Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sort of watched baseball and heard sermon

I heard a sermon and saw baseball at the same time tonight.

I closed my eyes at one point, and sort of tried to see if something came to mind but nothing did.  I then maybe tried to imagine something--I don't think it was a real impression at all.  I sensed some good energy from somewhere but anyway.  I had just read a passage for the day from a Bible I don't usually pick up and then opened at random to a different section which included things about metals.  Which sort of goes with what I was learning about chemistry and metals and non-metals.  But it was about purification of metals and things and then later I tried to see something and mainly thought, probably bc I had just read about metals, stained glass or something.  I narrowed onto a small section of something, but maybe it wasn't stained glass and probably just my imagination.  It was this wrought metal section and then a color of glass or something.  Sort of a roughly wrought metal like maybe on an earring or overlaid across some other material.  Like filigree but something contained by it, not just this overlaying it. It looked like maybe a diamond pattern or part of that, just one side and blue glass or something and had a,


If you took maybe softened metal, and rolled it with the palm of your hand until it was very skinny and made this very thin roll and then twist it into a figure 8 or maybe 2 diamond shapes, one on top of the other, and then inside it's blue glass or something, bright medium blue, and then maybe the rolled part is slightly flattened down or wrought in some way and is yellowish,  with black or darker flecks like the metal is very old.  I thought I saw a small edge of it.  I can't say it was even a shape, just saw angles and the difference between the metal and the glass or whatever it was.
The energy seemed better today.  I was tortured and worried about my parents too, but in general, it wasn't so sad until after 9 p.m. or a little earlier.

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