Saturday, June 9, 2012

V-caps, Garden Border & Vegan Position on Worms

I bought "V-caps" which are plant capsules instead of gelatin (animal-product). 

I tried them yesterday, because my primrose is in gelatin and they hold liquid.  I don't know how long but they worked not just for dry stuff but liquid too.  When I squeezed it in from the primrose to the v-cap, it had this little bubble in it that went to the top and made me think of my Dad's leveler.

Also, you can squeeze out to a spoon, but I wanted to see what these could be used for.  Maybe I'll test how long they hold liquid in a jar for a few days.

I planted a border of lavendar last night to keep deer out before starting other seeds, and will re-sow today I think. I didn't change my bridge but might later.  Just put in the seeds around and I might need more lavendar actually, if I'm going to add pumpkins and onions.  I am also decided on additional land for rows of pumpkin and white onions.  This would give me time for a Fall crop.

I wondered last night if my Grandpa Garrett companion planted potatoes next to raspberries to give the raspberries nitrogen? I need to look that up because I think there is a reason.  I want to put in some raspberries too.  I also think my Grandpa Baird has a good idea with his sprinkler system.

One thing that came to my mind awhile ago as I made rows, was, well, I think out of all my digging up dirt, hoeing and raking, I didn't accidentally disect too many worms, but I sort of thought, if vegans eat plants and don't allow bee pollen or honey from bee insects, how do they get away from the idea that you're maiming a lot of earthworms while you plow and keep a garden?  I thought then that it probably can't be that big of deal to have bee pollen where it may interrupt bee business a little, if we interrupt worms to plant food.  But, I am getting lower on my bee pollen and not in a huge hurry to buy more--I got chlorella instead for DNA/RNA properties and aminos.

This idea did come to my mind though, so I wonder what the vegan position on it is?

Hmm.  Just looked up Vegan Society and they suggest raised beds, not addressing specifically the worm situation but this being the point I think of not constantly breaking up soil.  They do acknowledge clay soils need more work.  They are okay with "human-manure" from vegans but I'm not into that idea.  I have all organic plant waste in my composter.  I like their idea of the four section rotation and read cruciferous can't be planted in the same place year after year, but since it's a small plot, varying it up the first year won't harm it and will introduce a lot of different things the section might need.  So to me, throwing in a bunch of companion plants and herbs and flowers, the first year, won't be bad for organizing later.  As long as certain things are not planted next to other things that get defeated by it.  For example, I read native americans do beans/squash/corn for a reason and that onions and peas or beans don't like eachother.  Not sure if this is true, and might switch some things up, but then with cruciferous it takes so much nitrogen out of the soil, you need something else there next year, and then planting marigold and other things closeby, and onion, help with pests they are prone to.  But this site puts peas and beans together with onion.  And then they rotate.  My first year will just be instictive I guess and then more planning later.

I did raise up my rows, which was a good idea because after rain, it puddles just a little in the aisles where I walk, so for drainage reasons, the raising is good.

I looked up AHIMSA but can't find anything about vegan gardening.  AHIMSA is part of the American Vegan Society but they list a lot of events and I am not finding as many articles.  I think my google search is only giving me a few things though, because it's only listing one vegan society in the UK and then one in the U.S. and there are more than that.  There's a lot of vegetarian stuff too, but I'm not vegetarian, I'm vegan!

I buy non-gelatin capsules whenever possible, and if I can't find a substance without, I'll squeeze it out or use something else.  I've been using my bee pollen until it's out and then planning to use chlorella, which is why I bought it.  I eat no eats, meat, dairy, ...except where something might say, "manufactured in a plant with traces of..." but in general, not even a trace really.

My idea to make my vegan lasanga came to mind after squeezing out primrose oil from a gelatin cap into a vegan v-cap. 

I just tried to use this web cam for this laptop and my photos are being removed and deleted.  I only took 2 angles, one of the lasanga, and one of my garden, and the photos are being removed without my deleting them.
Oh yeah, sorry about appearances, but I ate some of it last night.  Mmmm was it GOOD!  At any rate, this photo didn't turn out because the one where it shows rows that look like manicotti got deleted and then this photo makes it look like a goulash.  But it's in rows, and you can't tell here.
This is one section of my garden from my kitchen window. I have more to it but will take a photo later. 

 This one below is if you're outside and the larger garden you see above is to the left of it. It's all the same garden but this other section I'm working on, with steps. This is clearly a work in progress

This is how it appears from the hillside at the moment. I didn't realize I was getting myself in this photo and my shirt isn' white like that and it's not pleated either. I have on a green shirt with smooth arms but I haven't changed yet for the day. This pleated sleeve though, reminds me of how my photos and clothing have been stolen from me because I had a shirt with sleeves like that.

There are a few more angles to the garden than you can see here, and levels as well, but it's hard to show.  For example, from this photo you can't see how the dirt is lined into rows up at the top, and you can't see some of the levels of the "steppe".  The wastebasket is out for collecting bits of glass and things that I've taken out of the garbage and then i use a wheelbarrow for all the other heavy stuff.

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