Sunday, June 10, 2012

Military Torture (Biden Trying to Wait a Day and Then Get Revenge)

It's Joe Biden.

I wrote about his horrible civil rights failures and what he does for fun while his daughter is getting married and I knew right away--he's going to wait a few days and then try to get revenge by having my family tortured.

Which is exactly what he's done.

Someone did something horrific to my Dad's face today, which left a visible mark on his cheek, and he, my mother, and I, are all being tortured.  I also had a very bad feeling about something all day yesterday and last night, and it's him and Dempsey and Panetta.

My mother knew this was going to happen tonight because she let me out after I bought water, and then she slumped over, hunched over the steering wheel, the way anyone has done after being tortured with basically high level ultrasound and other military technology that affects the lower back and heart.

There is a woman by the name of Rochelle that lives behind us, by the way.  I met her through the Methodist church, and her husband and all of her friends work at the local police department.  She has come onto our property a number of times, without needing to and the first time she came onto our property, with her girlfriend, my mother was visibly worried by her.

She drives a large SUV that says "bombshell" and has enormous breasts.  I think it's her only identifying mark.  She has to have something like triple D or bigger boobs and her husband never wants to be around me, I think, bc he's worried I might figure him out.  I know my mother was afraid of her, because when I first moved here, I saw this and I saw Rochelle going off and onto our property whenever she wants. 

Her husband is either a police officer or works for the county.  They know the D.A. in town and all the "ICE" people that FBI knows.  I noticed at the front of her house over here, she has these two giant statue lions perched on pillars at her house entrance.  It's the exact same scenario my FBI fiance Alvaro Pardo had at the house he wanted me to stay at in Germantown, Maryland.  I mean, the FBI refused to let me near my parents for over 7 years and then I find out they've tried to create this grotesque "stage" of sick parallels.

I think someone with the U.S. military has been trying very hard to excuse what happened with Alvaro as if he was not employed by the U.S. at the time he was with me.  Yes, he was employed.  He wasn't doing "contract" work for a U.S. agency, he was already working for them and to get a better deal, he wanted to get married and they wanted to give him a quick fix pass.  They never cared about me, ever.

They cared about torturing my entire family to try to then use us, and to try to create "opportunitities" for "deals" internationally.  The United States continued to torture me only to attempt to force me out of anything normal here, and to try to push me back to Alvaro Pardo.

It's all they did.  And when I chose not to marry him, this country used criminals who are hateful religious bigots to order our torture through the military and Department of Energy.  They're using something that accesses the lithium in lithium batteries, whatever that is, and it's not research because they've already done this to my family for years.  They are not even conducting illegal studies of effects of war weapons on humans.  That is illegal on it's own.  They have been trying to "classify" high crimes and misdemeanors and torture out of religious hate.  Both George Bush and Obama know exactly what is happening to my family.  They know my family by name.  And so do the Clintons.

Joe Biden is 100% involved and he's the only one at the White House level, who is not being experimented with by his own coworkers and neighbors.  Joe Biden gets to hear anything that the President might have access to and yet doesn't have time to deal with.  Biden would want to know and he would want access.  He's not the "Chief in Command" but he's advisor to such and is the one who would take information from Panetta, Dempsey, and anyone else, and make orders and approve things that are war crimes and violations of Geneva and he is also the one who would assure those who carry out these tasks, is not punished and is "covered".

Between my mention of Department of State and Joe Biden, and then choosing to drop nurse pre-requisites, I have been tortured.

They mainly only quit torturing me, because they thought they could "re-direct" me away from the criminal lawsuits I have attempted to file, for habeas corpus for my family, appeal for my son, and guess what?  They hoped they could snow me with someone taking my report of Judicial felonies while I was occupied with college.

The last time I tried to make a report, against a Catholic (hi Biden and Dempsey) Judge, my whole family was tortured, which made it so bad I sent out my petition to the United Nations prematurely because of being tortured at the house.

What else was going on at the time?  My son's appeal, and my report against criminal collusion by Judges who worked with people in high places to torture me and my son and obstruct my travel and obstruct justice.  I was being tortured and rather than continue through that, I tried to send out my report to the UN.

My laptop was immediately shut down and all of my family's communications were disrupted.  This has continued to this day, from that time.

Just a week or two ago, the last time I talked to my brother, he told me he'd just called my mother and yet she never got a call.  It wasn't on her cell phone.  There was no call from my brother on my mother's cell phone and we all knew he'd called her.  So this is happening to all members of my family.

Then, I got a call from a woman with WA Judicial Commission while I was signed up to take a heavy courseload of college work and during finals for this term, with all my online programs being switched around on me, and tampered with. 

I wouldn't have even known she was calling me.  She called as a "private caller" and I had no forewarning at all, that she was calling.  If I hadn't picked up the phone, someone could have claimed they tried to call and I didn't do anything about it.  I randomly got her call and then she said did I get her letter that told me about the time she was calling?

Why was she asking actually?

If I answered the phone, at the time she sent a letter saying she was going to call me, why didn't she just assume since I answered the phone, I had received the notice?  So she asked me if I got the letter.

I didn't receive any letter.  Then she says she sent a letter over a week ago to the U.S. P.O. Box and did I get it?  I said no.

Maybe someone didn't want me to get it even if they knew it was being sent to me.  Ya think?  It wasn't my mother either.  She had just picked up mail for me at the Post Office and handed me 2 books that came for me.  If there had been any kind of "letter", she would have given it to me.

A few days after the call, I then got the letter.  In the meantime, we all get tortured more heavily again.  My Dad knew it was coming too because when I told him I had received a call about my report to the WA Judicial Commission he looked like "oh no, he knew he was going to be tortured again."

Why?  Because that's the pattern.  Every single time I have EVER attempted to report these people, we are tortured.  They have allowed torture of children, and kidnapping, and lied to everyone, and had me assaulted and defamed when I was never mentally ill and not ever "diagnosed" either.

So with this renewing of an investigation, hmm...real hard...let me think.  I could go to classes for "anatomy" 4 days a week all day for the summer, and not be able to keep up with my habeas corpus claim, or appeal for my son, or non-profit, or attempt to do something to make money on an organic level, and I could get overwhelmed to the point of not being able to provide the Washington Judicial Commission with the evidence I have to prove a number of Judges are guilty of commission of crimes, and not simple "ethics" violations.

The fact remains, the Oregon branch of FBI isn't "helping".  Maybe someone is, or is trying, but in general, the email I got from THEM at the Portland field offices, was, in response to my report of Judicial CRIMES and felonies, to "see a doctor".  I wrote about torture and kidnapping of my child and obstruction of justice and I gave them, point by point, a clear description of what crimes have been committed by federal and state Judges.  It is indisputable.  The facts are on the record. 

And in response, I was told to call DHS (Department of Health Services).  It was a slam, and a deliberate attempt to undermine me once again.

Maybe they're making chia-pet dolls out of Alvaro's pubic hair clippings.  Who knows.  Maybe every time he walks into an FBI and Department of State office, he not only trims for them, but puts the hair into a little baggie so they can run their own little company 'store' of Alvaro Mascot Trolls.  He gives them a beaded bracelet from "Colombia" and they give him women. 

I would really like to know how many FBI, Dept. of State, and DEA assholes are snorting crack cocaine and plain cocaine in their own agency bathrooms.  We already know the military has no problem with it.  They hire Navy Seals who are addicted to crack and then, hmm, this really adds up, they torture and take babies away from mothers who are not addicted to ANYTHING.

I guess it pays to be a crackhead in America.

It pays to snort coke, doesn't it?  I mean, hasn't hurt your business any right?  Has it hurt the FBI? nah. 

This country tortures the law-abiding, normal, hard-working and independent people who have talent and skill, and try to force them out of the way to promote criminals who want to go to an office and look like they have a legitimate "business".

So this woman calls me up and initiates an investigation after the FBI has already tried to rub it in my face and taunt me over not investigating judicial felons and criminals.  Which makes them look, more than ever, like they are complicit and that they have colluded to assist Judges some of them think are going to tit-for-tat for them.

The only time I got a "break" from being tortured, even while in college, was up until the point I mentioned Karin.

Karin with the FBI NYconnection just like Portland field office Fowler came STRAIGHT out of NYC to "take care of business" over here and run a cover.  My ex, Alvaro, planned to take me straight to NYC after we were married.  And he worked for the FBI and other agencies.

He didn't like my looking up Karin's photo and he knew who she was. 

He knows Karin's connections.

Karin's connections are also FBI.

She wasn't kind at the baby shower I went to right before my son and I were tortured within inches of our lives.  She likely has a contact through her Dad to Middletons and Canada to Middletons.

I started getting nasty hate mail from Colleen Cascio at every point I mentioned Karin.  Cascio from Eastern Oregon University where my old friend Stephanie went to college before going to NY to work as a chef, next to Karin.  Eastern Oregon University is also where this woman "Tasha" met Stephanie and she was horribly mean to me, and hated me and I didn't even know her or have anything against her.  She moved to Seattle to be roommates with Stephanie and I think she's Japanese.

Cascio was a conflict of interest from the start, and I announced that to Eastern.

Karin is connected to NY FBI and Canada (wow) and guess what?  she also knew Department of Justice's daughter Christa Schneider, who leaked everything I told her, to lawyers working against me out of hate, with the Willamette Week and The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon.

I wasn't tortured before that wedding shower. 

I was 100% tortured, with my son Oliver, right after we showed up at that wedding shower for Stephanie in FBI-High Seattle.  I think what someone didn't like, was the idea that I showed up and was going to figure some things out, about who was trying to sneak in where and how they were attempting to use influence to draw away friendships.

I saw right then and there that Karin and Christa knew eachother.  And who did I tell I might go to Canada?  Christa.  And if Christa knew Karin (and she did), she knew as did Karin, and Karin's Dad, that if I were tortured, I might be "smoked" out over there sooner.

Not only that, I discovered Stephanie's brother had been seduced by a Catholic woman he married while HE went to Eastern.  I think he went to Eastern but possibly it was a different college.  I did the calculations and realized, yep, he "met" her right after Christa Schneider had pried me for all this information on who I knew or was friends with and did they have any money.

Every single friend or family member who had ANY money, at all, was suddenly "introduced to" or seduced by, and married, a Catholic.  They married into and infiltrated my entire family and friend network.

Then, I'm at this wedding shower, for a friend whose new husband is Australian and who knows, maybe connected to Middletons that way too, and I have 4 different women snubbing me and making fun of me, happy over their "triumph".  It wasn't enough for them either.  They then attempted to "report" me to Wenatchee's CPS and start problems for me, because they realized I was figuring some of this out.

1.  Tasha, a Japanese woman who moved to Seattle after being roommates with Stephanie at Eastern. 
2.  A social worker for CPS that I was instructed to sit next to the entire time I was there with my son, who was also a coworker at a restaurant she applied to work at after knowing Stephanie worked there.
3.  Karin.  Wearing the exact same thing I told Christa I was planning to wear (and didnt'), down to exact shoes, stockings, dress design and fabric, and hair (in a ponytail) and make-up.  A coincidence?  No, it was not.  She then proceeded to give Stephanie a gift that I told Christa I would choose to give her if I had the money.  I described a large clear Tiffany vase.  Christa said really well how big? and what shape?  and here is Karin, giving her the exact thing I described to Christa.  Coincidence?  Big fucking fat Canadian-Middleton leach NO.  It's a little Canada-Dept.of Justice-FBI triangle.  Oh, and throw in Australia.
4.  Pamp's Wife (don't remember her name).  I remember she told me she was Catholic and I had this weird feeling about her, that she had targeted him for family money and I was right.  At the same time she married him, some other Catholic was trying to seduce Stacey Maiers in the Dept. of Education.   And I've had SUCH fun with that Department and the other departments in fact, that are connected to Department of Justice and OIG.

It was after that wedding shower that my son and I were brutally tortured, not before.

There was mabye a small thing here and there, but the whole big "SLAM THEM NOW" did not occur until after that wedding shower.  Then, my son Oliver was tortured beyond speaking and torture to both of us did not end until we were in Canada, as half of those assholes at the Seattle FBI fucks wedding shower had planned.  Which one, and how many there, were fucking FBI assholes?

Besides Karin.

So when "Fowler" comes racing down from NYC FBI after I show up over here, it's not like there's "nothing" going on.

On top of those 4 women who were all Stephanies age, there were older women there.  A few were fine, and some of them, were devious.  Sharon was there.

The Middletons had a direct line to ME,  at that shower.  So years later, after all these things happen to me and my son and family, it's no wonder Kate got her hands on my file.  That family is more U.S.-intelligence than English.  I swear it is true, and I swear they know about my son being tortured.  These people are cruel and wicked, horrid people and I keep thinking how in the world did they get where they are unless they have seriously and grevioiusly extorted the living daylights out of someone and bumped off about 5 dozen others over the decades.

Karin and Alvaro are connected.

Which means, he was never, ever, my "friend".

It means, I was drugged by him, and Karin is connected to that.  Which then implies both Canada and the United States of America unfortunately.  You know, "The Commonwealth" and the U.S.  Which means my being given birth control without my consent and my being given a medicine/drug that acted on my rash from yeast/tinea, was not without her knowledge.

Which means, since Karin also knew the social worker for CPS in Seattle  that Stephanie knew, Seattle was easily getting information on who was doping me up in D.C. and then they were passing this information along to Michelle Erickson.  Who then called me over in D.C. to ask if I was aware of being on any medications at all.

Which, you see, directly implicates the FBI in committing felonies of drugging citizens without consent.  Karin and Alvaro know eachother, and they're U.S. and Canada connected and both of them are linked to FBI in NYC.  Which might be why then the FBI is so fucking desperate to make me sound mentally ill for their own employees' sakes and their own agency, becasue they colluded to do this to me and my son.

I wasn't just drugged by Alvaro Pardo, but by people from The Post Pub and in D.C. before I met Alvaro.  But Alvaro, connected to Karin's Canada-U.S. FBI people, he has always known who tortured my son and what has he done about that?  Um, what has Karin done?  I was even tortured one time, to my back, when I wouldn't sleep in his bed and slept on the couch instead.  Funny and strange how that torture matches the torture my son and I experienced in Wenatchee after our trip to the wedding shower in Seattle where Karin was.  I guess it was maybe Karin who didn't want me to 'sing'.  And whoever she knows through her Canadian connections.  Also, her friend didn't want me to visit landmine museums--funny, since Canadians are so "pro-landmine-ban".  Right.  Like I believe that for an hour.

The Canadians are as "pro-landmine-ban" as they are "anti-torture" and "anti-non-consensual-drugging".

I was drugged at The Post Pub.  It was a governnment job and the reason I never got my unemployement was because they didn't want to admit I was a civilian employee at a federal job. I was given "1 free meal per day" and told to work there basically 6 days out of a week.  During that time, my rash went away.  I started to get an idea I was being doped with something and it wasn't marijuana.  So I quit taking the "1 free meal a day"! that went with my employment.  When I began buying my food elsewhere, with people watching and following me all over the place, I started to get my period back.  I always have a normal period, unless I'm drugged.

I was 100% drugged at The Post Pub, and if it wasn't just birth control without my consent, it was something else that affected my periods.  This continued, through my "engagement" with fake fucker FBI-Canadian asshole Pardo, and lasted for 3 months until after he was gone from Wenatchee.  Canada knew I was being drugged and they were immediately involved.  The FBI also knew about it.  And the other question we might have is over other members of the "Commonwealth" or who associate with such, because I was targeted by a man from Argentina and several others while employed there. 

What happened?  The feds put me on "birth control" after I went out with Cheif of Stragegy for The Pentagon James Cartright?  They knew I didn't take it myself, so they did it, with my nice home-style "free meal".  Along with experimental drugs to "cure" or treat tinea versicolor/systemic yeast.

I only get the "special" drugs if I have SEX with a Canadian or U.S. government asshole! 

I was drugged, non-consensually, by coworkers at The Post Pub and by my fiance.  Many of those people are almost 100% Roman Catholic, and almost all of them had ties to Middleton ironically, and to U.S. government employees.  Chris Dabney was Roman Catholic, from Virginia, and worked there and he knew the cooks personally.  The owner was an L.A. California guy who would have had complete control over whether to drug someone or not, or to instruct a cook to do so.  I wouldn't blame a cook, I'd blame the government personnel that tells others what to do or they'll go back to jail.

As soon as I began buying my own food, on lunch, having a hunch that something wasn't right, I started being treated differently.  Then my period came back and I was pregnant.  And they couldn't drug me and make excuses for themselves so they treated me and my unborn baby like shit.

All of the "Catholics" there were bona fide hypocrites that cared as much for 'unborn' babies as they cared about pinkie fingers getting sliced off and sent to Mazatlan.  They were "nice Catholics" if they thought they had total control.  If they thought drugging me was a way to get back at me and then quit torturing me or being horrific and trying to say "the drugs are working" did it for them, they were more than willing to be nice.  All they cared about, was trying to "prove" I was mentally ill, by any available means, and to try to hide it from me while tampered with results and outcomes. 

They had all these people coming over from the Australian embassy and other embassies, checking me out too.  They were generally nice, but then "Chris" and "Nickie" never wanted me to associate with anyone from out of the country.  Nickie wanted me to get screwed over and that's about it.

Those assholes couldn't keep drugging me while I worked there, so my unborn was tortured to kill it, and I was tortured, to prove their sick "point" that I was "mentally ill" unless I had their "special dinner". 

I was then working at another place and while working at this Latin American restaurant, I met Alvaro and then it was more of the exact same drugs from there.  It's like the Canadians and U.S. FBI are so fucking SICK in the head, they thought it was a 'good plan' to hook me up with Alvaro just so they could get HIM into the country and use ME for sick research and experimentation as long as I lived with him.  My requirement?  Live with Alvaro.

Be a guinea pig for at least 2 years, for Karin's Dad at NYC FBI, for the Dept. of State, and for Canada.  I guess during this time, they wanted to keep me on birth control, experiment with who knows what kinds of other drugs, continue experimentation with treatment for tinea versicolor/systemic yeast, and migraine drug experimentation courtesy of military scientists.

Oh yeah, and if you don't sleep in his bed, you get zapped and tortured Seattle-Wenatchee style, badly enough to send you to the Shady Grove hospital.

Is that being held hostage?

Because I'm thinking, you FUCKS, that it's holding me hostage.  You fucking FBI Canadian Middleton FUCKS.

"Stay in his bed or you get tortured?"

That's kind of non-verbal commands for keeping a dog in-line with an electronic fence, isn't it?  Was that part of the research?  Learned behavior and adaptation to torture?

How to hold an innocent woman and child hostage without the use of ropes and bars?  How to chase an innocent mother and child from one corrupt country to the next corrupt country where they were WAITING for us?!

Fowler is here, in Oregon, because of FBI NYC and Canada. 

(I expect, "Sir", that you perform your duty to protect citizens in this State.)

My son and I were tortured by people connected to the Middletons and at the time, I had absolutely no clue and no way of knowing and I never could have imagined such a thing in a million years.  Both Canada and the U.S. are responsible for the torture of my son Oliver.  They are also both responsible for drugging me without my consent, and they are responsible for obstruction of justice and perversion of justice.

When I was held hostage by being tortured unless I slept in Alvaro's bed, there were only a few people around:  Alvaro, Henry, the woman who owned the house, and then the headquarters for the U.S. Department of Energy was a few miles away.  Alvaro and Henry had about 1/2 hour or so prior notice I was going to sleep on the couch.  When I did, I was tortured, and my back pain was so bad, I ended up in the Emergency Room with Alvaro pretending to be a saint and putting on his "good cop" routine.  It was the exact same kind of back pain that was used against both me and my son Oliver.  My son, who was 1 1/2 years old.

Hello Canada.  FUCK YOU.  Fuck you who colluded with those in the U.S. to torture my son and then attempted to use me as living bait, as a hostage, to force me to do what you wanted.

I might have to go back and take out this language I'm using, but it comes to mind, when I am being directly tortured and reminded of how this severe pain has been endured by my son.  God damn all of you, truly.  I can't imagine what God could ever do, to make up for what you've done to us and continue to do, but I hope and pray that day comes and that when it does, the first thing in your mind will be that you shouldn't have tortured Oliver Garrett.  Big FUCKING mistake.

So yes, I have been held hostage in Oregon/Washington, through being blocked from lawsuits to defend my name and by obstruction of travel; to being tortured if I didn't leave Washington state when asked to leave (which is hostage); to being tortured in Canada and forced to sign involuntary confessions; to being held hostage in a variety of locations I never wanted to stay at or be in; and even held hostage so I couldn't leave D.C. and then to the point where I was tortured if I dared even leave Alvaro's fucking FBI-sponsored bed.

He put on this great act, when we went to the hospital.  I had to have injections of fenadryl and who knows what.  Then these D.C. CIA assholes were getting way more blood samples from me than is normal.  I was hooked up like a rat, just so they could analyse my blood and take samples from me.  After my surgery to stop my bleeding, the Canadian-FBI "hero" wanted to dump me on my sickbed.

What an AMAZING man.  Boy do I SURE miss cowardice and someone with a backbone of a fish.

"Now that I've tortured you to stay in my bed with me, let me dump you while you're in the hospital and um, you can find your way back to Wenatchee from here right?  Right bleedie?"

What happened?  He found out they stole eggs from me while they were doing the surgery and didn't want me to know?  Samples showing I was on birth control turned up?  I hadn't died of bleeding to death as planned bc finally a tech agreed I was still miscarrying and had been having labor contractions for months?  It was so much fun.  What a good party time.  I mean, can I have some more of that torture on the sofa bed stuff?

3 months after I broke up with him, my period was completely back to normal, for the first time in a year, and it had nothing to do with the surgery.  I was being drugged the entire time I was in D.C.  When they dumped me off, they knew about everything that happened to my son and they made not ONE step to correct the crimes and to return Oliver to me.  Instead they sold me out for even worse treatment, and stripped me of everything I had to punish me.

They still think they can do this, and are still doing this.

They will not stop as long as Karin and her Canadian connections control things.

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