases, are the same assholes who defamed me to be injected with Haldol in the first place--the FBI.

They've done enough experimentation on me to know what "effects" they want or desire, and whenever I fast and become refocused and proactive, they hate it, because my priorities and motivation returns and I am in my normal state of mind for feeling the normal emotions a mother would have which would propel and direct her to take action on behalf of her child.

This country is damned, I hate this country, and even before I had a reaction to being drugged, the day before, Saturday night, when I gardened, all I thought about was how much I hate the United States, their rotten "intelligence", and the FBI's child abusers and women beaters.  I got an entire load of sod full of roots, out of the garden, thinking only about my son and how much I hate the FBI.

God DAMN Alvaro Pardo and all who he is connected to.  The FBI has not even wanted me to "discover" exactly who he's connected to because they're already worried about a lawsuit.  The Department of State is one agency I haven't named, that I should have put on my petition for habeas corpus.

So I'm learning the language I want to learn, getting a car to kill whoever might be killed when I'm being illegally drugged (oh yeah, I guess that might be why some don't want me to driver--personal liability for non-consensual medication of an adult that is driving on the road), and I'm getting the hell out of here.

The only thing I can do in this country is get a degree and I can't even do that.  They block my internet connections, screw with my ability to get books on time, send me wrong books, get a bunch of assholes from colleges to interfere with my studies by harassing me over things they have no right to intrude upon, block me from registering from classes I want to register for, insult and humiliate me by assigning me to mental health counselors at their college instead of normal advisors, prevent me from attending to my legal case for my son, torture me even when I'm trying to take classes, torture me hardest when there is an appeal for my son pending because this country has kidnapped my son and uses the Avilas to get access to torturing him and abusing him for the U.S. of God damn "America",  and the FBI literally colludes to have me assaulted, raped, and assaulted with medications, by defaming me, refusing to investigate Judges that commit felonies, blocking me from reporting religious hate crimes, and consents to cruel and degrading treatment of citizens.

The only point to even stay here is to get a degree and they make even that impossible.  They just use me while I'm here, and hope to get whatever they want out of me and my son.  They directly colluded and interfered with every single legal process there is in this country, and they stole all of my personal items that I've had seen I was a teenager.  The FBI has stolen EVERYTHING.  They steal from me, and allow others to steal from me, and they steal children. 

I hope Mueller dies, I hope Biden gets bombed. Why shouldn't I?  They torture me and my son and I'm supposed to have any kind of normal reaction to their "leadership" in this country?  They're not leaders--they're criminals.  Biden and his daughter deserve to have the very same thing they've done to my son, happen to them.  I'd like to know how Joe Biden and his daughter react to being tortured for even 1 month.  I'm sure Obama might know, or have an idea, about how a few things work.  Biden has never worried about a thing, ever.  He's been getting away with crime every day of his life and look at him--he's healthier than anyone out there.  No one touches him.  They don't tamper with his ability to make speeches, or try to influence his behavior, like they've done with even Obama on rare occasion.  They do nothing with Biden because Biden owns them and already controls what is happening.  The only reason his daughter is marrying a Jew is because the Jew recognizes a powerhouse and wanted "in".  He doesn't love her.  He loves the power in the same way the Middletons love power.  They would have nothing to do with William of Wales if he were Joe-Schmo working and living a normal life in the U.S.  Kate would have never even stayed with him--she would have married some brunette haired guy and it's not William.

I'm tired of having to watch powerful criminals play footsies with eachother and I'm not going to continue to be drugged as one of few sane and rational persons in the U.S. that object to torture of others.

The Middletons and Bidens of this world have no problem with my being drugged or tortured--they consent to it and enjoy it, and they have zero regard for mentally disabled and handicapped that are tortured for use by the U.S.  I cried on the other hand, which doesn't make me a hero, but it makes me superior to those who try to dumb me down to their level.

This country knows the main reason I'm not leaving is because of my parents and son and because most countries want an "educated" person or someone with a degree. I can't get a degree when this shit is still happening and I'm pretty much fed up with going along with what one low-level hypocritical country told me to do.  Canada was the country that told me they'd only take me with a degree or if I had a business.  They're fucking Middleton liars.  I would bet money, that Michael Middleton was informed about my being there when I was there.  I would put money on it.  No one would have been driving a car with a "South Wales" sticker on their vehicle, into B.C. ahead of me, if people did not already surmise there was some kind of interest in me, and Middleton would be one of the first to want to know.  I asked for political asylum and there is no requirement for one to be a "business owner" or "have a degree" for that reason.  It means your life is in danger and your liberties are so jeopardized it's impossible to have a normal life or get a degree, or be safe.  Everything the Canadians there did, who already knew about things and who had it set up earlier, was get me into their country to try to entrap me, smear me internationally, and force me to sign false confessions.  Mike Middleton and Karin's Dad would love to have that happen.  And Alvaro is connected to Karin somehow.

Which means there is a Canada-connection.  It was either that, or the fact that Karin is connected to FBI that spooked Alvaro.  Because the one thing Alvaro Pardo didn't like that I did, was drive to drive to Ephrata and look up Karin's information and yearbook photos at the library.

Karin is connected to who?  FBI and Canada.  And Alvaro Pardo didn't like the fact that I got a copy of her face and wrote about her, because HE is working for the FUCKING FBI. It is not then, a "stretch of the imagination" to think if Pardo knows Karin and Karin is FBI-Canada connected, there is also possibly a Middleton connection.  The other party Pardo knew was some British man getting married to a woman from Colombia at the Maryland courthouse.  There's the British-Middleton connection right there.  That British man made a huge mistake in looking over his shoulder back at me, while mocking me to his new "bride".  I saw him, I read his character, and he was not "good English".  He was Rocky Road Asshole.

1.  Alvaro worked for the FBI (he told me so).  FBI connection.
2.  Alvaro recognized Karin, whose Dad or husband works for FBI in New York and is from Canada.  FBI and Canada connection, with possible Middleton connection.
3.  Alvaro knew a British man who was marrying a Colombian woman in the Maryland courthouse the same day we applied for a marriage "license".  Colombia and England connection.  Bad English=Mike Middleton.
4.  I was given my laptop bag by a man Alvaro knew from the coffee shop I went to, and he worked for the CIA as an FCC (federal communications) contractor.  CIA connection.
5.  Alvaro's cousin worked at or next door to a U.S. Army building and while at one point he liked me, he changed his mind and later hated my guts.  I saw him and Chris Dabney, both in separate vehicles, one day, and both staring at me with looks that could kill.  Supposedly Dabney has no car, but he supposedly never wears a hat too, and yet he went to work with a crease around his hair from wearing a hat.  Who is he wearing the hat for?  Military? or FBI.  The only reason he would wear a hat, is to disguise who he was for some reason.  The people who ate at The Post Pub, were almost entirely U.S. federal workers and employees.

So no, it's not crazy for me to say all these different agencies are involved and have knowingly committed torture of me and my son Oliver Garrett.  This country deserves to be obliterated by both Iran and Saudi Arabia if China and Russia don't move in first.  This country has zero respect for me and my son and we're U.S. citizens, so it's "worth" on paper, is nothing.  It's not what it claims to be.  This country has no protection from God because God is not in the equation.  "Under God" doesn't mean citizens get tortured here.  "God" doesn't torture his own citizens.  So it is not as if this God-forsaken country has any kind of aspiration to be what it still pretends to be. 

Where was Kate Middleton thinking of moving to, to work as a photographer?  New York.  She has contacts in New York.

After Alvaro's aspirations to take me to New York, and her wedding, she didn't dare visit New York and took off for L.A. in the U.S. instead, where Fergie and the Beckhams are.  Maybe New York is just too close to Virginia.  The Department of State is in Virginia isn't it?  Next to  the CIA?  Or is it next to FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.?  I can't rememeber.

I didn't sign up for torture in this country and neither did my son.  Unless and until this country returns my son, which it's made no plan to do, they deserve to be taken out entirely. I could care less if another country started a war and conquered the U.S. because it's not even the country it pretends to be.  It's NOT the "U.S.".  Remember what Russia's prime minister said, "It's not the 70s anymore?"

It's not the U.S. anymore.  There are no citizen rights, and the FBI is a bunch of lying, hypocritical criminals who endorse human slavery and torture of kids.

I'm not the one who is "anti-American" either.  Those who claim they WORK for "America" are the anti-Americans and then they torture and imprison anyone who is actually sincere or patriotic.  They try to turn their own terrorism into illusions of "law enforcement" while they try to ruin anything good and anyone good who remains here and notices they're frauds.

This country has more federal employees that work for Middleton than they work for any U.S. citizen.  England has been selling out and is almost as badly infiltrated as the U.S.  A bunch of bad apples.

I'm not interested in being a "nurse", I've never wanted to be a "nurse", and the only things I've been interested in, I've been blocked and obstructed from justice in pursuing (law school, and my only other interest is med. school, not nursing).  My primary form of employment has been ruined by the FBI and others who defamed me, when they knew my primary occupation prior to wanting to be a lawyer was in childcare, as a nanny, and that I'd been trying to apply for a daycare license prior to torture of me and my son.

This country has obstructed 100% of any of my goals.

That's not "The American Dream".

That's the dream of Satan For Those Living In His Hell-Hole.  This country has nothing to do with "american dreams" or "nation under God."

It's a worse "state" than Nazi Germany ever was and they just seem to manage to keep this fact under-cover.  They want a bunch of mindless fucking brides to marry-in more demons for the FBI and then they try to extort eggs to create children for the FBI.  This country is over.  It does deals for the devil, and the Middletons are right there next to the devil.  They pushed Diana out to squeeze their own shoehorn in.  Not that Diana was perfect.  The fact that so much animosity is stirred up every time I ever barely mention "tiggy" gives a lot of room to question what her connection to the U.S. is and to the FBI guard or security that was in Diana's car at the time of the crash.

If this post sounds extreme, let's just say I have a 'reaction' to being reminded of how I was physically assaulted and injected with Haldol and forced to take drugs, and then continued to be tortured, all while learning the FBI is directly responsible.

I have a fucking ISSUE with that you god damn assholes.

Oh.  Wait. 

If I leave I won't have money to sue the shit out of assholes with.  FBI assholes, Pardo, and the State of fucking Washington.  That's right.  I forgot about how I have a non-profit that will empower others to sue the shit out of these fuckers themselves and give the FBI something to do with the free time they have for sexually assaulting women and defaming them to be injected with Haldol.

That's right.  I forgot.

I forgot that I will inspire others to sue the shit out of these assholes.  I forgot that I can use grant money to sue the shit out of them myself at the same time, for crimes and criminal conspiracy.

Fuckers.  You deserve to spend the rest of your fucking employment fighing off the innocent people you put in jail to cover up for your own mafia activities.

I forgot about the Willamette Week and how they can be sued for every penny they have for continued publication of defamatory articles written for the FBI, Jewish fuckers that rape women and get protection from Rabbi's and the "Jewish community center" and Bullivant Houser Bailey.


  1. “The longer it takes people to graduate, the less likely they are to graduate — ever,” said William Bowen, former Princeton president and co-author of the book “Crossing the Finish Line.”
    <-- from

  2. Yes please leave the country and all the student loans you will never repay, the food stamps and welfare you take, the mental disability check you take and the pain YOU inflict on your parents. Either that or get help. You are mentally ill. But for your parents you are not begging on a street corner.

  3. "but for your parents you are not begging on a street corner." ?

    Where are you from? New Zealand?

    But for Kate Middleton's parents where would she be? We might ask about grown women who spent all but 3 years of their entire lives, living off of their parents and off of a business they started.

    At least her own brother showed a small spark of trying to start something new, like a cake section to the business. She's done nothing but receive hand-outs and stolen clothing her entire life, and personal records that don't belong to her, and you dare to shift attention away from muck-rats like that, to women who have shown actual independence in their lives, and have been entrepreneurs in their own right.

    Who are you and why would you even choose to waste your time attaking me when, if you wanted to point out true "dependency" you might point to kids that never grow up and then walk into Buckingham rose gardens with Depends diapers on.

    But for her parents, and an entire nation that now hand-feeds her, where would she be? New York slums living with a photographer and dining with Karin and her Dad?

    Fuck off

  4. Dear Anon The Longer It Takes:

    I am not needing to read your link, but I agree with you entirely. Did you read my post about Katie in Depends?

    She will never have a chance to prove she's not dependent because she went from one rocker to another.

    Have a good day tomorrow.

  5. "So I'm learning the language I want to learn, getting a car to kill whoever might be killed when I'm being illegally drugged (oh yeah, I guess that might be why some don't want me to driver--personal liability for non-consensual medication of an adult that is driving on the road), and I'm getting the hell out of here."

    Now you're threatening to kill people, or am I missing some context here?

    Don't the authorities read your blog? You would think that they would use statements like this to just lock you up long term since they have a conspiracy against you. Oregon's long term involuntary commitment laws are pretty broad so you should be careful! Any statement you make that indicate planning harm against others or yourself could be used against you. Haven't you learned anything from their "flimsy" reasoning for locking you up in the past? Unless you just can't help yourself!?

    Just a heads up.

  6. Dear Anon Heads Up:

    I think you are reading a little too much into it, to ask if I'm claiming I am going to kill people.

    I mean, great idea, to accuse me of violent plotting, but quite the stretch.

    No, I've never threatened to kill anyone and I've never plotted it either.

    Additionally, if you have followed my blog AT ALL you would know that of course 'authorities' follow my blog--they wanted me to marry THEIR MAN.

    Remember? Alvaro Pardo the FBI employee?

    So of course the 'authorities' read my blog and I'm aware of that and why should I worry if I have nothing to worry about?

    What I would be worried about, if I were a guilty member of FBI, is the fact that some of them are guilty of criminal conspiracy to defame me and have me violently assaulted and drugged prior to any kind of mental health evalution. That's in addition to a number of other things, including refusing to prosecute some Judges for committing felonies.

    It is only today that I got a call from the WA Judicial Commission re. these Judges, and I had to resend my complaint to them after one of them "dropped" my complaint without explanation the day after I filed a UN complaint and copied the D.C. OIG.

    Rather odd.

    So I am glad someone is taking it up again, but what should I expect? I really have no idea anymore.

    By the way, I have never had a professional mental health evaluation. Do you understand this?

    It means I've been defamed, repeatedly, as having the most severe mental illness you can be accused of having, with zero evaluation.

    In fact, prior to the defamation, I had 3 separate evaluations that cleared me of any mental illness and the FBI defamed me anyway, along with the AG, and WA state. So when CPS later claims their state-paid 1 hr. eval is worth something, anyone knows it's not, and that woman didn't even make a diagnosis. In TN, the only other place I was defamed, I was violently assaulted and drugged BEFORE any eval. Then, I never saw a doctor until after they'd medicated me for over a week, just because the FBI and local DEA there claimed I had a mental illness I was never diagnosed as having.

    To date: ZERO professional evaluation.

    Any slander of me, accusing me of mental illness, is slander.
