Monday, June 25, 2012

Mom Tortured & Definitely Twins (or Triplets)

My parents are definitely being tortured and it's now clear they are either being attacked by mafia too, but definitely FBI and/or CIA.  No one tortures people like this unless they're trying to control them, and interrogating them or making excuses.

I wrote about their being twins and didn't keep reinforcing this because I think I was still in shock.

But my parents are in shock and I cannot imagine what they've been through.

With my Dad, there are at least twins.  With my Mom, I don't know if there are twins or actually even triplets.  Which is more unusual but it's not impossible.  The features are too different and they're being tortured.

What is really sick is that the Military, or FBI is torturing them to look like eachother even after torture.  What blackens one twins eyes, is then repeated with the other one.

This is why the U.S. is torturing my entire family and my son.  They got their leverage through using my parents and then turning on them, and with that, telling them no one will believe them or they'll be in worse danger, they've forced them to shut up while they assault their kids, their grandkids, and even kill kids and grandkids just to keep their "special project" in-line.

This is an extremely sad day for the United States, because now I know without any doubt, that what torture we experience, is absolutely at the hands of our own government.  This finally explains what happened to my son Oliver, and me, and why so much money was poured into it.

I don't know why they thought it would work.

I guess they figured that if they could intimidate and control my parents (all sets of them) for so long, they had clear leverage to do this with no end in sight.  This is most likely why the FBI blocked my freedom of travel for over 7 years and didn't want me to see my parents.  They knew I was old enough that I might start noticing things.

My mother (this one) showed up today after I called her at her workplace.  They tortured her there.  I had a bad feeling and I could tell from the sound in her voice that something was seriously wrong.

She then showed up and it wasn't the same Dicksie from the last few days, it was a different one.  They all have the same voice and tone of voice and I guess the FBI makes sure they all get their hair cut the same.  But this explains why I noticed one day my Mom's hair looked longer and the next day it looked shorter.  It was different Moms.

This Mom showed up after I called her at work and she has a new acid mark, a swelling on her right cheek where her hair hides it and she had a deep impression that looked like a cut on the left side, about a 1/4-1/2 inch long and on the top back part of the cheekbone.  It was deep enough that either something was held agains the skin for hours or extremely hard, or there is a cut. 

She wouldn't let me look again after I noticed it.  I didn't see it at first because her hair was down over it.

Before we left, I saw this almost hysterical, frightened, and panicked look from both my Mom and Dad.  I could tell something was extremely dangerous and very wrong. I said are you ready to go? and she wasn't ready and then she left to do something.  When she came back, we went to Coos Bay and there was some man that passed who my mother froze up over even though she tried to hide it, who was traveling in the direction towards Coquille.  She looked like she was trying not to cry the whole time.  Really excellent job of it, and no tears, but I thought this and then she put sunglasses on and yawned and I thought, "I think she is almost in tears".  Still, no crying.

We got to the college and it was only then that I saw the gouge or cut.  The wind blew her hair back from her face enough and I saw it.  This is becoming such a common occurance, I didn't even say anything.

I know my Dad didn't do it. He looked as scared as my mother did earlier that day--a look in the eyes of someone very bad being around, or some group nearby or something horrible.

I said nothing to my Mom until after we bought books at the college bookstore and then we were back in the car and I said quietly, "Mom, can I ask you something?" and added, "What happened to your cheek?  it looks like you got a cut".  Then, while saying this about her left cheek, I had a closer look at the right one and there was a mark that looked like it was from swelling from an oval shaped patch of acid or something.  Welts on her cheek but sort of older. 

My Mom said what cut?  there's nothing and refused to look.  I said, "There's some mark on your left cheek Mom."  She didn't look in the mirror or anything.  Anyone who did NOT have a mark or who knew there was no cut, would have looked in the mirror to see what then, it was I was talking about.  But she didn't.  She just dismissed it as nothing and I said, "There is no possible way not to notice Mom."

They're torturing my parents and I think they're doing this and getting away with it because there is more than one of them.  I think the U.S. made them work for them and then when they want to put pressure on them, they threaten them and say no one will believe them, or they will put them in jail(for things the U.S. probably forced them to do), or they will be killed, or they'll torture all of us even worse.

This country is getting away with murders.  Not just one murder, but more than one, and they're torturing my family.  I think they've gotten away with this kind of thing for so long, and they tried so many times to kill ME (one person who wasn't linked-in and might talk), that they figured no one would ever believe my son and I were tortured in Wenatchee and East Wenatchee.  I think they banked on it.  I believe they figured they would take my son Oliver and continue the cycle of abuse and with newer techniques to punish people with, like energy-weapons and other mediums or vehicles for torture, they felt it was too new and too shocking for any normal U.S. citizen to believe.  Then then went on to capitalize on their crimes against me and my son, and probably spent millions covering up their original crimes. 

They made it 100% impossible for me to be able to do one single thing to get my son Oliver back, or to restore my reputation.

If I had anything to add to habeas corpus now, it is not just that my parents are forced to work for the U.S. and tortured, it's that, shocking enough--they're twins or triplets.

At least that fact gives further legitimacy to what is going on.  It makes it more plausible that yes, this is unusual and is something the government is covering up.   The other thing that gives this more weight, is the fact that both our pets/animals and my family members were all being tortured and targeted with approximately the same things at about the same time.

Like the "dizzy spells" happening to all our pets and not just to our animals but to my mother.  And then the torture not just happening to me and my son but to our cat, who ended up with a permanently warped skeletal frame.  Then, finding out it's both the cat and dog here that have "seizures" and there is no reason for them to both have seizures; this at a time when me, my mom(s) and dad(s) are all being tortured with technology that harms us as well.

This is U.S. sponsored torture and treason against their own citizens and their own Constitution.

Someone who is good needs to be looking out for my parents because the FBI made sure I have no vehcile and no ability to drive or go anywhere.  They have trapped me as a prisoner of this country for at least 7 years, with nothing to do but go downhill so they insult my intelligence, ridicule me, and degrade me and keep me from being able to look out for my family or even go anywhere in life, on my own merit and by my own acheivements.

I hope someone or some group can start looking out for my parents because I know for a fact that the FBI turned their backs on me, and left me in the open to be killed, tortured, poisoned, and raped.  I went to them so many times, and then I find out, half of them are involved themselves.  They defamed me in internal records to make it easier.

I believe the same thing has been done with my parents, but with them, it's been outright hostage taking I think, and interrogations, and cutting them up, forcing them to sign things, forcing them to ingest things, and worse.  Most likely my parents have also been raped, and they've told worse will happen to their kids.  They've been physically assaulted as well, in ways I've not been.  Like my finding out my Dad's back was covered with proof of torture. 

How many days has my Dad been tortured and no one could see it and no one else knew?

I had people coming up to me and telling me to my face they were surprised I had not committed suicide when my son and I were both tortured in East Wenatchee. He said, "Most people would have killed themselves a long time ago."

He kept asking me why I hadn't committed suicide and insulted me like I was stupid for living through it.  He knew how bad it was or he never would have acted shocked that I hadn't killed myself.

This means the intention was to torture me and my son to such extremes, that almost anyone would kill themself.  They wanted me to commit suicide.

And this, by the way, was done after they knew I had a suicide attempt after being refused pain medication and treatment for the constant triggering of extreme migraines.  They figured if I had tried to commit suicide after all of that, they could torture both me and my son even worse, in incredible ways, and ensure that I would kill myself over it.

That was U.S. government sponsored.

Does this sound like "research" or hate crime.

They've been escalating things, from using our pets and loved animals, to family members.  Many of our family members have even been murdered.  The rest of us, many of us, have been and are being tortured, exploited, and blackmailed.

None of us are "free" by any definition.

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