Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lavendar Seeds Experiment: Part Four (results)

My lavendar experiment idea worked.

The first little shoots that I thought might be lavendar, were weeds.  That was around 2, where the treatment of the lavendar seed was normal.  I planted the seeds in a round container and etched numbers around the base of container and then planted the seeds next to the numbers.  So #1 treated seeds I planted next to my etched-in #1 on the container, and so on.

The actual lavendar seedlings that have come up, are the ones I treated with betaine hydrochloride.

This is what I did with the samples:

1. Scarified: both were on the side of the lid but when I shook it, both went to bottom.
2. Normal: both at bottom.
3. High HCl: 1 bottom, 1 top. Both lightened noticeably in color. Lost bottom one in transfer.
4. Low HCl: both top floaters.
5. Cider vinegar: both bottom. Very slight lightening in color, possibly not much lightening.
6. CoQ10: both bottom.
7. Tea: 1 of them and floater.

I have 2 lavendar plants that came up, one at #3 and the other between #3 and #4 (not sure which bc I think possibly it shifted).  Both #3 and #4 are betaine hydrochloride treated.  The one next to #3 is the largest one so far.

For me, this confirms the guess I made, that treating lavendar seeds with something to get through the shell, would cause them to grow.  After I did this, I looked it up and found others have made similiar experiments and had the same results.  So what I would do, since my sample was so small, given the fact that I only have a limited number of seeds left, is I would pre-soak most of them in a betaine hydrochloride solution.  If I had more seeds, I would try the experiment again with a larger sample and repeat, because it might be a fluke or anomaly, but with what I have to work with, this is how I will proceed.

Also, one of my original lavendar seedling plants, which I put around the border, is growing well.  I think the other ones were tampered with, but one of the original (not reseeded ones but original ones) is a plant and is healthy and looking like English Lavendar should, and smells great. 

I wanted a border all around the garden but I think I got the seeds late or didn't realize they expire so fast.  So I guess next year I can add more and if the first round doesn't work, or something is wrong with the seed, I'll betaine hydrochloride treat all of them.

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