Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mockery of U.S. Robert Garrett, Sr. & Oliver (Battleship)

I found out the latest sick game by corrupt CIA and military is to mock my grandfather Robert Garrett, Sr., who passed away in 2002.

At the same time they started blasting air waves to my parents house and my house, affecting one of my ears specifically, my mother then told me someone got the game "Battleship" for my son Oliver to play.

My grandfather's ear drum was blasted out and he was deaf in one ear because of a kamikazee pilot crash-landing on the battleship he was on.

So now this country is doing him and my family the disservice of torturing us over here to match the game idea they wanted my son to start playing over in Washington.

This use of wave technology to my ears, has affected one of my ears now to where if it's not hurting because of what they're doing to it, I can't hear the same out of it.  They are targeted the ear that is on the same side of my body as where they target my teeth and metal in my neck.

A woman just called me up from Fred Meyer and she knows Christa Schneider and my mother.  She called imitating Christa's voice exactly until I said can you hold on a minute and started recording and then she dropped the pitch and tone.  Her name is "Adora" and she works at electronics as the manager for that section at Fred Meyer.  She knows my mother and I'll leave it at that for now.

Christa is the person I used to joke to, saying I had all my injuries on one side of my body, and that when I was older I might look like I'd had a stroke on just that side.  Since I said this, this is the side that is being targeted with military DOD/DOE torture.  I have metal pins in my left arm and knee, and since I said this, I have had dental fillings added since 2006, that are not normal, and which I have technology affecting only on the left side of my jaw.  Left side of my neck for torture, and then they began torturing me with sound waves for about 1 month but most noticeably last 2 weeks, targeting my left ear.  The only time it was the right ear was when I was in the tub one time and facing ahead one way and they targeted my right ear.

They have done this to me while having my son play "Battleship" in Dryden.


  1. You expect sympathy for your dead grandfather, while you make fun of other peoples' dead/dying relatives by making horrible comments about them having to "pull the plug".

    You deserve and get no sympathy from any of us; except to say that we pity the fact that you will never know a happy life because you choose to believe your schitzo delusions rather than get the medication and help you need.
    If it wasn't for your parents, you would be dead by now.
    You are a selfish, unthankful brat whom has never had to rely on your own work ethic because you spunge off of everyone you come in contact with. Then, you run back to mommy and daddy when nobody else will fall for your games.
    Grow up. You are almost 40.

  2. Thanks for more of your drivel
