Thursday, June 7, 2012

Parents Still Tortured & Refugee-Torture Agencies in U.S.

My parents are still being tortured.  I didn't have that much happen to me today, but then this evening I went to visit them and military technology is being used on them.

I could feel it, and it affected my heart from where I sat, and my mother had her hand over her heart because it was clearly affected her even though she said nothing and would have denied it if I'd asked.

I feel trapped.  If it's not me being tortured, it's them and my son Oliver.  While I'm next to them, what am I supposed to do?  I am in fear of leaving them for an entire day, because I'm worried someone will try to do something while I'm away, and I'm in fear of staying here and not proving to someone that I am not mentally ill and that my family is being tortured.

Basically, it's completed crippled any kind of free-will decision making I would normally make.  If I sign up to take colleges at a college, in person, I am proving there is nothing wrong with me, by being there in a social context and getting decent grades.  However, then  I leave my parents behind for an entire day, to have others potentially come to the house and assault them, or go through our belongings while they know I'm away.  I'm not there to monitor what time they showed up and where they were or be able to be at the house so they can at least take a nap or get work done without worrying someone is going to come onto the property and do more than use military techology.  Whether it's police, neighbors, or others, things are not all "okay" here.

So then if I stay here, and don't take at least one class publicly, I continue to be accused of being "nuts" and mentally ill when all of this is defamation that is state-sponsored.

I was given an article about a Russian refugee to the U.S.  Who is trying to promote this country to ME?

If this country wants to promote itself and toot its own horn, they would quit torturing my parents, return my son, and leave me alone.  They wouldn't be asking my parents to say how much better it is here than anywhere else in the world.

If it's "better", can the U,S. prove that. 

So maybe it's "better" here for a guy who was persecuted in Russia for being a christian prior to the 1980s.  That doesn't mean it's better for everyone here, and it doesn't mean it's "better" for the U.S. citizens that get picked on and tortured anywhere else in the world.

I wrote to every single agency in the U.S., about refugee help, or political asylum, or getting treated or documented as being a victim of torture.  Every single agency in the entire country of the United States of America, turned me away and refused to help, including an American doctor-funded and sponsored agency.

They "help" all these "torture" victims from all over the world, who go to the U.S. to escape being tortured, but these same agencies provide covers for the military, FBI, and any other U.S. state-sponsored agency that tortures their own citizens.

All of the individuals working at such agencies, in the U.S., are quick to want to collect evidence against other countries, for atrocities committed elsewhere, and yet they cover for the same criminal acts when it's done in this country to citizens.

In a way, it makes you wonder why those people who work at such "refugee" and torture documentation agencies in the U.S., work there at all.

For all we know, some of them actually work WITH the parties responsible for torturing people.  What do they do?  "We have been torturing Ms. Garrett for approximately 6-7 years and when she leaves, we'll trade her medical records for the records we've got on your guy, J.R. Amstead."  The U.S., afterall, went out to "liberate" the tortured within Germany and then hired the doctors that tortured them.

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