Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Witness To I.Q. and Other Test Fraud: Ellsworth

I have a witness, who is not a family member, to obstruction aimed at me specifically.

I was talking with an instructor by the name of Betty Pratt for SWOCC college in Coos Bay.  She teaches a keyboarding class I wanted to take to increase speed and work on letter and other formatting.  The class is online through a program called "Ellsworth Keyboarding".

She told me to have someone watch a 5 minute timed test to see what my WPM was.

She said I could have a family member do this or someone else, and then I was told to go ahead and go into this place and an instructor would watch.  So I did, this morning, and the test was rigged.  I've taken tests for this kind of thing before, and this one was rigged and there was a witness there to see, along with a bunch of teens in the background who overheard what was happening.

If you take a timed test, they give you text, and you copy this by typing and then you're evaluated on how far you got, with how many errors, after an amount of time.  It's nothing new. 

So I logged in fine, and my name was listed already, and I was told to select my name, which identified me specifically, and begin the test.  I asked the instructor to stand there and watch as a witness after I was pushed out of it the first time.

First of all, it was "blackout enabled" which is not standard testing.  No test has you type into an empty screen or black screen--if you make an error and correct it, it deducts from your speed and it all factors together. 

The other part that is never happens, even if blackboard enabled were a new idea, is that no test pushes the text forward to the next page, before you're finished typing the first page. 

Everytime I tried to type, instead of being stationary and allowing me to scroll down the text as needed, or instead of moving down line by line, it shot down to the middle of the scroll bar.

So basically, someone decided to ruin a timed test by shooting it forward to the middle, repeatedly. Which is nothing but a form of harassment, obstruction from my taking an objective test, and a bizarre nod to who?  Middleton?  It kept pushing me off of a keyboarding test because of ...

KATE MIDDLETON?  Or wait, her Mommy that she lived with her entire life except for when she shacked up with William of Wales.

What was the point?  The text they provided me with was about how hard it was for some boy who aspired to be a writer in London.  And then instead of allowing me to take the test like any other student, it pushed me out of the test, repeatedly, and shot the entire text section to the middle, making it impossible for me to follow the text line by line.

I am required to type the text in order, and basically, by shooting the scroll bar from the top to the middle without allowing me to even finish reading the lines, it was essentially like going from page one to page two, and not allowing me to complete page one. 

I kept moving the scroll back up the correct place, and this took off from my time, and then I asked the instructor to watch and witness because there was no way I was going to continue taking a foul test.  So I quit the first time, after this happened, because it voided test results and wasn't a good or accurate test.  I started over with the woman watching the whole time and it happened again so as soon as it did, I shut it off and asked her if there was a way to correct it.

There wasn't.  Her name was Nancy, and she saw the whole thing.  Then I said I'd try it again, and she was going to walk away but I asked her to please wait and watch because I needed a witness.  So she did, and it happened again and she said maybe she could hold the mouse and control it to keep it from shooting past all the text to the middle-of-nowhere.  I said okay, because that's not cheating at all, it's getting someone to see if they can control a rigged test.

But no, it was still rigged, and nothing she did could change the fact that it was rigged.

I quit right after it was clear it didn't work, and said, "It keeps pushing me out, and I'm not going to take a test when it's a bad test, so I'll have to let the instructor know.  After this is resolved, I'll see you again, but thank you so much for all the time you've taken.  And if she needs to know what happened, you'll let her know right?"

She said yes and I said thank you.  She was saying to read instructions about using the shift/control key for scrolling down the text myself but that wasn't the problem.  The problem was that it was automatically pushing me to different pages, and was a rigged test.  I can't control the scroll bar if someone sees "Cameo Huegenot" (how she registered me) has signed in to Ellsworth and they want to push me out.

I've taken timed tests for employment agencies before and I know how they work.  NOT like that.  I've never had a rigged timed keyboarding test before. 

At least, I am glad it happened actually, because it gives me a heads-up on how I need to videotape any test I take at the SWOCC campus when I'm trying to test out of math courses to get into a higher class.  Knowing what I know now, it is in my best interests to videotape what I do so that way there is no problem with how I'm evaluated with that.  So actually, for today, having more bad online experiences with testing, it is a blessing in disguise.

Then, I left and it was like all of this police harassment.

I mean, really, because the Middletons have nothing to do with anything in the U.S. at all. 

Also, last night I was signing into the online program for medical terminology and instead of taking me to Elsevier, it was showing Lexis Nexis at the websearch bar.  I didn't type in Lexis Nexis at all, which is an online law site.  So if it was showing up as Lexis Nexis first, and then showing up as Elsevier next, while the program was coming up, I think they might be connected to the same online program company or holding company.
Also, I think my "I.Q." test was rigged.

I had said repeatedly to this guy Chris Rozollo, that I was aiming for an I.Q. of 128 which was above average but not great.  Then I was tortured all the way up to the test, because I was being newly tortured again, and fried, from the time I met Rozollo to the time I took that test and past the test.

What my actual score might have been I have no idea.  I didn't really try at it, because I thought it might work against me if I did, and then what was the score?

It was 128, which is exactly what I told this guy Rozollo I was aiming for.

He wanted me to score lower too, because I don't know what the deal was, but it worked in his group's favor if I did score lower.  Even then, I think around that time, I had wondered if someone was trying to test me for use for something or for someone, or in order to compare me.  They were already thinking of ways to have me reproduce for someone as well.  So for whatever reason, what came to mind was the UK.  That the U.S. and UK were "figuring" something out or some govt group was going to do one thing for me if I scored one way, and another thing if I scored another way.

Basically, the look on Chris Rozollo's face, the pleasure at thinking I might try to score lower, and aim for an exact number, was the same look he had on his face when he wanted me to end up in jail for a failure to appear on a car I never stole. 

I had this weird feeling I was being compared with Middleton.  Maybe I'm wrong that it was her, and maybe it was someone else, but that's what my hunch was.

So then when they had me score out with the 128, they classified me as not being "a genious" or even "highly intelligent" but instead made me a step above average and used this to torture me and my son, as if since I scored low, my son lost nothing when he was tortured in the United States.  They then used my lower I.Q. score as an excuse to continue torturing me, rather than doing something else, and they used as an excuse to dumb my son down and make a claim that he was never originally as brilliant as he truly was, speaking whole words before 9 months of age.  For a BOY.  Oliver not only knew his numbers, in correct order, he was speaking whole words to describe these numbers.

He was totured because he was honestly a genious.  I kept records and documentation and emailed my mother about some of it and not even all of it and then emailed a UK-Irish guy who was some science genious and lived in Malaysia with his Malay wife.  My son was literally a genius.

Haters have used every excuse in the book to then torture him and try to demean him, from pointing to hispanic ethnicity as if this makes him less smart, to making suggestions about the father (intelligence is inherited from the mother anyway), to trying to dumb me down to get themselves off of the hook for ruining my son's mind.

He was walking by 9 months, and kicking a ball shortly thereafter, witnessed by Dr. Stuart Freed.  He was making number identification and saying whole words before 9 months of age, when boys usually speak sometimes not until age 2 even.  His attention span was unlike any kid I've ever babysat before and I knew he was super smart, so I started looking into resources for him.

This country tried to kill him.  They tried to kill us both, and where is the investigation?


Giving others an inaccurate I.Q. score just gave them excuses to say I was mentally ill, and then take more from me.  Then they've tampered with my classes and anything else I try, to keep it where they want it.

That I.Q. test was rigged to Rozollo's satisfaction.  Whatever group he's with, was supporting Middleton and they didn't want brainy competition.  They wanted me out of the way and then they used this to alleviate the country from liability for how my son went from genious to speech therapist, which is something Wenatchee didn't even care about until they discovered I'd tried to have him scheduled to get help in Canada.  After this, they then took him and said he needed a speech therapist and blamed ME.  AFTER I WENT TO DOCTORS about my own son and said something happened to him, and was told everything was "normal" when it wasn't, then these criminals turned around and used Fatso Michelle to accuse my son of binge eating.  Michelle really needs to lose everything.  I mean, everything, because she already sold her soul.

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