Friday, July 20, 2012

Government Implants Since 1982 & Cornell

I accidentally sent out an email stating I may have had implants in 1988 as well, but it was 1982. I was placed next to a doctor's daughter after the surgery, and they put screws into my elbow and maybe more than that. Dr. Fallon was the doctor I remember doing the surgery and my mother said later it was a different doctor, but I remember it being him because he was atheist and didn't believe in God, and I told him "Jesus healed me". These people had me sitting next to Katie Fallon and visiting her at her house where the doctor was. Exactly as they forced me to work for Mary Del Balzo when I had another round of implants, in 1995. Mary Del Balzo was getting a degree at Cornell at the same time, in 1982, that I had implants put into my body. Then Katie Fallon went on to attend college at Cornell. Mary had spent a year with Intel, a semiconductor company, before I was forced to work for her and her husband. According to a "findpeople" thing, it says she majored in government but that's not what she told me. She told me she had majored in engineering. Maybe she majored in both engineering and government. Cornell is starting to look like a college that's been involved in illegal medical research on children and adults. They are in NY, where my fiance wanted to go for the "honeymoon". Right. At Ithaca? These people have STALKED me since 1982??? It was 1982 that I had the surgery by the way, not 1983 as I thought. I had the surgery in 1982, I was 8 years old, and then I was having to visit Katie and stay for sleepover's at Katie Fallon's house where her Dad the surgeon and Marty (the nurse) was. It was 4th grade, and the teacher was Mr. Martinez and he was the first teacher that I remember ever being extremely mean. Katie Fallon changed her name to Katherine later (I think it was Katherine with a C). Katie Middleton wasn't even born yet. Katie Fallon's brother's name is Rob. He went to college in England, last time I checked. Marty (or Marti) Fallon was the mothers name. She was a nurse when I was over at her house and then she got out of nursing and became a realtor with Dave Jones realty.

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