Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Legs Swelling From U.S. Torture & Parents & Pets Tortured

This morning I woke up with deep impressions in my legs from edema.

From the time I started writing about it, about 3 days ago, when the U.S. began torturing me by heating my heart all day, and I specified it was the entire day, my legs were swollen the next day from edema.

My legs are getting progressively worse and all day the U.S. Department of Energy has been doing this.  The man in charge is Asian, and he coordinates with the Department of Defense.  The Department of Energy works with the Department of Defense on long-range missiles and satellites and use of "less than lethal" weapons.  It's Department of Energy and Defense combined.  Energy takes over for more nuclear related or larger incidents but uses the same technology and coordinates things for DOD.

They have been doing this for the last two days as well, not as strong but all day.  It's happening now and it happens during the day, and it starts after I sit on my parent's porch at their place, or at my own place. 

Also, the cat is sensitive now where he was electrocuted by military.  This happened to him a few days ago, and I described how he was electrocuted and went flying into the air.  He hasn't been eating because of it and is thin and then I ran a finger from the middle of his head down his spine and he is jumpy or touchy on one specific spot, running away with pain because he's still hurt there.

This is likely where the U.S. targeted him to electrocute him. 

He's fine on the head, and doesn't flinch at shoulders or mid-back, and it's about 3/4 down the length of his body torwards his tail.  About one-two inches from his tail, he jumps and flinches and runs in extreme pain if you touch it.  It's not the side of his body or underside, or head.  They targeted him from straight above.  The cat was near our windows and anything done from a window would have hit him at an angle, not from directly overhead.

The only thing that could electrocute or laser him from directly above or overhead, is a long-range weapon or satellite.  There is nothing above our house but the sky.  It's space.

There is no power line or other structure directly above the area where Smokey (the cat) was tortured.  There is a roof and above that, there is nothing but the sky straight up.  This means our cat was targeted by satellite, which is hard to believe, but exactly what this one Iranian scientist I talked to once said.

He said, "What you are describing sounds like satellites...but I can't believe ....I've heard of other countries doing this, but I didn't think the United States did this to their own citizens."

He was not a weird paranormal person or pseudo-scientist.  He was a top notch physicist and engineer who studied MRI technology, satellites, and other technology.  He said what was done to me and Oliver sounded like satellite technology.

He said the U.S. wanted him to work for them (this is before they then kidnapped an Iranian scientist to force him to work for the CIA in Phoenix, AZ--not the same one).  He wanted to work on MRI and other forms of technology, and space stuff, but the group that approached him wanted him to work for them for purposes of human destruction.  They wanted him to basically work on satellites employed and fitted for long-range weaponry and non-lethal assault.  He said he refused because he didn't want to apply his science to the Defense industry or weapons industry but for other kinds of research.

He did all kinds of research and knew exactly what he was talking about.  He had no reason to lie to me.  After I described the things that were done to me and my son, he was nervous and didn't want to be around me anymore and I never told anyone his name.

He said they did research using pigs and the same thing happened to the nails and hooves of pigs when tortured by MRI waves and microwaves.  The nails or hooves or calcium areas curled or curved and warped.  He personally saw experiments involving pigs and other animals.  This man knew what he was talking about.  He knew what kinds of energy the U.S. criminal employees used against my family.

That's what happened to Oliver.  They fried my son until his toenails were warped up and down in obvious ridges and curled at the sides.  The warping was not only at the end, but all the way to the cuticle. 

It was most noticeable on our toenails than fingernails because that's where, I think, the energy outlet was.  They fried us and didn't care if we died.

They expected us to die or to smoke us out.

So the cat, Smokey, has an injured spot that is tender, from where he was assaulted and it's only on the top of his spine, near his tail, and this part faces skyward.

So look at how the U.S. then treated Iran, as if it's a big enemy country.  Why Iran?  Because it's a small country again?  I mean, once again, we have this huge country of China that could wipe the U.S. out in a heartbeat, and Leon Panetta and the Pentagon and CIA want to punish Iran?

Before they made Iran a very public TARGET, they KIDNAPPED one of their scientists!  to work for the CIA!  So, in 2008 I meet this Iranian scientist that exposes the U.S. techniques against me and my son.

The next thing you know, to punish this man for telling me what it was, the CIA kidnaps a different Iranian scientist and forces him to work for them.   I guess, you just don't "say no" to the CIA.  Either they ask you nicely to work for them, or marry their man, or they force you to work for them or torture you.

I could have called this Iranian scientist as a witness against the United States of America for torture and treason against their own citizens.  Not only that, I had a plan to do just that.  I didn't reveal his name to anyone, but I kept him in the back of my mind knowing I could call him to testify.  I didn't plan to do it until I needed to, or lined up court.

In the meantime, after this, the CIA kidnapped a different Iranian scientist and force him to work for them.  THEN, this becomes an international "incident" and call of outrage in Iran.  So the U.S. counter-attacks by trying to make Iran look like the bad country and as if they were on the offensive and not merely trying to protect their own country.

If you were an Iranian and America is kidnapping your scientists to work for their nuclear programs, what do you think your response would be?  Maybe it would be to protect your country to feel you had more leverage to prevent the U.S. from torturing or kidnapping your people again.

Instead, they got the spin.

Iran is trying to do this! they're trying to do that!  They're dangerous!  They are wanting to kill  off the world.  Right.  Like me, and what the FBI reported about me and media and Catholic church.  I was so dangerous and "potentially violent and unstable".  ??

I was  a rape victim working at a monastery as a library volunteer.
Real dangerous.

What did I do?  I reported a problem within the monastery.  Just as this Iranian man reported and exposed a problem in the U.S. against their own citizens.

What happens to whistleblowers?  This is the lesson they try to teach "Bradleys" and whistleblowers.  And then this country wants the Middle East to be all fired about on such ideas and go out and get mad and start "revolutions" and what is the U.S. doing about their own people?  Nothing.  No one in U.S. government is encouraging a civil rights American "revolution" where there are riots, and FBI and police start getting shot and bound up by citizens for not protecting people from torture.  No one in the U.S. government is encouraging "revolution" where U.S. citizens hold Judges at gunpoint and tell them to get out and someone else is going to take their judicial seat.  No one is encouraging revolution in the U.S. where citizens storm all the U.S. government buildings, starting with the Department of Justice.  No Pentagon man or woman or government leader is telling U.S. citizens, "Oust the corrupt leaders!  Come on!  Do it!" and encouraging homemade bombs to be set off against the Justice Department so that then a crowd of citizens can rush in and stand on top of tables and desks and hold Cynthia Schneider hostage.

Why is the U.S. SO excited about inciting violence and "revolution" in other countries when they want nothing of the sort for this country?  They're torturing their citizens just as much as the Middle East and yet no one is talking about how great an uprising would be.

No one is freeing a bunch of prisoners and then putting lawyers and law enforcement in citizen arrest.  If U.S. citizens did to U.S. employees what the U.S. government encourages other citizens to do in other countries, there would be a massive outbreak of violence against the FBI and police and State buildings.  They'd go in and take their kids back, not by legal process that doesn't even work, but because the kids are their own kids and the govenrment is corrupt and not dealing with it.

I'm not suggesting this should be done.  What I'm trying to point out, is the hypocrisy.

You can't tell other countries to do all these things, and then be against your own people.

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