Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Slightly Better (Color Blue)

I felt just slightly better after writing my post about not having had a good vibe the last day and a half or so.  

I was cold so I put a blanket across my lap and sat up at the doorway to outside and typed a little, and was disconnected so many times, but thought (or felt) something somewhere was a little bit better.

Then I found out my entire account for a class was tampered with and it has to be fixed. 

Aside from that, I don't know.  I prayed briefly, while in the tub before sitting at the door (just cold) and really nothing to mind except I suddenly saw this color of blue.  Not trying, but just a quick flash of this very pretty blue color and I caught it sort of skywards, up.  Sort of a...I guess I'll try to find a link for the match, but a kind of different color and thought, "Oh, that's pretty" and then saw arms folded in a framed b&w photo.  I thought maybe that was just me, but the color wasn't really.  I told God if anything came to mind for me to share, bring it to mind, and I would write but I had no revelation.  I am really, truly, NOT "gifted" naturally in that department.  It has been rare for me to catch a real glimpse of something. 

But I thought, not trying to think of anything, but saying out of the whole world, what? small, large, no matter what and then it was just a chin resting across arms overlapping, in a photo.  Almost like my senior year photo with one arm over the other, and my chin down on top of them, but I thought maybe this one was black and white and in a frame.  I thought maybe it's my imagination and it probably is, because it didn't stand out to me like "this is something" but since it came to mind, I'm sharing.

The one thing that was not really thought of, but was more out of the blue, was the blue color of a ceiling somewhere.  I saw it "up" so I think it's a solid color of a ceiling.  Just a quick patch of color.

Sort of close to
From blue palette #2: 66A3D2. Sort of a french blue with a very slight hint undertone of green (you know, a drop if you're mixing paint) and kind of bright, not cloudy.

Somewhere between this maybe and

Anyway, I later opened up my packages tonight and found my anatomy book and it's close to this same color I saw, but I saw it as a ceiling.  I think it was a ceiling bc I saw it "up" and I don't usually catch glimpses this direction, and it wasn't the sky, and it was just a quick patch of a color.  Anyway, that was around 8-9 p.m. or so.

I signed up for Chinese tonight.  Umm...yeah.  I'm still 100% interested in Denmark, and I'm checking on things for Danish, but I thought I'd look at the local Chinese too.

So we'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.

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