Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dad Hiking, Obamas, Dabney Murders, John Hart, & Tucker Carlson

Someone needs to keep an eye on my Dad. 

He's going for a "hike" with John Hart today.

This is the man connected to The U.S. Post Office.

I dropped off a money order with my request for official transcript to be sent to EOU.  SWOCC is requiring the transcript.

I have had my mail disappear from this post office before, when I dropped it off on a Saturday without a tracking for certified delivery.

This is the same guy who the 700 Club in Virginia (next to CIA offices) was so eager to defend.  His wife is the one who made fun of me and has the Jewish mother.

After we had dinner with them and I wrote about how I thought he worked for govt. besides post office, as a sleeper agent, my financial aid was withheld and the Department of Ed went to their "overhaul".

This is the house where I was tortured while a guest for "dinner" with Linda wearing her "London" shirt.

When I was there for dinner, he was saying, when I joked about my emergency response to a bus running into a boulder, and how I had been shocked to hear myself say, "Everyone get OFF the bus NOW!", to this he said, "Well it seems there was a resevoir or well of strength coming up from somewhere."

So yesterday SWOCC sent me an email telling me not to count on Summer term when they had already confirmed Summer term.  My Dad got home from work and my Mom was asking him what he had to do the next day and she mentioned John.  I said, "What are you guys doing?" and I was told they were going on a "hike".

So as of yesterday, my Dad has been invited by the Postal worker, with the Jewish wife, who are connected to Dept. of Ed and people in Coos Bay (everytime my Dad goes to Coos Bay it's with John Hart it seems).

Coos Bay is where this college is.

When I told John and Linda Hart the story about the bus running into the boulder and how I was worried that if it exploded, where should I be sitting, and how I found out if there is a gas leak, it's in the back of the bus, and talked about position.

I got an email from The White House the day before SWOCC sent me an email telling me to make other plans, called,

"What is your position on the bus?"

It's from Michelle Obama and is entitled:

"Your Seat On Barak's Bus"

It was sent on Saturday, 6/30/12 at 16:41:31 (military time).  That is at 4:41 p.m.

I mailed my request for official transcript and dropped it off at the Post Office drop box at a few minutes after 12 p.m. on Saturday. I had to wait until the library opened to get an address and that took no more than 10 minutes and then I walked a few feet next door and dropped it into the right bin at the drop box in the lobby.

It was a little after 12 p.m. PST.  It was a little after 3 p.m. EST.  So for D.C., it was at about 3 p.m. their time.

1 hour and 45 minutes later, I got a group email from The White House, from Michelle, the First Lady, entitled, "Your Seat On Barak's Bus".  I will post the contents below.

After this, that Saturday, they sent an email after 8 p.m. for "2 Bumper Stickers" from Biden's office.

The mail gets picked up and sent out from the Coquille post office at 3 p.m.-3:30 p.m. on Saturday but it's only a drop box, no postal worker so I sent it with only a stamp not certified.  On Sunday, there was no email.  Then, on Monday, I got an email from SWOCC at 1:16 p.m., telling me to cancel my classes and that I was not going to be funded for Summer (even though they confirmed I was funded months ago).

I will post the email from Michelle on Saturday, which preceded the "Get Your 2 Bumper Stickers" email from Biden, and then the email from SWOCC:

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 16:41:31 -0400
To: cameocares@live.com
From: info@barackobama.com
Subject: Your seat on Barack's bus

Obama for America
Cameo --

Our family has spent more than a few days on the campaign trail.

We've had lots of card games, laughs, and fun family moments on that campaign bus.

Barack is hitting the road again next week, and he's saving two seats on the bus for a supporter and their guest. We'll pick the lucky winner in just a few hours.

So make a donation before the big fundraising deadline tonight, and you'll be automatically entered to join Barack on the road.

The girls and I miss Barack when we're not on the road with him. But I know he's looking forward to hanging out with you -- so I'll let you take my seat this time.

Pitch in what you can before tonight's critical fundraising deadline to be automatically entered to spend some time with Barack on the road:


Thanks, and good luck.

- Michelle

On Monday, I got this email from SWOCC:

Subject: RE: Update
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 13:16:50 -0700
From: asingh@socc.edu
To: cameocares@live.com
CC: tdailey@socc.edu; tnicholls@socc.edu

Hello Cameo,
I have attached the letters I sent to you.
We require an updated (12/SP grades) Official Grade Transcript from Eastern Oregon University.
You are not on aid suspension for a change of major or dual major. You are on aid suspension for exceeding the amount of credits required for an Associate’s degree at our institution. I have also attached our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
No matter how many times you tell me that “someone” told you are okay for financial aid, I am communicating to you that you are not currently eligible to receive federal aid funds at our institution.
If you are unable to fund this term on your own, I would suggest that you consider deferring your enrollment in classes until fall term 2012, when you will know the outcome of your Financial Aid Extension of Eligibility appeal.
Thank you, Avena

There is no academic progress issue.  The issue they are claiming is that I have too many college credits but they knew this months ago, and they approved me for financial aid.  She claims the issue is not my Change of Major and it is, because if you change your major, then how many credits you already have is irrelevant. If you need credits for a program you decided to do instead, they are required to provide financial aid.

Not only that, she is telling me in this letter that they are not going to know (?) if they can figure it out until Fall?

Why is that?

They told me, months ago, to pay for an "official transcript" from EOU and sent it to them "in-progress" and said that was all they needed for my financial aid for Summer.  Not Fall, Summer.  So I paid for it and they received it.  Then they stalled and made other excuses and told me to get another one.  They already have what they need to process my Summer financial aid.

They know I cannot afford to pay for classes on my own and they know I am dependent on this college financial aid for my living expenses. 

These people have behaved like criminals.  The sad part is that they're doing favors for the FBI and the Department of State and it's to prevent me from having any money, from appealing for my son's case with any money, as they know I intended, from pursuing my educational goals, and to ruin my finances.

The White House is directly involved.

The White House knows who Alvaro Pardo is, by the way.
So then, after all this "your position on the bus" and "get your bumper stickers" mail from Michelle Obama, and Biden (with his Jewish in-law) after I drop off my second payment for a transcript, I get mail saying a decision that takes less than 1 week to make by SWOCC is now not going to be made until Fall?  It doesn't take that long.

They blocked me for a second time and they did it to obstruct me from appealing for my son, or reviving something for him.  They also did this for Alvaro Pardo, because they're pissed that I didn't marry him and get his daughter into the country and secure his 'quick shot' U.S. citizenship for the Department of State.

It's starting to look like if it wasn't about being a mistress for William of Wales or Charles, it was about Obama the President.

Tucker Carlson is the journalist who had a reporter badger the President at a speech, and he wanted to bring attention to himself deliberately.  His name was Neil Munroe.

Like "Kneel Monroe".

They tried to use me like Marilyn Monroe and then punished me by assaulting me and obstructing justice and torturing my son.

I think this is why Obama was feeling defensive, because he knows about it.  Where was he when I was being repeatedly injected with Haldol, at the request of the FBI?

This man, badgered The President of The United States openly and in a huge public forum and was put on the air and shown across the world and the media.  Neil Monroe.

But I'm repeatedly told no one is really interested in me or my son.  Like no one in govt.  People KNOW that is not true.

I wasn't sure if Neil Munroe was totally making fun of me for Middletons, or trying to make a political point.  Either way, when I think about it, although I didn't see it that day myself and only saw the footage later, I thought at first it was disrespectful, but on the other hand, my son and I are TORTURED in THIS country.???  Is this for real?

If it was at all, to bring attention to this gruesome fact, then in hindsight I should be appreciative of Tucker Carlson's person bringing it up bc one way or the other, it highlights the fact that this is not under the radar.   I guess Neil Munroe is Irish.  I don't know if he's Irish like the guys that told me to "KNEEL" at the federal detention center (through the Irish cop) or if he's good Irish.  But I suppose, it is not altogether bad that he did this so publicly.

I have wondered why at least SOMEONE in the media isn't interested in investigating what is going on with me.  It's not small and involves huge players so why wouldn't they be? I've had all negative media stuff.  I also don't know why the media, seriously, if I was a journalist, I would investigate more, what is behind passing a law that allows the U.S. to hold U.S. citizens hostage in secrecy with no warrant, judge, or charges.  That is crazy and Obama signed that for the Department of Defense.  I mean, that means we could have CIA defector Edward Lee "break his neck" (so we're told) in Russia and then Russia allows the U.S. to extraordinary-rendition him back to the U.S. and hold him hostage while they torture him to reveal secrets from the last 20 years and torture people he knows and his kids, even if they're U.S. citizens, and with zero accountability.

The same day that I was told by SWOCC I was not going to have financial aid for Summer, and therefore zero money for my living expenses, Sen. Charles Schumaker, Rabbi Rose's good friend, was featured on the news, looking very happy for once.  I'm sure these Jews are all ecstatic.

So I guess the "sleeper agent" for the CIA John Hart is taking my Dad to go look for a well.  How apropo.  The "well of resevoir" that he referred to after I told my bus story.  He had said, after I told this story, and saying I must have had a well of strength inside, that there was a well he knew about near our property which he used to have property to.  It's not for the other house where water is needed.  So he was talking about "taking a hike to find that well" sometime.

This country is tracking every single thing I do and then making a point out of it.  Biden and Michelle are behind obstructing me for college and signaling to have me bumped out.  It matters to them. Biden hates me and so does his Jew in-law who is connected to Middletons.

I'm going to have to return all of my groceries I bought yesterday.  Everything.  And get only water bottles again because of Michelle and Barak and their assholes in the White House.

I'm not voting for Obama now.  I was already wondering who I was going to vote for between Romney and Obama, and Obama is definitely out.  I can't take Biden and the corrupt people he has allowed to control this country.  He has the abiility to do something with the FBI and he doesn't.

I don't think Romney is going to do any favors, but they can't be rewarded for not stepping in to prevent torture of citizens. 

Chris Dabney is not connected to Pentagon as much as Middletons.  He's connected to the II Kings people, the seconders.  I believe he was involved in the murder of his own unborn child.  He didn't want me to have it and I believe he wanted it killed.  He is also connected to Alvaro Pardo who is Department of State.  His girlfriend is a Jew with contacts to Mossad.

Both he and Alvaro, on the last night they were with me, knowing it would be the last time, they put some kind of acid on a part of my genitals.  Alvaro also took photos of me while I was asleep.  Both Chris and Alvaro used the exact same thing. It was like their departure signal.  And on my unborn child's face, they had dropped a drop of acid on his face to create a bubble before they handed the fetus to me to view after I miscarried.

Chris did it first.  It was the last time I was with him and he was gone the next morning and I was fired and I had a blister from a kind of acid, on one specific part.  I never had it any other time, ever.  Then, the last time Alvaro was with me, the night after I confronted him for sleeping with Mykal Holt (Wenatchee Jew), I woke up to find photos of myself sleeping on my computer, that I didn't take of myself, and he had used the same acid on the same part of my genitals.

I think the point was that the Jew in D.C. and her Jewish community were trying to make a point and get even with me for some imagined offense.  And they support Middleton, Kate Middleton.  Real nice group she knows.

I don't have genital herpes, or anything at all.  I've been tested and no, and it's not what that was either.  It was from acid and it was applied to the exact same part both times.

So the Jewish bitch in D.C. was pissed and Chris made her feel better by applying an acid to one part, to form one small blister.  Then I was fired while pregnant and they murdered their own blood.  I said I wanted to see the baby, and they didn't want me to and then said it would be awhile.  Then when they brought him to me, he was perfect except that it was clear some kind of acid was applied to his face, to form a small blister.  On his face.

These people are criminal to the core and SICK.

The Jews were pissed I was pregnant with Chris' baby when he was also sleeping with the Jew Department of Justice and Mossad bitch.  They most likely set me up with Alvaro Pardo.  Then, they decided to punish me again and make a point, by having my fiance cheat on me with the Jewish woman, Mykal, just to get back at me.  And then knowing he was on the way out, Alvaro applied the same acid Chris used, and that a doctor in Maryland put on my unborn babies face (fetus's don't have herpes.  It wasn't that.  It was from acid).

They are vengeful Jews and Catholics that deserve to be in jail. They are directly connected to Middleton.  They are also directly connected to the Department of State and FBI.  Alvaro did this to me, and he admitted he worked for the FBI.

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